Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

“The cad! You never should have spoken with him alone. Ned should have insisted—”

“No, dearest. This was a matter I had to take into my own hands. As it stands, I feel we will come to an agreement.”

“What do you mean? Has he not given you an answer?”

“He said he wishes to see the horse run before he will make any decision.”

“Then I give him credit for wisdom, anyway.” Annalee sighed. “That man is truly a conundrum. I doubt there is any woman capable of taming him.”

“What of our darling duchess?” Diana asked

“Caroline? I never did tell you that story, did I? She might have had him once, you know. They had an understanding, but the very night before Ludovic was to petition her father for her hand, she threw him over for the duke.”

“Did she? It seems she harbors regrets now.”

“She might, but he certainly does not!” Annalee laughed.

“But isn’t she his mistress?”

“DeVere is no fool. Despite her designs on him, that’s all she’ll ever be.”

“So he uses her?” Diana said.

“It is my understanding she came uninvited. The hussy deserves what she gets.”

“Such condemnation!” Diana laughed. “I didn’t think you had it in you, dearest.”

“DeVere is a rogue, but he once had honorable intentions toward her. Though he vehemently denied it at the time, I think she hurt him badly. I hold her much to blame that he’s never settled down. I wonder now if he ever will.” Annalee yawned.

“How are you feeling, Annalee?”

“Excessively drained,” Annalee confessed. “I have no energy and often wish that I could sleep the day away. It takes what little reserves I have to keep Ned from hovering over me. He worries so. I told him I want nothing more than to give him a son, but after the last miscarriage…” Her lip quivered slightly at the word. “…and my extended recovery, he swore he wouldn’t allow it to happen again.” Annalee rubbed her belly with a shy smile. “But fortunately, I am blessed with a passionate man. Oh!” she cried out suddenly.

“What is it?” Diana exclaimed. “Are you all right?”

Annalee gave her an ebullient smile. “I am wonderful! I just felt little Ned kick me! Come, Diana!” She sat upright and patted the cushion beside her. “See if you can feel it too.”

Diana perched gingerly on the divan and laid a light hand on her cousin’s belly.

“Here,” Annalee said, laying her own hand firmly on top. Both women held their breath until Diana sensed the faintest flutter. “Is that movement?” she asked, incredulous.

“Yes!” Annalee laughed, her eyes alight with joy. “It was! I can’t wait to tell Ned.”

“I am so happy for you both,” Diana said. “I only wish I could also have had a child…”

Annalee’s smile disappeared. “Do you not think there is any chance you and Reggie…”

“No,” Diana said flatly. “There is none. I only want it to be over now.”

“I am so sorry.” Annalee squeezed her hand in sympathy.

“So am I,” Diana said, plucking at her skirts. “I have been very unhappy in this marriage, Annalee, but I know that is the lot of many women. Unions like yours with Edward are exceedingly rare. We never had what you and Edward have together. The affection…the passion. If only Reggie had shown me a modicum of kindness and respect, I would have resigned myself to carry on.”

“Even in the beginning?” Annalee asked. “Are you saying he never showed you attention or cared for your pleasure?”

“Pleasure?” Diana laughed bitterly. “You mean in the marriage bed? Never. It was a most unpleasant experience.”

“It often is in the very beginning,” agreed Annalee. “But it never improved?”

“On the contrary, it got much worse, became intolerable.” Diana averted her gaze. “At first, I thought it was me. He accused me of being frigid and said it was my fault…”

“He was impotent?”

“Unless he drank,” Diana said. “So he began to come to me only when in his cups, and that’s when matters took a different turn. It was as if he had decided to punish me for failing in my duty to produce a child.”

Annalee’s forehead puckered. “How do you mean?”

Diana opened her mouth and closed it again. She studied the floral pattern on the toe of her embroidered slipper.

“What is it, Diana?” Annalee asked. “Surely you can tell me.”

“Have you and Edward ever…” Diana fought the huge lump forming in her throat. The thought of sharing her humiliating secret made her feel ashamed and dirty.

“Go on,” Annalee urged.

She licked her lips. Her eyes grew bleary. “Has Edward ever…has he ever used you…in a way that is…unnatural?”

Annalee threw both arms about her. “My God, Diana! What did that beast do to you?”

The question opened the floodgate of five years keeping. Annalee held her and stroked her hair as Diana choked out her story. “It was never good between us.” She hiccupped. “When he came to me, it was never tender. It was never as a lover.”


Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books