Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

She went up on her toes, and when their lips were a breath apart, she said in a tremulous whisper, “Then kiss me, Blue. Please, kiss me.”

Every muscle in Blue’s body flexed as he reined in the urgency mounting inside him and pressed his lips to hers with heartrending tenderness. His mouth moved over hers, devouring its softness while trying not to ravage her with the intensity thrumming through his veins. Her hand slipped from his, settling around his waist, and as he gathered her in closer and deepened the kiss, he felt her soft, pliant curves melting against him. He moaned at the sheer pleasure of their bodies coming together. He’d waited so long to kiss her, to feel her against him. And this kiss was so much more than a second kiss.

He felt her opening up to him, giving herself over to him. She had to feel the effect she had on his body, to understand how difficult it was to be this close, knowing it wouldn’t go further, to taste his desire in every stroke of his tongue. She had to realize that it took every ounce of his self-control to keep his hands from roaming over her luscious curves. He was lost in his own reveries of Lizzie giving herself up to their kiss, but true to his word—he’d always remain true to his word to Lizzie—he forced himself to draw back, pressing soft kisses to her lips, before finally pulling away completely.

His heart thundered at the sight of her half-lidded eyes, her body free of tension, completely unguarded and relaxed. He needed more, if only another kiss, another taste, to be closer to the woman he’d dreamed of becoming one with for months on end. He brought a hand to the nape of her neck and pulled her closer again.

“Lizzie,” he whispered against her lips, needing to know she wanted this, too. Her eyes blinked open. “Do you want me to ask every time I kiss you, or do you trust me enough to let me?”

Her dimples appeared as she said, “I trust you.”

“Thank you,” he murmured before recapturing her mouth, more demanding this time. He felt her entire body sink into him, and he welcomed the heat of her as their tongues found their rhythm once again. Her mouth was even sweeter, hotter this time, like she was just as lost in him as he was in her. But he’d made a promise.

“I will never get enough of kissing you,” he said as they parted again.

“Yeah.” Her breathy whisper brought images of her saying it while lying beneath him, naked and wanting, making him hard as steel.

It took every bit of his self-control not to take her up by the dunes and lay her down, strip away all of her clothing, and love her until neither one of them could think.

She circled her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek to his chest, and Blue knew in that moment, with the stars shining brightly above them and the sounds of the sea in the distance, that they were meant to be together.

When she drew back with a seductive look in her eyes, it took all his willpower not to kiss her again. Instead, he brushed her hair from her shoulder, needing even that small connection, and asked, “Are you ready for our outing?”

“Um…” She smiled up at him. “How about if we call it a date?”

“A date. Really? You want to go on a date with me?” He reached for her hand as they walked down the hill toward the lot.

She pushed him playfully. “You want to go on a date with me.”

He pulled her against him again and kissed her. “You’re damn right I do.”

They dropped Lizzie’s car off at her place. Before driving away from her house, Blue reached around her and lifted her across the bench seat of his truck, casually draping one arm over her shoulder as she sat, slack-jawed, gazing up at him.

“You moved me.”

“Aw, babe, you move me, too. Better put your seat belt on so we don’t get a ticket,” he said with a smile.

Lizzie put on her seat belt. “Do you do this to all your dates?”

She had no idea how special she was. He gripped the steering wheel tighter and admitted, “Actually, I’ve never done that before.”

“You literally scooped me up and moved me.” She narrowed her eyes. “It felt very practiced.”

“Seriously, I’ve never done that before. I’m not sure why I did it, but it felt right.” He started the truck, so thankful she was out with him again. “Just like this does.” He slanted his mouth over hers, immediately swept up in her taste, her scent, the sexy little sigh of surrender she made as he deepened the kiss.

“Wow,” she whispered. “Kissing you is a purely sensual experience.”

“Well, enjoy it, because that’s all you’re getting. Sensual kisses, nothing more. I made a promise to someone I respect, and I don’t intend to break it.”

She giggled, and it was the sweetest sound on earth.

Chapter Six