
He chuckles. “Yeah, he hated that I was taller. We’re only nine months apart, though. I’m actually older. The bastard likes to tell people he’s older.”

Just as quickly as it came, that smile fades, and he stares off again. I can tell he’s realized his mistake, talking about Cal in the present tense.

The pain in his expression makes my chest constrict. Finally, I can’t stand it any longer. Picking up the baby, I scoot over to the couch and place my hand on his broad shoulder. My mind fumbles through a number of things I could say to comfort him, but I’m momentarily distracted by how intimate this seems. By how close we are. By how I can smell his aftershave or shampoo or whatever it is that reminds me of the woods after a thunderstorm.

I’m tempted to yank my hand back, but I’ve already committed, so I take a deep breath. “Brady, it is an honor to meet you. I loved Cal and Mel like they were my very own brother and sister, and I want you to know I’m here to help however I can.”

A little gurgle has us both turning to the baby in my lap who is grinning up at him. Preciosa.

I nudge him with my elbow. “Aww, she likes you, and if Isabella likes you, I know you must be a great guy because she is a really good judge of character. She hates Mr. Roosevelt, who cheated on his wife, loves Mrs. MacIntyre, who bakes us the best apple pies, and she’s suspicious of Ted Mayfield, which I thought was weird until we found out about his great affection for his sheep.”

Brady lets out a choking laugh, and I find myself smiling too. I must be nervous because that was some major word vomit. Really, Katherine? You’ve met almost every politician in the state of Texas and this biker boy has your panties in a twist?

I motion toward him. “Why, uh, why don’t you clean up in the kitchen, and then I’ll let you hold her. Would… would you like that?”

His eyes well with tears, and damn it, mine do too. He swallows and blinks back the emotion. “Yeah, I would. Thanks.”

The fleet of butterflies somersaults in my stomach again as Brady and I stare at each other. Ignore the crazy, Katherine. Get your act together.

Right now, that means helping the hot biker dude hold his baby niece.

I extend my arms as Isabella squirms between us, and his eyes widen. A laugh escapes me. “Brady Shepherd, this isn’t rocket science.”

“I’ve never held a baby before.” His voice is deep and scratchy, and for some reason, I wonder what it would sound like whispering in my ear.

I clear my throat. “Ever?”


A small laugh escapes me. “How is that possible?”

Brady runs his hands through his hair and shrugs. Good heaven almighty, he’s a sight all flustered like this. Here’s this big, strong man intimidated by holding a baby.

He’s taken off his leather jacket, so he’s just wearing a Boston Red Sox t-shirt that stretches across his muscular chest and tapers snugly at his biceps where tattoos blaze down his arms. If he weren’t Cal’s brother, there is no way I would be handing Isabella over to this guy. I mean, he seems harmless enough, but his exterior is just so dang intimidating.

I bounce the baby on my lap while he watches with rapt attention. “You’re so good with her,” he says. “I don’t know how she’ll ever take to me like she does you.”

“I have a younger sister and ten-thousand little cousins, and while most little girls were out playing with dolls, I was changing diapers and getting spit up on. So don’t feel bad. I’ve had a lifetime of being around kids. You’ll get the hang of this.”

He looks worried, and my heart melts a little. Without thinking, I grab his shoulder to nudge him farther back on the couch, but the contact sends a jolt through me, and I jerk back.

Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to notice my bizarre reaction. Ignoring the pounding of my heart, I motion toward him. “Can you... can you scoot back?” I mumble, placing Isabella in his lap once he’s in a better position.

His enormous hands immediately wrap around her pudgy waist.

Ignoring my flustered state, I smile. “Brady, I’d like to introduce you to your niece, Isabella.”

Bella stares up at him and grins, showing off her shiny new teeth a second before she grabs his face. He laughs. “Hey, little lady. I’m your Uncle Brady.”

She giggles, and I swear to God, her cheeks turn pink.

“Aww. She’s totally smitten with you.” He tickles Isabella, and she giggles again. I should stop right there, but my mouth can’t seem to help itself. “Looks like your uncle is a ladies’ man.” What did I just say? “I mean, you have her in the palm of your hand. Like you’re good with women.”

I glance at his face, and he looks like he’s trying not to laugh. Great. Way to welcome the guy. Make him think you’re hitting on him.

“I’m just gonna go make her dinner.” I motion toward the kitchen as I get up and try to get away without making a complete fool of myself. “Holler if you guys need anything.”

I’m almost out of the room when he calls out, “Katherine.” Hearing him say my name in that deep, rumbly voice sends goose bumps down my arms.

Lex Martin's books