Shelter From The Storm (The Bare Bones MC Book 6)

I’ll be honest—one of the first things I did when arriving in Pure and Easy was find the sex toy store. Orgasms are important to me for mental and physical health. I need to keep those Kegels strong, you know! But just knowing that my thighs were open for this lusty, red-blooded bastard, well, that was enough to send me over the edge.

Every muscle in my body clenched and a weird, disembodied “Agh!” bounced between the four walls of my living room. Then my brain shut down as wave after wave of delicious rapture flowed over me.

He didn’t stop. He knew just the right rhythm and pressure to apply to keep me in that blissful plateau. He even growled some sexy encouraging words.

“That’s it, my girl. Come for me. See what I made you do. Oh God, you’re lovely. You’re like a beautiful flower blossoming. Come. Come. Come. Keep coming.”

Fox Isherwood held my very well-being in his hand, and then he did something that made me gasp loudly. He inserted something round and cold into my pussy. He shoved them up there with two fingers, still rubbing my clitoris with his thumb. I was so shocked I raised my torso on my elbows. I had to frantically brush a couple of books onto the floor like someone in a nighttime TV drama.

I rolled my hips around like they were on ball bearings. In a way, they were. I wanted to feel the two balls inside me roll together. I was still coming, Fox tickling my clit with a feathery touch now. “What’s that?”

He grinned. “Ben Wa balls.”

I grinned too. “What do they do?”

“Keep you excited all day.”

“But there are no nerve endings inside of the vaginal canal.” My practical scientific nature came out, even though I was leaning there with this man’s enormous erection bulging his jeans just inches from my pussy.

“Try it,” he advised, and stood up straight.

I grinned crookedly. Orgasmic shocks still shot through my pelvis, but without his fingers to stimulate me, all I could do was clasp and unclasp the balls with my muscles.

His eyes were riveted to my cunt. “I can see you working them,” he said with wonder, then suddenly dropped to his knees.

“No! Stop! No! I’m not kidding! No!” I couldn’t fucking take any more!

Fox was lapping away at my clit like a shepherd slaking his thirst with a giant milk bucket. What was he doing? He knew I was over-sensitive just after an orgasm and—

“Ah.” He smacked his lips with appreciation, then stood again. His long, fat penis pulsated inside his jeans, and he absentmindedly rubbed his pectoral underneath his loose tank top. Then it was like a bubble popped over his head. He snapped back to reality. “Oh! I knew there was a reason I came here. Everyone is going on this Winnemucca run day after tomorrow. Would you like to ride two up on my Panhead with me? It’s about a twelve hour ride.”

What the fuck? Was this a date? I knew it was strictly sex between us, but I at least wanted to make sure that he was going to stick around awhile. Not leave me in the lurch, at least as far as sex went.

I pulled my skirt down and sat primly on the edge of the desk. “Winnemucca? Isn’t that in Nevada?”

He went to the window again and peeked through the curtains. “Yeah. Have you been to a motorcycle rally before?”

“Can’t say as I have. Chemists don’t usually participate in wild things like that.”

Fox looked at me and grinned. “From the sounds of things, you do. Were you with the Coast Guard?”

“No, I was a contractor on a very long contract. The fucker who screwed me over was a Lieutenant Commander. Do you plan on sticking around Pure and Easy for a while?”

He nodded. “I get it. You don’t want to ride the pussy pad of some Johnny-come-lately. I’ll be around. I just got a new assignment, so I’ll be here.”

I nodded. “I have a new idea for a cannabusiness. I didn’t dare run it by my handler, the guy who just left.”

Fox perked up. “Oh? That was your WITSEC handler?” This seemed to make him extremely happy. “What’s your idea?”

“A bud and breakfast. There’s an abandoned hotel up Mormon Mountain, you might have seen it when going up to Leaves of Grass. It’s been empty since the ’06 real estate crash. Cannabis friendly lodging is a huge industry now.”

“Also illegal in the eyes of the feds.”

“Yeah, but when’s the last time you heard them doing anything about it?”

“Uh, yesterday? I’m just saying watch what you’re doing, Pippa. I don’t want you jeopardizing your cover here. I’ve got mine. You’ve got yours. We each have a stake in not blowing each other’s cover.”

“Yeah, but I know nothing about your real story.” I stood, wiggling my hips to rotate the balls inside me. The effect was very mild. More like you just wanted to keep squeezing your Kegels to prevent the balls from rolling out. But I could see where becoming aware of them at all moments would enhance your arousal.