Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Annalee gave them both a warning look. “Just promise me no fisticuffs, Ned.”

“Fisticuffs?” He appeared to be affronted. “Why the devil do you think I would engage in fisticuffs?”

“I’ve ears on my head. I know how you and DeVere were used to entertaining yourselves.”

“But that was long before I met you, my sweet.” Ned raised her hand to his lips.

She gave a disbelieving huff. “You shan’t bamboozle me, Neddie. I know leopards do not change their spots.” She looked to DeVere with a scowl. “I don’t relish the mortification of collecting my husband from the round house come morning. Do you understand me, my lord?”

DeVere smirked. “Absolutely, my lady.” He added to Ned in an undertone, “Since I don’t see the ring in your nose, I can only imagine she’s put one through your ba—”

“Ah! We’ve arrived!” Ned pronounced as the carriage lurched to a halt. “I’ll escort Annalee inside and return directly.”

Ludovic watched them depart arm-in-arm, musing how three short years of so-called connubial bliss had nearly emasculated his best friend. He pulled a flask of brandy from his breast pocket, up-ending it in a salute to the beneficent guardian angel who had allowed his own near escape from the same woeful fate.


Epsom, Surrey, 1779

WHILE HER TRAVELING COMPANION SOFTLY DROWSED, Diana pulled aside the velvet curtain of the post-chaise, lost more in her own musings than in study of the landscape which was now greatly transformed from the hills, escarpments, and broad valleys of south Yorkshire whence they’d departed to the more gently rolling chalk downlands of Surrey.

The pace in which they’d traveled could only be described as leisurely, with frequent stops at points of interest and a three-day shopping spree in London, after which they’d had to acquire an entire baggage coach. Yet, travel-weary after long days of rough going on the muddy and ill-repaired roads, Diana was envious of the gentlemen whose mere gender allowed them the freedom to gallivant the countryside on horseback. Had it not been for Annalee, she might well have thrown decorum aside and joined them. Her gaze returned to the gently snoring form of her cousin and dearest friend.

The carriage unexpectedly jolted to a halt. A brisk knock on the window followed. Diana opened the door just as Sir Edward Chambers dismounted from his horse and handed the reins to his groom. Annalee stirred, her soft brown eyes opening wide and doe-like. “Are we arrived at last?” she asked.

“We are indeed, my love.” Her husband entered the carriage with a grace and agility remarkable in such a large man. “I trust the journey has not been too trying?”

Though professing nothing but robust health to her husband, the prominence of her fragile cheekbones and pale blue shadows beneath her eyes belied Annalee’s exuberant claims. It was her sixth pregnancy, and none had gone easy. After a difficult birth with her daughter Vesta, the physician had warned that she might never carry another child to term. Yet disconsolate after four miscarriages, Annalee was still determined to produce a male heir.

To all outward appearances, Edward and Annalee were the perfect couple. Part of Diana wanted to believe their happiness a fa?ade, if only to ameliorate her own discontent, but their affection and Annalee’s multiple pregnancies were proof enough of their genuine affection. Diana couldn’t help a deep pang of envy but consoled herself that at least she’d never had to suffer the anguish of a miscarriage or the intense suffering of a stillbirth as Annalee had. But her own womb ached in its emptiness and her heart with paroxysms of longing. If there was one word that best described her entire life, it was surely unfulfilled.

“Not at all, dearest. I have never travelled with greater ease,” Annalee replied.

“I am much relieved,” Edward said.

Diana averted her gaze at the overt display of affection as Edward plied a kiss to Annalee’s hand, his warm gaze resting on her with a loving concern. “I’m still glad to have arrived at last,” said Annalee. “I don’t think I could have endured another day confined to this carriage, although I surely could not have withstood it at all without Diana. I am so glad you and Lord Reginald accepted Lord DeVere’s invitation.”

Diana forced a laugh. “One never has to give Reggie much encouragement to try a new horse. He accompanied our head groom a sennight ago with our two best horses, my mare to breed and a stallion to race. Reggie said it would be advantageous to accustom them to the lay of the land.”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books