Sebring (Unfinished Heroes #5)

Then he felt, actually felt her smile.

And he wished the lights were on so he could see that in those green eyes.

“Strange that we don’t seem ill-suited,” she remarked.


“Ill-suited?” he asked.

“Ill-suited,” she answered, then went on like he needed an explanation. “Not a good match.”

“I know what it means. But who says ‘ill-suited?’” he asked and felt another smile.

“Me,” she whispered against his lips

He felt that whisper there and in his gut and he knew. He knew he was better when the woman didn’t talk.

He was about to do something about that when she asked, “Are you saying you think we should stop meeting?”

“No,” he replied swiftly and continued, “My guess, we’re gonna have to fight that out another way, a way we both like. A discussion about it is not gonna earn us jack. But what I’ll say now is you aren’t gettin’ dressed and leavin’ my ass here. For once, we’re actually gonna use a room one of us is payin’ for for more than half an hour. I would prefer that be one of the times I paid for it but I’ll take this time. And we’re usin’ it partly because I’m wiped and need to sleep and partly because I’m not done so when I wake up, I wanna wake up and fuck you.”

She remained silent so he kept talking.

“And before the next time we meet, I want you to think about your kink. You liked that whipping, you can’t deny it. I do not wanna take it, but I enjoy giving it. You’re up for a test, we’ll break you in easy.”

She didn’t sound offended when she stated, “That’s not going to happen.”

“Olivia, you practically mounted me at the club watchin’ that man with his slave.”

“I’m a top, Sebring.”

“I’m not taking a whip.”



He wanted her tied for him and he knew he wanted it not just because that was one of the many things he liked, but because, from what they’d already had, he wanted that from her.

Not because she was Olivia Shade, a woman he wanted to cow before he gained her trust so he could get the information he needed to take his revenge against her father.

Because she was Olivia, a top, and mounted over her watching her drop her head and take his cock, he wanted her cowed.

He rolled so she was off him, her back to the bed, him pressed down her side.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

She again didn’t sound offended.

But she did sound surprised.

“Told you, wiped. Gettin’ some shuteye. You are too. We wake up, room service breakfast and Sunday morning fucking until checkout.”


“Go to sleep, Olivia.”


He found her mouth and kissed her hard.

It shut her up.

She also melted into him and kissed him hard back.

He broke it, tucked her face in his throat and repeated his order. “Go to sleep.”

“You’re leaking out of me.”


That reminded him of something.

With no talk until now, the conversation hadn’t been had.

It had to be had.

“You on the Pill?” he asked quietly.

“Obviously,” she replied matter-of-factly. “Are you clean?”


“Good. Condoms are a nuisance,” she murmured.


This woman.

“You clean?” he asked.

Now she sounded offended.

“Of course.”

That was when he smiled as he muttered, “Right.”

Even more offended, she snapped, “I am.”

“I believe you.”

“You said ‘right,’ like you didn’t.”

“I said ‘right,’ like, okay. Right. You’re clean. You’re on the Pill. Topic done. I can fuck you and come inside you and all’s good.”

“Right.” Now she sounded like she didn’t believe him.

His body was shaking as was the bed when he wrapped her tight in his arms and heard his humor when he noted, “Now you’re full of shit.”

“Whatever,” she muttered.

“You gonna go clean me from you or are we gonna argue about who’s bein’ sarcastic and who isn’t?” he asked.

“I’m going home,” she told him.

Shit, he had to get her past this. If he didn’t get in there, and not just in her cunt, he’d never earn her trust and get what he needed from her.

His arms tightened further. “Are we gonna fuck tomorrow night?”

“Yes. At the club, if we can reserve a salon. If not, it’s back here.”

“Can you explain why we can’t pass out here and fuck in the morning and again at the club tomorrow night while we hopefully watch a bottom submit knowin’ you want to try that with me but talkin’ shit because you wanna convince me you like top?”

“I—” she began to make some lame excuse.

Fuck, he was wiped.

Which meant he was done.

“Clean up and come back to bed, Olivia,” he said on a sigh, loosening his arms.

“Not good with orders, Sebring.”

“Don’t give a fuck, Olivia.”

She didn’t move.

He did, this being a hand to her ass, giving it a smack.

Her body jumped before she went solid in his arms.

“You just smacked my ass,” she announced haughtily.

Total princess.

He liked it.
