
He groans against me. “You taste so fucking good.”

Then he delves again, this time pushing one rough finger into me. Licking and sucking and pressing into me, over and over. Deep, so deep, it has me thinking about what he’ll feel like when he sinks into me for real.

“Oh, God. I’m gonna come,” I pant.

Everything hurts and feels so good at the same time. But when he pushes a second finger into me, we both groan.

“Jesus, you’re tight,” he whispers against my wet skin.

My whole body throbs and constricts, like strings pulled taut on an instrument.

And then I’m falling… falling… falling. Coming apart and somehow being pulled back together.

I quake and shiver, my legs slamming against his body as I writhe with my release. I’ve never felt this good, and I never want it to stop.

It goes on and on as he softens his touch until I can’t take it any longer.

When I crack open my eyes a few minutes later, I realize I’m gripping his hair. He’s resting against my legs, his mouth wet from me, a sly grin on his lips.

“Come here,” I whisper, my voice hoarse. I’m sleepy, so sleepy, but I still want the main event. You don’t drive all the way to the circus and not check out the Big Top.

He crawls up my body, and as he’s about to settle down over me, it happens.

No, no, no!

I squeeze my eyes shut as the baby wails through the monitor.



“Are you fucking kidding me?” I hang my head, too frustrated to move.

My mouth is still wet from going down on Kat, my dick so hard it hurts, and I’m being cockblocked by my niece.

This cannot be happening.

And yet it is.

Katherine scoots out from under me and reaches for some clothes. I turn my head in time to see her naked body disappear under my t-shirt. But before she runs out of the room, she ducks down to give me a kiss.

“I’ll be right back,” she whispers against my cheek. “Don’t move.”

I don’t think I could even if I wanted. You want to kill your enemy? Want to take him down? Shoot him ten seconds before he thinks he thinks he’s about to get laid.


Collapsing on the couch, I try to catch my breath. Kat’s voice comes over the baby monitor. “Mamacita, what’s wrong?”

Izzy babbles something incoherent, and Kat coos back at her sweetly.

Reaching for the damn thing, I turn it off. Because you know what kills an erection? Baby talk. To a real baby.

How the fuck did my brother get his wife pregnant again with another child in the house?

I give my cock a tug to relieve the pressure before I reach for the remote and turn on SportsCenter.

My eyes glaze over as NBA game results flicker across the screen.

I’m pissed. I shouldn’t be. It’s not Izzy’s fault she’s a one-year-old and probably shit her pants. But for once, I want something to be easy. Just one goddamn thing in my life. And clearly this isn’t it.

Because the longer I sit here in the dark, the more I realize how fucking wrong this is. Number one, Kat is my employee. I pay her to help me on the farm, to take care of my niece, and I just tongued her up like a melting ice cream on a hot summer’s day.

Number two, she just lost her best friend. This has been an emotionally-charged week. Am I taking advantage of her? I think she wanted us to hook up as much as I did, but grief makes you do stupid shit.

Number three—and this one is the motherfucker of all reasons—we live together. Here. In close quarters. What if she ends up regretting this? What if I regret this? I’m moving back to Boston soon. Will she want more? Will she expect it? We’re constantly around each other, so if this goes south, we’ll have to face this awkwardness every day.

My temple throbs, and I press my palms into my eyes.

I toss the remote on the coffee table, and it hits with a bang. I reach for another t-shirt and slip it over my head. It’s cold in here now, but at least I know Kat’s room is warm.

Ignoring the urge to reach for the tequila, I check my phone instead. It’s late, but I have an email from Jose about two jobs. I head to the desk and open Cal’s laptop to pull up an estimate. I don’t know how long I work when the soft pad of bare feet sound in the hall.

“Hey.” Kat hovers in the doorway. “You’re working?” I can hear the hesitancy in her voice. And if I’m not imagining it, hurt.

You’re a dick, man.

“Yeah. Something came up. The guy who’s running my parents’ landscaping business needs some help on this estimate.”

She blinks, canting her head. “At midnight?”

I’m an asshole for doing this, but it gives me an excuse. Because do I want to tell her all of the reasons what we just did was a mistake? Fuck, no. I’m usually straight up with women, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings, and if I take the honest route, I know I will.

Lex Martin's books