See Me

“You’re serious?” Serena asked. “I won?”

Maria saw her mom suddenly reach for her dad’s hand.

Meanwhile, Serena was going on, no longer able to keep her voice down. “Of course,” she said. “That’s no problem… Tomorrow night… seven o’clock… Thank you so much…”

When Serena ended the call, her parents were looking at their daughter expectantly.

“I guess you heard what happened, huh?”

“Congratulations!” Felix said, rising from the table. “That’s terrific!” Carmen rushed over, talking about how proud she was, and for the next few minutes, as hugs went all around, the anxiety over all that had happened was replaced by something wonderful, a feeling Maria never wanted to end.

After dinner, Colin, Evan, and Lily said their good-byes and went to fetch Colin’s car; Carmen and Felix were walking the dog around the block. Maria and Serena were in the kitchen doing the dishes.

“Are you nervous about the interview?” Maria asked.

Serena nodded as she dried a plate. “A little. The reporter is supposed to be bringing a photographer with him. I hate getting my picture taken.”

“Are you kidding? You’re the queen of selfies.”

“Selfies are different. They’re for me or my friends. It’s not like I’m putting selfies in the newspaper.”

“When’s the story going to run?”

“He thinks it’ll be Monday,” Serena answered. “That’s when it will be officially announced.”

“Is there a banquet or presentation?”

“I’m not sure,” Serena said. “I forgot to ask. I got a little excited there.”

Maria smiled as she rinsed a plate and handed it to Serena. “When you do find out, let me know. I want to be there. I’m sure Mom and Dad will want to come, too.”

Serena stacked the dried plate with the others. “Earlier, when I was asking those questions… I’m sorry for being so pushy about it. I wasn’t thinking.”

“It’s okay,” Maria said. “I wish I had all the answers, but I don’t.”

“Are you going to stay here for a while? You know Mom and Dad want you to.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said. “And yes. But I’ll have to head to my place later to get some things.”

“I thought you were already packed. Because you were going to stay at Lily’s.”

“I was only planning to stay there for one night, so I’ll need some more clothes. I also want to get my car.”

“Do you want me to drive you over now?”

“No, that’s okay. Colin will do it when he gets back.”

“When will that be?”

“I don’t know. Eleven thirty, maybe? Eleven forty-five?”

“That’s late. Aren’t you tired?”

“Exhausted,” Maria admitted.

“Then why don’t I take you —” Serena began, then stopped herself. She glanced at Maria. “Oh… never mind. I get it.”

“Get what?”

“I agree. You definitely need to have Colin drive you. Forget I even asked. That was dumb of me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, knowing that you’ll be under the watchful eye of our hovering parents the next few days… and knowing that Colin not only found Lester but took him down and there’s nothing sexy about that… and knowing you need to unwind from an incredibly stressful day… let’s just say that I totally understand why you might want a little time alone with him.”

“I told you I just needed to grab some things.”

“Anything in particular you want to grab?”

Maria laughed. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t help it. But admit it. I’m right, aren’t I?”

Maria didn’t respond, but then again, she didn’t have to. They both already knew the answer.




Nicholas Sparks's books