Say You'll Stay (Return to Me #1)

“Thank you,” she says sincerely.

Angie may be a lot of things, but cruel isn’t one. She’s been through hell as well. She’s not an unkind person, just a little feisty. One thing I always could count on was her being by my side. Her loyalty and friendship are unwavering.

“Let’s go get a drink,” I suggest.

We all head inside, and I introduce Angie to everyone. She and Grace have their love of painting in common. Angie tells her all about the museums and galleries in Philadelphia and New York. Trent and Angie also seem to instantly hit it off. He flashes his badge, and she tells him how unimpressed she is. It’s hysterical to watch, and Grace loves that a woman is putting him in his place. I wish she’d try a little to talk to Zach, but stubborn is one thing Angie most definitely is.

As the night wears on, we all have a few drinks and are enjoying each other’s company. Zach sits next to me with his hand on my neck, absently running his fingers up and down. My hands are on his thigh and every now and then we lean into each other.

“So, Angie,” Zach says, bringing her attention to him. “How long are you stayin’ in town?”

She leans back in her chair and crosses her arms. “Trying to get rid of me already, Hennington?”

“Ang,” I warn. “I don’t think . . .”

“I’ll be here for the boys’ birthdays.” She stares at him with a look that makes me want to slap her. As if she’s challenging him. “My brother took them to a hockey game every year for their birthday. I figured we’d drive to Nashville and see the Predators.”

Todd made it a huge event for them. The older they got the more elaborate the day became. It was something special for the three of them. Back then, Angie and I would go to the spa, it worked really well for me.

“I’m sure they’ll love that,” I say with a smile. “They weren’t impressed when I offered.”

“I’m the cool aunt.”

“Yeah.” I laugh. “I know.”

“Anyway, now that I’m here, don’t be sad when the horse lessons go on the back burner.” She smirks.

Zach doesn’t miss a beat. “We’ll see.”

She has no idea how obsessed they are with their horses. Or Zach. Each day Logan warms to him more and more. Cayden already thinks he’s the “coolest” of all the Henningtons. Logan still thinks that Trent is the best. For the life of me, I don’t know why. I think it’s the badge. Wyatt has become a brother to them. They see him as an equal, probably because he acts like it.

Angie turns back to Grace as she rolls her eyes. We’re going to have a long talk.

“Cowgirl,” Wyatt says, returning from wherever he and his hussy were. “Whatcha got here?”

“This is my sister, Angelina.”

Angie glares at me for using her full name before looking at Wyatt. Her entire body freezes as she catches her first glimpse. Oh, shit. I think my sister is enjoying the view of another Hennington. They’re like honey to flies.

“Hello, Angel.” Wyatt’s charm is thick, and she’s done. I’ve seen that look before. He’s getting ready to make her his next target.

“Angie,” she corrects him.

“Could’ve fooled me.”

Trent chokes on his beer and Zach bursts out laughing. “Smooth, brother,” Zach says. “Real smooth.”

“Like a baby’s ass.” Trent joins in on the ribbing of Wyatt.

Zach nudges Trent. “He’s an ass all right.”

“Knock it off, you two,” I reprimand under my breath. “Angie, this is Wyatt.”

“Oh, my God!” She stands and pulls him close. “Thank you! I’ve heard about you forever, and Presley says you’re me—with a dick.”

Seriously. “Angie!”

“What?” She looks over and shakes her head. “Oh, do we not curse here? I don’t know what’s acceptable down here.”

“Angel,” Wyatt drawls the new nickname, “you can say whatever you want round here. The dirtier the better.”

“I like him.” Her lips curl into a smirk as she looks between me and Wyatt.

“I bet you do.” We’re in so much trouble.

“Two out of three ain’t bad.” She tacks on while looking at Zach.

He laughs. I do not. Instead, I stand ready to drag her ass into the bathroom and stop this shit. Her anger is completely unjustified. If she wants to be mad at someone, it should be me.

Wyatt steps between us quickly. “How ’bout a dance?” he asks Angie with his hand extended.

I swear he had a date when he came in. I wouldn’t be surprised if he left her ass somewhere. That man. He’s out of his league with Angie. She will eat him for breakfast. Although, it might be fun to watch.

“Sounds great.” She stands and shrugs.

Maybe she’ll come back with a better attitude. Wyatt might help dissipate the tension.

They head off with a reluctant Trent and Grace. I turn into Zach. “Sorry about before.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. Angie loves you and is looking out for you and the boys.”