Sentinels (The Supers of Project 12 #2)

“Yes,” Astrid says, placing her linen napkin in her lap. Quinn can’t help but notice she’s removed her gloves. “We’re dying to know.”

“As you know, Kincade has escalated his activities in the Swamp—including nearly killing you. It’s unacceptable, ruthless behavior.”

“We have no actual evidence he’s behind these fires,” Quinn says. “Well, there is one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Astrid thinks—”

“I don’t think, Quinn. I know.”

He nods. “Astrid says the man that started the fire is one of us. A survivor.”

Demetria and Draco share a surprised look.


“Devin,” Astrid says. “He calls himself Blaze.”

Recognition lights in her eyes. “He told you this.”

“Yes.” She considers. “Well, close enough. He seemed quite proud to be an arsonist and for his abilities to be used as a ’weapon.’”

Demetria tents her fingers on the table, hovering them over the steaming bowl of soup. “I was certain Devin died that day. In fact, I was certain he was the one that started the fire and killed himself in the process.”

“The fire wasn’t started by someone in the house, Demetria. It was started by someone affiliated with the project. Someone that wanted to kill all of us,” Astrid tells her. “Devin is alive and is proudly burning down all your property for Kincade.”

The news seems to rattle her—anger her more than Quinn would expect. Maybe the fact that another one of her Lost Boys got away from her is too much to handle. Whatever it is, he doesn’t like the dark glint in her eye that flickers for a moment before she composes herself.

“I don’t like fighting with these people. Not in this dark and dirty way. I believe in beauty, love, and light. I want the best for this city, you all know that.”

“We’re trying to find a way to stop them. This is why we came here tonight,” Quinn says, but there’s no mistaking the mania that has taken over.

She ignores him and says, “What we need to do is have something that will bring us all together. The rich, the poor, the Swamp, the city. Tie our bonds. I was wrong before, pushing people apart. What would be better is proving to the city that the Swamp is valuable. The Harbor Line is for everyone!” She gasps and everyone at the table, including Draco, freezes. “A parade. Wait! Not just a parade—a lantern parade!”

“What?” Draco asks, thrown off his composure.

“Yes, darling, a lantern parade! A grand event that will show our support for the people on the Harbor Line. We’ll have a float and thousands of lights and lanterns. The whole community can be involved.” Her eyes light up at the idea.

“I’m sorry,” Owen says, speaking for the first time at the table. “You think a parade will stop Kincade.”

“Yes!” her eyes twinkle. “A beautiful, magical parade. We’ll start by the water and end at the Elite facility. Everyone can join—bringing their own lanterns or lights. WIND-E can provide supplies for the children. Your gym can be a sponsor! We’ll show Kincade we won’t back down. I’ll invite Mayor Steed and all the school children. We’ll have floats and a marching band. It will be truly magnificent.”

“Are you sure this won’t be too taxing?” Draco asks. Thankfully, because everyone else is too stunned to speak. “Putting on a parade with the rest of your schedule will be a big undertaking.”

Astrid and Owen nod in agreement.

She sighs. “You’re right, it will be a lot, but I don’t think I have any choice. And all of you will help! We must bring hope and happiness. I hate all this darkness and evil.” She frowns at Astrid. “Like your dark suit. Wouldn’t it be better to have something brighter? Like white or maybe purple?”

“I, uh,” Astrid looks around the table for help. No one offers assistance. “White would get dirty and purple is so, um, very purple-y.”

“I see,” she says, obviously not understanding at all. “Well, we’re doing it. You’ll ride on my float and the Mayor will have no choice but to grant me the zoning permits to rebuild.”

“So that’s your goal?” Owen says, speaking for the first time since they sat down. “Zoning permits and winning over the Mayor?”

Draco’s face has paled. Quinn can’t help but notice that he watches his boss carefully. He also notices that Astrid has shifted her attention to him and that her expression is identical to his.

“Yes, I’ll win over the Mayor,” she says, picking up her spoon. She dips it in and gets a heaping spoonful of soup. “And when Kincade retaliates, I’ll send you in to destroy him.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Harbor Line Lantern Parade! This Saturday 8 p.m.! Meet by the water!

The signs are everywhere. Tacked to poles along the park. Hung in windows like the smoothie shop and yoga studio. Even the old garage and Mr. Scruggs the barber put one behind the glass of their businesses.

WIND-E Corp announced the parade the morning after their dinner. The awkward and uncomfortable affair. The wariness of being in Demetria’s demented house didn’t fade until after they were released.

“God, that was suffocating,” Astrid said, the instant the car dropped them off.

“Did I hear that right?” Quinn asked. He’d already removed his tie. “She wants to plan a parade so it will provoke Kincade and we can ’destroy’ him?”

“That’s what she said.” The lines of worry on Owen’s face never faded from the instant they walked in the door until they left.

“Blaze could take us out. Destroy the gym. There is too much to lose,” she said.

“Besides that,” Quinn said. “Is that what we really are? Henchmen?”

Fuck no. That is not what they are. The severity of the situation hit her right then and there. Things were out of control. They’d totally lost control of their own story—their own destiny. She couldn’t let it go on. They had to get out of this situation before it flipped back on them and they were the ones that were destroyed.

That realization came days ago. The parade is officially set for tomorrow. The Mayor seems thrilled. Owen and Quinn are irritable and finally sat down with Casper to release their stress over video games. Astrid heads to the changing room and zips up her suit. When she steps out, the two men in the room stop playing and glance over, their confused expressions identical. She almost laughs.

“Where are you going?” Quinn asks. Casper’s avatar shifts toward her. The game pauses. “Did you get a call?”

“No. I want to check on the kids from the fire the other night. One of them, Luby? He gave me some good intel. I want to make sure they’re okay.”

“Let me change,” Quinn pushes himself out of his seat.

“No. It’s nothing dangerous. Promise.” There’s a moment of silence as they all mull this over. She glares. “Seriously?”

“We all know you have an impulse thing,” Casper says. “Tomorrow is a big day—it may be best to lie low.”

She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. Her enhanced hearing tips her to their conversation and she walks back. Owen is already at the changing room door. “Don’t follow me or I will kick your ass.”

He holds up his hands. “I was just going to the bathroom. Jeez.”

With a head shake, Astrid leaves them, hoping for once they just do what they’re told.

It’s unseasonably warm and the breeze blowing off the Harbor isn’t too cold. She sticks to the shadows, not wanting to be seen wandering through the Swamp. Some people find her to be a symbol of help and hope. Others feel less friendly—she’s done her share of policing down here as well.

Casper located Luby for her right after the fire—he searched the police files for vandalism and graffiti tagging. He popped right up.