Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

“But I’m here,” she whispered. “Is that not proof enough?”

“No.” He released her hand, but his probing gaze kept her captive. “Though I would worship you with my body, only you are in control of your pleasure. You must tell me you want this.”

She licked her lips, her breathing coming in ragged puffs.

“You have only to say yes, Diana, and I will lay paradise at your feet.”

At last, a reply sounded from her throat. “Yes.”

He caught the whispered exhalation with his mouth. His hands slid down her back to palm and squeeze her buttocks. He lowered his head to her breast, kissing, gently biting, his tongue rasping her nipple, sending racking rivulets of pleasure to her womb. As her arousal rapidly escalated to a blinding need to feel the hot, hard length of him in her passage, she writhed and ground against him with a fierce cry.

Diana awoke with a sob, her body fevered, her sheets discarded, and her night rail tangled about her waist. She lay in this heightened state of arousal, panting, disoriented, and aching to her very core, until at last, she sought her own release.


DIANA RETURNED TO HER APARTMENTS AFTER BREAKFAST, appalled at the state of her bedchamber. Stockings, fans, and various other personal articles were strewn about the room. The clothespress hung open, and the drawers of the highboy appeared to have been ransacked. In growing panic, her gaze darted to the dressing table, only to discover her jewel case was missing. Certain she’d been the victim of robbery, she called for Polly to alert their host.

“But ‘tweren’t no robbery, my lady.” The maid wrung her hands.

“What on earth do you mean? My jewel box is gone missing!”

“’Twas my Lord Reginald, my lady,” the maid sobbed. “He came shortly after you went down to breakfast. He was frantic to know where you kept your coin, and then he saw the box.”

Diana’s hand flew instinctively to her neck, relieved to find the double strand of pearls with the diamond clasp, a family heirloom that she usually wore only on special occasions. She supposed she had the duchess’s arrogant disdain of her to thank for their safety. She would never have worn them otherwise. But for Reggie to have taken her money and jewels was indefensible.

In her mortification, Diana felt the spots of color staining her cheeks. “I am certain Lord Reginald had good reason for his actions. He was likely seeking some personal effect he had given me for safekeeping.”

“If you say so, my lady.” The maid looked dubious.

“Do you know where he is now, Polly?”

“No, my lady. He’s left his chamber, but he was dressed in riding clothes.”

Diana made a strangled sound. Let hell and a thousand furies strike him! He’s done it again! This time he’d stolen every penny and all but the pearls about her neck just to go back for more? Diana’s eyes burned, and her body shook with rage, yet she refused to break down in front of a servant. “Do you know if Sir Edward is in his rooms?”

“I also saw him depart earlier, my lady.”

Diana frowned. “Then perhaps they are both only gone down to watch the training runs. If not, mayhap Sir Edward or Hew knows Lord Reggie’s whereabouts. Pray help me into my riding habit. Then I would be grateful if you would put the room back in order.”


Diana followed the well-travelled, gravel path from the back of the house through the impeccably landscaped park to the first of a set of low brick, slate-roofed buildings that comprised the DeVere stable block. An undergroom rushed out to meet her. “Have you come to watch the training runs, milady? Master Hew has challenged my Lord DeVere to a match race out on the down.”

“Has he? I presume Sir Edward and my husband Lord Reginald are there as well?”

“Sir Edward for a fact, but Lord Reginald did not accompany him. Instead, he called for his saddle mount and rode out an hour ago.”

Diana fought the rise of panic in her voice. “Did he perchance say where he might be going?”

“I’m afraid not, though he did go off in the direction of Clay Hill.”

Damn him! It was just as she had suspected. Was there no end to this madness? She felt suddenly unsteady on her feet. The groom reached a tentative hand to her elbow. “Are you all right, my lady?”

She took in a restorative breath, willing herself to calm. “Yes. I’m fine, thank you.”

“Will you be needing a mount saddled?” he asked.

“No, I don’t think I’ll be joining them after all,” she said.

“I’m to take another horse down there directly. Is there any message?”

Diana considered what she should do. She knew she needed assistance but hesitated to reveal even to Edward and Annalee the depths of her predicament. At the same time, she knew she was in way over her head. Reggie had spiraled completely out of control.

“Please,” she said. “If you would let Sir Edward know that I wish to speak with him on a matter of great import.”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books