Sinful Desire

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:32 PM

subject: I like the best laid plans…pun intended So now we’re going for a rollercoaster ride. Excellent. I’m clapping with glee.

Incidentally, I’m quite loud on rollercoasters.


Good thing he was alone in his office.

The subject line made him groan.

The prospect of hearing her orgasmic cries of pleasure at full volume had his dick knocking against his fly. Closing his eyes briefly, he imagined the sounds she might make, the cries and moans and gasps he’d elicit from her. She’d be sweet music to his ears.

Now, he was hard as steel. Fucking great.

He was tempted to take matters into his own hand. But he was a thirty-two-year-old man, not a teenage boy ready to jack off to the slightest provocation from his computer screen. Ryan was patient and controlled, and as much as he wanted to experience those best laid plans he didn’t intend for that to happen tonight. Not for lack of desire. But because anticipation was the most powerful kind of foreplay. Waiting, teasing, and wanting made the doing better.

It made the fucking practically divine.

He’d only intended to send one note to make sure she could handle heights. But that one note had turned into a volley that made him even more eager to see her. Each appearance of her name in his email inbox turned him on. As he finished up some work, they continued to ping-pong over cyberspace.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:35 PM

subject: If your intention was hardness, well done.

I have not yet had the pleasure of hearing the highs you can hit vocally. You came quietly the other night.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:38 PM

subject: That’s how I like it.

And is that something you wish to know? My vocal range? Rather than my silent cries of pleasure?

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:41 PM

subject: High C, I’m betting

It’s not just something I wish to know. It’s something I intend to discover tonight.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:44 PM

subject: Bet on several full octaves

I suppose it is in your hands then to find out how high I go.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:49 AM

subject: My ears are eager now

Hands, maybe. Could be other parts of the anatomy.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:51 PM

subject: And other parts are more eager?

Now, Ryan, I don’t know that we’re going there just yet. I might want you to work more for that.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:52 AM

subject: Eager and at attention

Going where, Sophie? Where are we not going? Can you spell it out?

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:54 PM

subject: B-E-L-O-W-T-H-E-B-E-L-T

That. Part. The one I felt pressed against me, hard as a rock.


Sophie had moved to her comfy, king-size bed, a book in one hand, the phone in the other, ready for the zing that ripped through her body with each note from Ryan. As she peeked at her inbox periodically, in between reading a biography of Mick Jagger, gooseflesh rose on her skin from the excitement of the back and forth. Ah, to flirt like this. Everything inside her tingled, as if she’d just drunk champagne and had become as effervescent as the drink.

Another note appeared, and she set down Mick’s story, flipped to her belly, kicked her feet in the air, and continued the email foreplay.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 12:58 PM

subject: T-O-N-G-U-E-S?

Or maybe we will be going to places that make you sing like you’re high up at the top of the rollercoaster. Perhaps, I should amend my plans for tonight and take you on that rollercoaster ride after all.

On second thought, I’m just going to keep the plans to myself and surprise you.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 1:01 PM

subject: Like I’m going in blindfolded

I like rides.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 1:06 PM

subject: My favorite accessory

Speaking of fashion, wear a skirt tonight.

She laughed out loud at the last email. As if she’d wear anything but a skirt. She was about to reply with something saucy when another note dropped into her inbox.

from: [email protected]

to: [email protected]

date: July 14, 1:07 PM

subject: Name, rank and serial number

On a more serious note, it’s not right for me to know your name and occupation and you to not know the same. Not in this day and age. So, here’s me.