Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

DERRICK LOCATED A POLICEMAN on his beat, and they returned to the park. He related the sequence of events as more of the Watch appeared and waited for the coroner to arrive to inspect the body. Some hours later, Hector’s body was driven away to the morgue in the wagon. There’d be an inquest, but Derrick believed it would be a straightforward matter.

Arriving home, heartsick, he sat behind his desk in the library to write to Hector’s sister, Elizabeth, in France. Fortunately, both parents had passed away some time ago. Even though Derrick had reviled his Uncle Frederick, he wouldn’t wish this on anyone. He slumped and scrubbed his hands over his face. After his uncle’s bad dealings, Derrick had trusted no one. He’d allow society to believe the worst of him, to judge him harshly, even welcomed it. He’d carried on as other Eaglestones before him. After he’d rebuilt his estate, Eaglestone Park, he’d ridden over his lands, jumping his horse over gates and hedges, not caring if he broke his neck. He imbibed too freely and enjoyed the company of tavern wenches, sassy London courtesans, and willing widows while reveling in his rakish reputation. The more gossip spread about him, the more he liked it.

He and Hector were friends as well as cousins, united in their hated of Hector’s father, Frederick. Hector lived as carelessly as Derrick, joining him in their reckless pursuits. Until the madness claimed him. Then he’d decided he should be the heir and turned on Derrick, threatening to kill him. Convincing himself he needed no one, Derrick continued to lead his hollow life, long after it palled, consumed by a need to be financially powerful and snub his nose at anyone who judged him harshly.

Derrick took another piece of bond from the desk drawer. About to write to Maudling, he paused and sighed heavily. The house seemed too quiet. Since meeting Bella, he wanted more from life. It pained him to admit he’d planned to take advantage of her gratitude. Then he found himself enjoying the restoration of the orphanage, far more than he’d anticipated. The children pleased him too. He looked forward to visiting them, watching their eager faces light up at the sight of him. And what of Bella herself? He wanted her here now, to fill the lonely ache in his heart. He put down the pen. Had he learned nothing from the experience?

With Hector’s death, he realized how short life could be. Whatever happened in the future, he would embrace life, with Bella by his side, his children’s faces lighting up at the sight of him.

Derrick put the notepaper back in the drawer. He had claimed Bella as his last night. And, by God, he was going to have her. It was not too late. Her parents would return home in a few days. Once he’d dealt with the repercussions of Hector’s death, he would call and ask for her hand.


“You cannot go through with this ridiculous plan,” Gran said. “You must send a note to this bounder, Eaglestone, who has seduced you and stop him from writing to Lord Maudling.”

“But, Gran, Derrick didn’t seduce me.” She flushed. “I seduced him.”

“A clever rake can make a woman believe anything.”

“That’s simply not true. He did this for me.”

“Ha! A likely story. Why doesn’t he marry you then?”

Bella had no answer for that. “I’m not sure,” she said miserably. She was cold and shocked and wanted to tell Gran what had just happened in the park, but hesitated. Gran was angry enough.

“Exactly. Write the note. Or I shall.”

“I’ll have to marry Lord Maudling,” Bella said, feeling that her life was over.

“I dislike Maudling. I don’t know what your father is thinking. Financial worries must have clouded his brain. As for your mother, well, she’s lost her nerve since she was sick. Used to stand up to him once.”

“I can’t bother Mama with this. She’s still too delicate.”

Gran straightened her shoulders. “Well, I’m not. I shall tell your father what I think of him. He won’t like his mother believing ill of him. We’ll nip this in the bud.”

Bella’s low spirits rose a little. “Do you really think it’s possible?”

Gran patted her hand. “Of course it is.” She raised her eyebrows. “You haven’t got yourself pregnant, have you, Bella?”

Bella flushed. “Gran! No. Derrick was careful.”

“Derrick indeed. I want to meet this Eaglestone. Give him a piece of my mind. Seems to me he needs a fire lit under him.”

“He doesn’t deserve that. He’s been splendid.”

“Splendid, eh? Good in bed by the sound of it. Another thing Eaglestones are noted for.”

Bella’s face grew even hotter. “Gran!”

“Get paper and a pen. I shall dictate that note.”


Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books