Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

DeVere looked affronted. “Accused by my own blood.” He raised his glass in a laughing salute.

“Your history of the house is diverting, darling, but let us hear more of the iniquity.” Caroline leaned into him until her breasts caressed his arm.

“I live only to indulge you, my pet,” said DeVere.

“Oh?” The duchess smiled, and Diana noticed one of her hands slip under the table.

DeVere’s expression seemed to change, yet he continued his narrative. “The scandals that followed our young prodigal were sordid enough to have inspired Hogarth’s Rake’s Progress had he lived a generation earlier. As I said, Frederick travelled extensively and always with a grand entourage. He also gambled away a great deal of his wealth and was in need of a boost to his coffers upon his return. Thus, he wed a younger daughter of the Duke of Bridgewater. It was considered an advantageous match on both sides, but they were constantly at odds with one another. ‘Tis no great surprise, of course. No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold.”

Caroline slanted DeVere an inquiring look. His lashes fluttered briefly, he seemed to tense for a moment, and then he slumped back in his chair. Her hand returned to the table.

“Perhaps she just didn’t care for his philandering ways?” Diana suggested tersely, feeling more than a slight affinity to the duke’s daughter.

“But it is a man’s world.” DeVere gave a smug smile and raised his glass.

Diana felt her hackles rise. “So you believe all women should blindly accept profligacy and faithlessness in marriage?”

“Let us say, she would be much more content who does.”

“I differ with you on that score, my lord,” the duchess remarked. “I say the sauce for the gander is just as good for the goose.”

DeVere’s expression hardened. “Speaking as one with no personal inclination toward monogamy, my answer is then why wed at all?”

Caroline gave him a petulant look.

“More wine!” DeVere called out, breaking the strained silence. He took another great draught, and then his genial mask returned. “Where was I now? Ah! Conjugal felicity! This is precisely where the story gets interesting. Five years into their less-than-fruitful marriage, Lady Baltimore took a fatal fall from her husband’s phaeton.”

“I remember hearing of this!” Caroline declared. “He was highly suspected of foul play. After all, how can one possibly fall from a moving carriage unless it has overturned?”

“No charges were filed against him?” asked Annalee.

“None,” remarked DeVere. “One of the many privileges of being a well-connected peer of the realm. Yet suspicion lingered, so Baltimore left the country again, hoping the scandal would die down. He spent an extended period in Italy and then went eastward, living amongst the Turks until he was forced to leave Constantinople for fear of his life.”

“Why would his life be endangered?” Hew asked.

“Because a Christian there is regarded in much the same manner as Jews here. Their existence is tolerated, but their rights are few. They are not permitted to own property, buy slaves, nor inter-marry with the Mahomedans. The penalty for any of these is death.”

Ned sat back, swirling a finger around rim of his glass with a puzzled expression.”Why would Baltimore need to buy slaves when he travelled with a full retinue?”

“Did I say he bought slaves?” DeVere asked with a sly smile.

“You don’t mean to say he married a Turk?”

“Not one, dear Ned, but a half-dozen of them,” DeVere corrected.

“The devil you say!” Ned exclaimed.

DeVere laughed. “I assure you ‘tis true! He set up his own private seraglio.”

“Seraglio?” Annalee turned to her husband. “What is a seraglio?”

Ned flushed. “It is a polygamous arrangement, my love, favored by many in the uncivilized world. Also known as a harem.”

DeVere grinned. “Now perhaps you understand why this house is constructed with so many separate living apartments?”

Ned was incredulous. “You can’t mean he kept a harem here?”

“I can, and he did,” DeVere replied. “Though the tale grows more illicit still.”

“How is that even possible?” asked Annalee.

“Apparently, even a half-dozen concubines were not enough to satisfy Baltimore’s carnal appetite. He ordered the construction of another house in London to better accommodate his adopted lifestyle and then secured the services of a number of…procuresses to keep him supplied with fresh conquests.”

Diana was aghast. “It’s illegal and immoral! I’ve never heard anything so shocking!”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books