
“I can’t go, Kat. Not with you here. Because you’re my family now too.”

My knees go weak and I grip his shoulders. He smiles, dimple and all. “I love you, Kat. I love you so damn much, I can’t breathe without you. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. Hell, I can barely function. When you’re with me, I love the farm and all the broken things I have to fix and those scary-ass chickens and that ridiculous raccoon.”

A ripple of laughter sounds around us, but I’m riveted by the look in his eyes. He shrugs. “I don’t have answers. I don’t know how I’m going to help my parents or save the farm. Trust me when I say nothing makes sense in my life. Nothing but you. So no, I’m not leaving, not if you’ll have me. And maybe you can help me figure out a way to keep the house for Izzy.”

Tears are streaming down my face when my sister yells, “Would you kiss him already before he changes his mind?”

Everyone laughs, and I lean up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. “I love you too, Brady. But I kinda think I have for a while.”

“Thank God.” He chuckles, looking relieved. He brushes my hair out of my face and leans closer to rub his nose against mine. “What do you say? Wanna help me make a go of it on the farm?”

I fight a smile. “Only if you promise me one thing.”

“Whatever you want.”

“You gotta give Texas football a chance.”

He rolls his eyes with a laugh and nods. “Well, if my parents disown me, we know you’re to blame.”

And then he kisses me while my family hoots and hollers around us.



The next afternoon, I bounce Izzy in my arms as we hug my family goodbye and load up Brady’s truck. As it turns out, my sneaky parents hid Brady and the baby in their bedroom for an hour last night so they could surprise me.

Once we’re on the road, I let out a big breath. While I’ve enjoyed seeing my family and introducing Brady to everyone, I’m really glad to finally be alone with him. After dinner and fireworks last night, he and Izzy slept in Tori’s room, and my sister bunked with me. And then we had another big family breakfast this morning, so we really haven’t had more than a few minutes alone since he arrived last night.

There’s no use in trying to hide the huge smile on my face as I watch him drive. “I can’t believe you drove all this way with Izzy.”

He glances at her in the rearview mirror. “I told her we were coming for you, and it’s the strangest thing—I swear she really understood.”

Shifting in my seat, I turn back to her and grin. “Missed you, mamacita.”

Izzy holds out her arms and yells my name.

“Sweetie, when we stop in a little while, I’ll get you out of your car seat and hold you.”

Brady shakes his head. “She missed you like crazy. I’m lucky she’s even talking to me at this point. Swear she was pissed at me for days.”

“Aww, Izzy, don’t be mad at your uncle, but thanks for the solidarity, babe.”

Izzy smiles back at me, and Brady shakes his head with a laugh.

I shift my attention back to him. “For real, though, I can’t believe my whole family helped you. How did you do this? When?”

“Last few days. Since someone wasn’t picking up the phone, I had to get crafty.” He shoots me a dirty look.

“I’m sorry. I left my charger at the farm and was too depressed to motivate and buy another one. But how did you track me down?”

He gives me a big, stupid grin. “I sweet talked Mrs. Mac for your number in Corpus. But first she yelled at me for being a dumbass and not chasing after you sooner.”

“That was sweet of her.”

He laughs again.

Reaching over, I run my hand against his smooth jaw, still missing him so much even though he’s sitting right next to me. “You shaved.”

“I was meeting your parents. Damn right I shaved.” A silly smirk tilts his lips. “I’m maybe even thinking I won them over a little.”

“I’m shocked you softened them up so quickly, but I guess I shouldn’t be. You are very charming.” I swear my mom fluttered around him.

“Truthfully, I’m a little stunned your dad didn’t try to put my balls in a nutcracker. He sounded like a scary dude on the phone when we talked a few days ago. But I like that he’s protective of you, so I understand.”

“I saw him pull you aside before we left. What did he say?”

“That it meant a lot to him that I cared enough to drive all that way. I mean, of course I made the drive. I’d do it all over in a heartbeat.”

I love you. The emotion swells in my chest. “My dad really doesn’t warm up to people that quickly. I’m so glad you guys hit it off.”

I’m feeling dumb for thinking my parents wouldn’t give him a chance. Although I do think our conversations over the last week have made them rethink how close-minded they’ve been.

Lex Martin's books