Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Her eyes widened when he turned her to face him. The sun had set in the horizon, but there was still enough light to see clearly. He studied the side of her face. "I feel bad that you hurt yourself. I should have climbed up and helped you down."

Too close. Camille took shallow breaths when he leaned in to inspect her face. He smelled good. Clean and masculine. His breath was warm as it fanned against her cheek. "I don't believe it will leave a scar at all. Sarah is a good doctor."

When he finally moved away, she let out a breath and swallowed. "Yes, well, I agree."

His lips curved. "I will report to her that you are fit and ready for the next tree climbing adventure."

"You are making fun of me. I know it was not the most ladylike thing to do, but I wasn't about to remain on the ground and become trampled to death by that dreadful animal.” In spite of the awkwardness of just a moment earlier, she chuckled at the picture she must have presented when he came upon her.

Lucas wasn't sure how to end the evening. He'd delayed as much as he could, but they were only steps away from her shop and he'd be forced to bid her a good night. He enjoyed her company and couldn't keep from stealing glances at her. The woman was not only beautiful, but also quite nice. There were no signs of any type of ill effects from the fall. The only time she'd reacted strangely was upon entering the restaurant. It was easy to notice how ill at ease she was around groups of people. But after a while, as he guided the conversation to pleasant topics, she'd relaxed and seemed to enjoy her meal.

He didn't want their time together to end. There was no way, however, to keep from depositing her at home and going on his way.

Besides, it would be a mistake to attempt to get to know her better. As much as he wanted to, there was still the matter of the outlaws to see about. Once he and Brogan decided what action would suit best, it could be they'd have to leave Silver City and return to their old profession.

The life of a US Marshal was not a good way to start any kind of relationship or family. If he even survived whatever Bill Burns and his gang had planned.

"You seem to have become lost in thought. Should I report this to Sarah?"

He blinked at realizing they stood in front of her door and Camille was actually teasing him. "I--I'm sorry. Please don't tell her, she'll give me one of those horrible tonics of hers."

It was magical when Camille laughed the musical sound made him join in. And before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and kissed her lips. It was a soft, tentative kiss, more impulse than anything and immediately he regretted it.

"I'm so sorry...I don't know why I did that." He took a step back. "Please don't think I expect anything from you. It was impulse. It was stupid and disrespectful of me."

Camille stood stock still, frozen. Her eyes round. Finally, she blinked and gasped. "Well it was certainly unexpected.” In that instant, he saw a different side to her. She had a playful, almost flirty, personality that was quickly hidden. "Don't worry about it. No need to apologize. It... It was nice."

Her lips curved and she turned to the doorway. "Goodnight, Mr. McKade."

He touched his hat and opened his mouth, ready to apologize again, but she stopped him. "I had a wonderful time. Thank you for dinner. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Lucas remained rooted to the spot while she entered and closed the door behind her. Only when light shined through the second story window, did he turn to head to his home.

He lived in the house that once belonged to the sheriff. When Brogan married Sarah, they'd live the house and he would relocate to the rooms behind the jailhouse. For now, the arrangements suited him well.

The house was really much too large for two bachelors, but they managed to keep it tidy and sometimes even cooked, although most of the time Brogan ate with Sarah at her father's home. Frequently, he was included, but more times than not, he'd beg out, not wanting to constantly be underfoot.

The house was dark and empty; obviously Brogan was still at Sarah's. So he went straight to his bedroom. Once he lit a lantern and settled it on a table, he began to undress. The entire time, his thoughts were on the woman above the apothecary. Camille Johnston. Something about her troubled him. Not just the attraction he felt, but he was also sure she was not indifferent to him.

No there was something else. She was not who she portrayed.

The way she'd automatically scanned the room was not as if she were nervous to be around people. It was more a reaction of survival. Not wanting to be recognized or perhaps ensuring she didn't sense danger from anyone in the room. Once she'd assured herself there was no one that she needed to be wary about, she had relaxed.

Interesting, but not at all unheard of. Many women moved west to start a new life, many running from cruel circumstances. Was that Camille's situation?

He, he needed to know more about her. His mind on the woman he'd just left, Lucas lay on the bed, his arm curved over his head. He allowed sleep to take him.


Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books