See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

I lope to the headmaster’s office, still smirking, but the closer I get to the front entrance, the harder it is to keep it in place. Mr. Adler is steaming. His quiet rage vibrates off the walls, pinging back to hit me between the eyes.

If he has his way, I’ll be packing my bags this afternoon.

That’s what I want too.


I was so sure of myself last night as I lay in bed scheming. I’d come up with a million ways to get booted and finally settled on making a teacher so irate that I’d be expelled on the spot.

It nearly happened to me once before. Miss Filamore. Two years ago. She was such a mean witch, and I prodded her until she went ballistic. When she blew her top all I could do was laugh, which set the whole class off.

I was suspended for a week and removed from her class.

Crossing my fingers, I hope for a more drastic result this time.

I have to go.

It isn’t safe here anymore.

Trey will unravel me. Ivan will kill me.

There has to be a better hiding place.

Mr. Adler doesn’t touch me the entire way to the office. I’m sure my accusation unnerved him. As soon as we arrive, he orders me into one of the waiting room chairs and storms across to reception. I can’t hear exactly what’s being said, but the sharp tone and dark looks tell me enough.

It takes Headmaster Williams less than twenty minutes to call me into his office. Mr. Adler storms away, triumphant yet still in a rage.

I try to keep my composure as I shuffle into the office, try to keep up the bravado I’ve been showing all morning, but Headmaster Williams has an icy look. The blue fire in his eyes, the warning on his tight lips…it makes me falter.

I ease into the chair opposite his desk and have to resist the urge to sit up straight.

“Well, I must say, this is disappointing, Chris. When your parents pushed for a quick enrollment, I accommodated them with the understanding that you were an upstanding student with great things in your future. We gave you your own room. We’ve accommodated you in every way possible, and this is how you show your gratitude? You’ve been here just over a week and already you’re sitting in my office having humiliated one of my best teachers.”

I drop my gaze, focusing on the small cotton thread sticking out from the seam of my charcoal pants.

“Look at me,” he commands, his tone quiet yet forceful.

I glance up, my nerve crumbling.

“Why this reaction? It’s like you want to be expelled.”

My jaw works to the side and I look away from him.

“We don’t work that way in this school. It’s a three-strike policy. Our goal between strikes is to train you, to help you learn from your mistakes. So if your hope by insulting Mr. Adler today was to get a free ticket home, then you’re going to be very disappointed.”

Tears burn my eyes but I lock my jaw, refusing to let them show.


“Now I’ve already spoken to your father. He happens to be nearby on business today, so he’s requested to come in and speak to you personally.”

I close my eyes.

“He was adamant that he wants you to stay at Eton and has agreed with my suggestion that we put you on in-house suspension until the Thanksgiving break. He then went on to tell me that he’s so appalled by your behavior that you’re going to be spending the Thanksgiving holiday here at Eton as well. I’m sure the skeleton staff that remains can find a list of jobs they’d be happy for you to help with.” Headmaster Williams smiles. His creamy smooth voice makes me want to throw up.

My chin wobbles as I fight the emotions raging inside of me.

“So…” He clasps his hands together. “You will be removed from Mr. Adler’s class immediately. You will spend the rest of today in the desk outside my office writing him an apology letter, then copying the school’s code of conduct out by hand. You’re on dish duty for both lunch and dinner for the next two weeks, and the weekends will be spent in your room, contemplating how you will behave from this point on.”

His gaze drills into me, daring me to stand up to him.

“Are we clear on expectations, Mr. Lorden?”

I nod.

“Good. Remove yourself from my office. Your father will be here shortly. Until then, you can get to work on that apology letter.”

Chiclet teeth smile at me.

I snatch my bag off the floor and shuffle out of the room.


“Dad” shows up fuming.

Taking my arm, he asks Headmaster Williams’s assistant if there is a private place we can talk. I nearly trip over my feet as he pulls me towards the conference room. As soon as the door is shut, he dumps me in a chair and towers over me.

“What are you doing?” Rybeck thunders. “Trying to get yourself kicked out of this place? What the hell are you thinking?”

“I hate it here,” I mumble, my voice lame and tiny.

“Oh boo hoo!” He scoffs. “This place is saving your life. Don’t you get that?”

Jordan Ford's books