
His head falls back as I hollow my cheeks and take him in my mouth. He groans. “Goddamn, that’s good.”

I want to smile but I can’t because my mouth is full. Instead, I pump and stroke and suck until he grunts out a warning. I let him slide out of my mouth and lean back slightly. Because I’ve been taking mental snapshots all night, and I want him to take one now too.

He’s watching me, jaw tight as he tenses and spills out across my breasts.

“Oh, fuck,” he grunts, still throbbing in my slick hands as I repeat the motions, just slower. “That was so goddamn hot.”

He pulls me to him, and even though I’m damp and we’re sticky, I love that he wants to hold me. He whispers how beautiful I am and how much he loves hanging out with me.

I commit those words to memory. My mental scrapbook fills with his warm gaze and husky laugh. With his tender touches and whispered words.

When we stumble into the shower, I want to tell him I’ve changed my mind about our arrangement. I want to tell him I want more. That I want us to be together. That I want him to stay.

But I don’t because I promised.

No expectations. No demands.

And I’ll keep that promise.

Even if it ends up breaking my heart.



I can’t sleep, not with everything I need to do in the next few days, so I stroke Katherine’s back and listen to her breathe while I mentally go through my to-do list. Help Jose with an estimate. Rewire the chicken coop. Reattach the tire swing.

I’m starting with the fastest cosmetic changes I can make, hoping I won’t have to do anything major like paint the damn house. Although, really, I should. If this were my house, I’d do that this spring. And it could use some sanding and priming.

Kat said a few neighbors were coming by to adopt the kittens in a few weeks, and I didn’t miss how bummed she looked. That girl loves those kittens. I feel bad getting rid of them, but they’re the most easily adopted animals we have. Not sure what I’m going to do with that mammoth-sized “baby” raccoon, but one problem at a time.

I’m hoping I can talk to the neighbors about adopting some of our animals when we host that farmers’ event in two weeks. Shit. If getting rid of some kittens upsets Katherine, I can only imagine how she’ll look when I sell the chickens.

My hand threads through her hair. It’s silky soft. I breathe in her scent, wishing I could wake up to this in Boston.

Around midnight, her eyes flutter open. She leans up to kiss me, and we fuck like it’s our last day on the planet. At least she had the foresight to grab the condoms last night after our shower where we enjoyed another round of orgasms.

I can’t get over how I actually like cramming into a twin bed with her. I’ve become notoriously anti-snuggle over the years. An old girlfriend may have broken up with me over this issue, but whatever. A man likes what a man likes, and even though I enjoy hugging women, I could never stand to have them all up in my space at night. Not that I ever treated them disrespectfully, but I don’t think it’s weird that once we were done with whatever bedtime activities we had, I appreciated sleeping on my side of the bed.

For some reason, Kat’s different.

Her head rests on my shoulder, her soft curves pressed to me, and her hair is everywhere—on my chest and shoulder, hell, a little is in my mouth—and I love it.

Not gonna lie. The sex is phenomenal. It might have something to do with how buttoned-up she seems, with her prim little glasses and polite Southern attitude.

But get Katherine naked, and there’s a dirty girl lurking with dirty moves, a dirty mouth and a sinfully hot body.

I kiss her forehead and relish how her arm tightens around me. My filthy girl.

If I were a good guy, I wouldn’t have given in. Or at least not more than once to scratch the itch, but I can’t be around her twenty-four seven and not want this. And if she’s willing to be together while I’m living here, I can’t bring myself to walk away. Yeah, I guess that makes me a selfish prick.

This shit is on my mind the rest of the night until the beautiful girl lifts her sleepy head and smiles at me.

“Can’t sleep?” she asks, her voice raspy and low and sexy as hell.

“Too much on my mind.” I can’t see the clock from here, but I’m guessing it’s early morning.

As if she’s just noticing that she’s half sleeping on me, she smiles shyly and starts to peel herself off me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to use you as a body pillow.”

I tuck a strand of her wild hair behind her ear. “It’s okay. Kinda liked it.”

Izzy starts chatting on the monitor, and Kat mutters something in Spanish and ducks down, yanking the covers over her head. I laugh and pull her up over me. She whispers, “If we’re quiet, she might go back to sleep.”

She nuzzles against my neck in a full-body hug, and I trail my fingers up and down her smooth back.

Lex Martin's books