Second Chance Girl (Happily Inc. #2)


She was curious about the signature cocktail and would’ve liked a second to talk to her friend Silver. But as they walked over, Carol realized that Mathias was very careful to keep his distance. They didn’t touch, didn’t even brush arms. It was as if the past few days had never happened. Something had changed. She had no idea what, nor did she know how to ask. Worry returned and with it the fear that she was going to lose Mathias before she’d truly had a chance to be with him.


SATURDAY MORNING MATHIAS was up at dawn, not that he’d ever really been asleep. Del and Maya had spent the night at a hotel before heading out on their honeymoon. His parents were gone by nine that morning, with his mother hugging him tight even as she watched to see if Ronan would show up to say goodbye. He didn’t.

Ceallach, Elaine and Sophie drove away in their rental car. They would catch a flight from Palm Springs up to Sacramento, then drive home to Fool’s Gold. Mathias walked back into his now quiet house and told himself everything would finally get back to normal. His cleaning service would be by first thing Monday to erase all traces of company. In a few days, he would be able to put the last few weeks out of his mind. Except...

He missed that damned dog. He kept expecting to run into her, literally—Sophie didn’t have any need to get out of the way. But she wasn’t underfoot, or getting into cabinets, or jumping on chairs to eat off the table or snoring in his ear at night. She wasn’t anywhere, and the house seemed colder and less hospitable because of her absence.

Worse, he missed Carol. He ached for her. While he could have easily gone home with her after the wedding, something had stopped him. A gnawing sense of concern in the back of his mind. Being with her again would be dangerous—he knew that. She was a temptation, but one he’d managed to resist. He just didn’t think he could hold out for long. He needed her—needed to see her, talk to her, touch her, make her smile. He wanted to know she was okay and that all was right in her world. She was his air, the reason his heart beat. And yet...

He couldn’t stay with her. He knew that. It made him a coward, but it was still true. Being with her would mean risking everything. He would have to believe in her, trust her. Worse, he would have to trust himself and he couldn’t do either. He’d been taught to be wary his whole life. First by his mother, then his father and finally by Ronan. His brother’s betrayal had been the worst of all. Funny how he’d learned that from family, rather than from a romantic relationship, but regardless of the delivery system, the lesson had been learned.

At least the Millie problem had been solved. Thanks to the sale of both his father’s and brothers’ artwork, there was money for the purchase and transport of the herd, along with funds for a veterinarian and upkeep for the next twenty-five years. He and his brothers didn’t need to drive the giraffes cross-country after all. All the animals would be safe. Mayor Marsha had come through with the permits and last he’d heard, the first of the giraffes would arrive in a week or so. Everything was in place.

Which meant he didn’t have an excuse. Not to wait any longer. Not to hope or wish or dream. There were no possibilities, just the truth he could no longer ignore.

He grabbed his car keys and walked out of his house. Five minutes later he pulled into Carol’s driveway. He didn’t give himself a second to reconsider—he wasn’t going to back out. He had to protect himself and he owed it to her to get this done sooner rather than later.

She answered only a few seconds after he knocked. She wore jeans and a T-shirt. Her feet were bare, as was her face. Gone was the glamorous beauty from the auction and the wedding. The woman he knew and, well, liked, was back.

She smiled when she saw him. “Is everyone gone? Life back to normal?”

“They left. I think I’m going to miss Sophie. What’s up with that?”

She stepped back to let him in, but he didn’t want to go into her house. There were too many memories, too many temptations. He needed to say it and then get the hell away from her before he changed his mind.

When he didn’t move, her smile slowly faded.

“What is it, Mathias? Why are you here?”

He almost told her he loved her. That he couldn’t stand to not be with her because they were so right together. But he couldn’t. It would be a disaster for both of them—he’d had that proven to him over and over again.

“I can’t do this anymore,” he said instead. “I’m not that guy. I’m into bridesmaids, not relationships. We both know that. It was great while it lasted, but it’s over.”

Color drained from her face as her eyes filled with tears. But she didn’t cry. He waited—no, hoped—she would call him on his crap. He wanted her to grab him and shake him, telling him he was stupid and a coward, but that she was brave enough for both of them. That she would get him through this because they belonged together and in time he would learn to trust her enough to offer his heart. But until then, she would love him and stay with him.

Because if she said that, or something like that, he would be okay.

Mathias acknowledged that made him a total douche, but he would be a douche for Carol, if she would have him. Only she didn’t say any of those things. Instead she cleared her throat before speaking.

“I figured it was something like that,” she said in a small, sad voice. “Thanks for being honest with me and telling me to my face. I was afraid you were just going to disappear.” A single tear ran down her cheek. “Goodbye, Mathias.”

Her door closed in his face and he was left with absolutely nothing.


“I’M NOT GOING,” Violet said as she sat on her sofa. “At least not right away. I can head over to join Ulrich in a few weeks, when things have settled down.”

Carol did her best to stop crying. She knew that her tears were a big part of her sister’s decision. Or the actual reason.

“You won’t,” she said firmly, wiping her cheeks with her fingers and attempting to smile. “You’re going to finish packing and then you’re going to get on that plane and go join the man you love.”

Violet grabbed her hands. “No way. You’re my sister and I love you. You need me.”

“No. What I need is to pull myself together. I’m sorry I’ve upset you.”

“You didn’t. And don’t pretend to be fine. I hate Mathias. I wish I could beat him up.”

“You couldn’t and you shouldn’t. This isn’t his fault. He feels what he feels.”

Violet grimaced. “He’s a total jerk. He hurt you and I’ll never forgive that. You’re wonderful and amazing. What’s wrong with him?”