See Me


“You and Maria? With Lily and me? We had plans, remember? I made reservations at Caprice Bistro at seven thirty, and afterwards, we’re hitting a club that’s playing eighties music.”

“Eighties music?”

“Is there an echo in here? Yes, eighties music. Lily’s a closet Madonna fan. A leftover from her supposedly rebellious teenage years, she says. So we’re doing this? As long as Maria’s still game, I mean.”

“Why wouldn’t she be?”

“Maybe because you ruined her mood with what you learned?”

“I haven’t told her yet.”

“Mr. Honesty? I’m shocked.”

“I was planning on telling her tonight.”

“If you do that, make sure you don’t make too big a deal about it. I don’t need you putting a damper on the evening. For all you know, it was a one-time thing and it’s over.”

“Or maybe,” Colin said, “it isn’t.”




olin had been quiet since he’d picked her up, which made Maria nervous, given what he’d been up to for most of the day. Though he volunteered nothing, she knew he was thinking about the flowers. As she watched him respond to her small talk with a distracted air, she felt a pit growing in her stomach. By the time they pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot, she couldn’t contain herself any longer.

“Who sent the roses?”

He shut off the engine and told her what he’d learned.

She frowned, thinking about it. “If it wasn’t Ken, and you don’t think Ken hired him, then who is it?”

“I don’t know.”

She turned toward the passenger window. Beyond the glass, she watched an older couple walking into the restaurant, all smiles. Without a care in the world.

“I saw Ken again yesterday when I was meeting with Barney,” she said in a wavering voice. “Other than the fact that he was acting a little distracted, he was completely professional. In fact, he barely seemed to notice me at all. It almost makes me think…”

That it’s not Ken. She could tell by Colin’s silence that he’d been able to complete her thought.

“Let’s try not to worry about it tonight, okay?” he said.

She nodded, feeling the tension in her shoulders. “I’ll try. It’s hard not to.”

“I know,” he said. “But you should probably take a moment to prepare yourself for Lily. I adore her, but she does take some getting used to.”

Maria forced a smile. “That’s a backhanded compliment, you know.”

“Guess who I learned it from?”

It took Maria only a second after entering the restaurant to identify Lily. Almost as soon as she and Colin had stepped through the door, a perfectly coiffed, ravishing blonde with eyes the color of turquoise glided toward them. She wore a stylish midlength dress and a strand of pearls. Practically every man in the restaurant turned to watch her pass. Evan, who was dressed preppy stylish and could have passed for someone still in college, trailed in her wake. Maria noticed his air of breezy confidence; he was clearly comfortable allowing Lily the limelight.

Lily’s smile never faltered, and as soon as she got close, she took Maria’s hands in her own. They were remarkably soft, like a silky baby blanket. “It is an absolute delight for me to have the pleasure of your company this evening! Colin has said so many wonderful things about you.” By then, Evan had reached her side. “And oh, dear! Where are my manners? I’m Lily, and this handsome man beside me is my fiancé, Evan. It’s so wonderful to meet you, Maria!”

“Hi there,” Evan said with genuine warmth. “And please don’t be offended if Lily doesn’t let me get a word in the rest of the evening.”

Nicholas Sparks's books