Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

“Drink up, dear. There is nothing so helpful as a hot cup of tea,” her mother said. She placed her wizened hand over one of Char’s. “Now, let’s hear all about this catastrophe. Do you know why she changed her mind?”

Mama’s hair was shot full of silver and grey, and never stayed in the neat bun with which she started the day. Her wrinkles were attractive and, Char thought, made her appear happy, especially those lines which crinkled when she laughed.

“I’m so obtuse. Why did I not see she only wanted money?”

“The decision could not have been easy. Especially for a mother? A woman abandoned and by such tragic circumstances?”

“What am I to do?”

“Honestly? I know it will not be easy, but perhaps you will have to abide by her wishes. You might have to forget them.”

A fresh burst of tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Mama, that seems like the hardest thing in the world right now.”

There was so much to say, but they were interrupted by noise from the foyer. Char dried her eyes. Mama remained sitting as Kat, Prim and Jenny tumbled into the room, followed by Joshua Forrester.

“Oh my! What have we here?” Mama asked. Char could not imagine why her sisters where home, not with the Season in full swing. That left Joshua Forrester’s appearance a complete mystery.

“Mama, it’s not my fault,” Jenny said, leaning to kiss Mama on her cheek.

“I’m sorry to intrude, Mrs. Taylor. Lady Dunlevee.” He bowed to them.

“Well! Has all of London arrived at our doorstep?” Mama asked.

“I need to speak with you and Squire Taylor. Alone.”

“Alone? Why?” Char asked. Joshua turned his powerful gaze upon her. There was a message in his look. What? A slight smile adorned his face for a moment. No, he wasn’t here about his misguided proposal—it was something else.

“The matter is very serious. Is the squire home?”

“Not at the moment. In an hour perhaps.” The girls had gathered behind Mama. “I am not questioning your integrity, Mr. Forrester, but why are you and my sisters here? You traveled together?” Char asked.

“Misses Taylor, will one of you explain this scandalous scheme or would you rather have me? I’m sure I will be very harsh in describing the details.”

“Should we wait for Papa?” Char asked. Scandalous scheme? She glanced at Kat, who possessed a self-important look—brows raised, chin up—when she thought she was right and the world gravelly mistaken.

“No! I don’t want Papa to know,” Kat said.

“Nor me!” chimed Prim.

“He’ll find out eventually,” Jenny said.

“What has happened?” Char asked.

“You are a terrible chaperone, that’s what’s happened.”

“Kat! Sit down please,” Mama said. “Now, Mr. Forrester, I think I’d better hear more of this tale. Since I want the truth, you should be the one to tell us.”

Joshua leaned against the mantel and told about his visit to the salon, without a hint of embarrassment, Char noted. And why weren’t men tainted by such participation?

All of her indignation vanished at his next words.

“Your daughters were Mr. DuChamps’s nude models. Each taking a turn.”

Char’s stomach heaved. Mama’s lips pursed, but she said nothing. The girls were ruined. No man would want them. Poor Mama and Papa, landed gentry, always on the periphery of polite society. And now this? They’d suffered enough when Char’s reputation had been impugned after Arthur’s death.

When Joshua’s story came to an end, Mama heaved a great sigh.

“Have I missed anything?” Joshua asked, glancing at the girls. They were sufficiently chastened and embarrassed. Jenny was crying; Prim somber. Even Kat held her tongue.

“Mama,” Char said. What she wanted to do was lock them in their rooms for the next five years. Perhaps Papa could find a good willow switch.

“Prim. Jenny. Go to your rooms,” Mama said.

“Yes, Mama,” the duo whispered, and remembered to curtsey to their guest on the way out. “Kat, you will go to your father’s study. I will be along in a moment.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She bobbed quickly and was gone in a swirl of skirts.

Mama pushed to her feet; Joshua was there with a hand at her elbow.

“Sir, we are forever in your debt. You will stay for dinner?”

“May I defer until another evening? I think this night is meant for family, not guests.”

“Certainly. We look forward to it. If you will excuse me.” Mama strolled from the room as if she hadn’t a care in the world but Char could see the slump of Mama’s shoulders. Disappointment, certainly. Resolve, definitely.

Char listened for the study door to open and close; instead she heard the back door.

“You will stay for a moment, Mr. Forrester?” she asked.

He nodded and took a seat across from her. “Please call me Joshua. After what I’ve seen, I might as well be a member of your family.”

Char laughed a little. “This is so embarrassing. We are ever grateful you discovered this plot of Kat’s. You’ve no idea the trouble she has caused Mama and Papa. May I ask how you discovered it?” If one person had discovered the truth, could someone else?

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books