
“What? You rode in here today looking like you wanted to shank someone. I think the nickname is fitting.”

He shakes his head, but he can’t hide the smile on his lips. I realize I’m still all up in his business, and I start to move away. “Okay, well, I’m gonna get out of your hair before I freak out again. Thanks, you know, for letting me cry on your shoulder or—” I wave wildly at him “—or whatever that was. I swear I’m not usually a basket case. I just haven’t slept in days, and I get a little loopy when I can’t sleep. I mean, really loopy. Like in college, during finals, I really—”


My mouth snaps shut, and those butterflies riot in my stomach again. Why do I love the way he says my name?

He squeezes my arm gently. “You’ve been amazing. Thank you for that incredible dinner and for being so welcoming. You can cry on my shoulder anytime.” He smiles, and a dimple pops out on his left cheek. “But maybe I’ll grab us some life preservers just in case.”

Forcing a frown, I grumble, “Hardee har har.” Stepping back, I pick up his bedding that I dropped a few minutes ago and drape them on the couch. “Make yourself at home. Holler if you need anything.”

“I’ll set my alarm early. I have to check in with my dad and call the funeral home and Cal’s attorney, but I’ll shovel hay or milk your goats or whatever you need. Just point me in the right direction.”

I snort. “I don’t think you can milk our goats. I mean, they have nipples, but...” What on God’s green earth am I saying right now?

His eyebrows lift to his hairline, and then we’re both laughing. He shrugs. “Then I’ll keep my hands off their nipples. Making a mental note of that now. Do not touch the goats’ nipples. Done.”

Pretty sure I’m blushing all the way down to my toes. I start toward the door before I can say anything else idiotic. “Look, get settled tomorrow. Make your calls. I have everything under control. Honestly, I feel a hundred times better now that you’re here. And I’ll get you if I need something.”

I wish him goodnight, yank the door closed behind me, and sag against it with a deep sigh. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? He must think I’m a lunatic.

Where is the girl who always had her act together? I wish I knew. That was the whole point of coming to Mel’s farm. But right now, I’m nowhere closer to figuring it out.



Holy motherfu—

No, I am not imagining it. Something is definitely gnawing on my ankle right now. I pry one eye open as I roll over and come face to face with a furry nose.


Shit. A kitten.

I scrub my face, forcing myself to wake up.

Kittens. That’s right. Katherine said something about kittens… and two pygmy goats. Christ.

My head drops back to the pillow, and I take a deep breath. Every muscle in my back aches from sleeping at the airport for two nights and then traveling all day yesterday. Pair that with trying to sleep on this awful couch, and it’ll be a week before I feel like myself again.

The sun is blasting through the window, so it must be late. Five more minutes.

When I reach for the covers around my waist, I realize that the kitten who’s now purring and kneading my neck is not the same little vampire who’s chewing on my ankle.

I sit up quickly and yank back the blanket.

Two black, beady eyes stare back between my feet.

“What the fuck?”

The masked little face sneers back at me.

As I leap off the couch, my legs get tangled in the bedding, and I end up on the hardwood floor.

“Meow! Meow! Meow!”

Furry bodies come charging over me like I’ve set off an alarm.

“Brady? Hey, sorry to bother you, but I need to get in there.”

A knock comes at the door, and I’m scrambling to get up, but the sheet is still wrapped around my legs, and I land on my ass again.

Collapsing back, I resign myself to being eaten by a damn raccoon.

Someone snickers behind me. “Are you okay?”

I look over my shoulder and see Katherine, who’s bouncing Izzy on her hip.

“Yeah, I think I just met your friends from Animal Planet.”

Her laughter is airy and light, but it subsides when her eyes travel over me.

I look down and realize I’m only wearing black boxers, and my morning wood is threatening to make an escape. Shit.

Quickly, I roll over and grab the sheet on my way to cover my junk.

“Sorry. I should have given you a minute before I barged in. I just need—” She races by, half covering her face until she reaches the desk. “Just need Mel’s address book.” Using the book to hide her eyes again and the other one to hang on to Izzy, she darts back across, and I marvel at the little cyclone. I can’t decide if she’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen or a complete disaster.

I expect her to run out the door, but she pauses to make this little clicking sound with her tongue and say, “C’mon, babies. It’s time to eat. ?Venga!”

Lex Martin's books