Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)

She scoffs and has the balls to try to look offended by my concern. “What are you? My mom? Maybe I just need a good lay and don’t mind being tossed like a used condom!”

My stomach tightens at the sex reference. It has been months, and still, no sex. Savage is a fucking animal in bed, never satisfied with pleasuring me once, sometimes making me come so many times I don’t think I will ever be able to move from that bed again when he’s done.

I squeeze my legs together at the delicious memory, but, still, he deflects all my attempts to consummate our relationship, and my vagina is starting to develop cobwebs. I’ve barely been able to get him to let me blow him. He lets me, but there’s always something dark deep in his eyes that I just can’t read.

It’s not that I don’t think he wants to fuck me. I’m positive he does, but something is stopping him and I have no fucking clue what it is.

“Seriously, Dani, I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. Just because you get to snuggle with Savage after you fuck doesn’t mean I need that to have a good time with Gabe.”

I cringe and the guilt about not revealing the sex situation to Caroline creeps up. After all, she is my best friend, and usually, my sex confidant. But, for some reason, what goes on with Savage is something I want to keep to myself. I have absolutely zero desire to share it with her, and I don’t care to examine why right now.

Turn it back to her.

“I’m sorry, Care, but I can’t not warn you. He’s the definition of a player. You should see the string of women who stagger out of his condo in the morning.”

She grins and winks at me. “If they aren’t walking straight, then he’s definitely doing something right.”

Can’t argue with that logic.

“True…look, do what you want, just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

After sticking her tongue out at me in the most adult way possible, she laughs. “Yes, Mom. I have been duly warned and I appreciate your concern for my sexual wellbeing.”


We finish quickly and head back to the office. Both of us need to bust our asses this afternoon if we are going to get out of here before seven tonight.

And I really need to get out of here on time. I have something special planned for Savage tonight. There’s no way I’m postponing to polish off another article about the inaccurate parking meters and how they’re leading to excessive parking tickets.

The lingerie I bought is absolutely perfect. Slutty and sexy. If this doesn’t work, then I’m at a complete loss at what to do.

A girl can only go without dick for so long. And God knows, it has been way too long for me. This is literally the longest I’ve gone with a good fuck since I still had my virginity and my body is screaming for it.

Mouth, tongue, fingers just aren’t going to cut it anymore. Savage has a dick as beautiful as he is, inside and out, and I need it—inside me.

What if it doesn’t happen tonight?

The question has been rattling around in my head for weeks and it’s always the same answer—I’ll deal with it when the time comes.

But when does the time come? How many times I am going to let him distract me with his oral talents and avoid actual body-slamming sex?

Deep down, I know the answer. I just don’t want to admit to myself, let alone anyone else. Hence, my reluctance to discuss anything with Caroline.

I already love him.

Somehow, someway, I fell for him.

Hard—like jump off the Hoover Dam and smack into Lake Mead hard.

It was something I never thought I needed. Something I had never needed before.

Savage is everything every woman dreams about—funny, caring, generous, sexy as hell—and he’s mine. I don’t want to lose that. I won’t. Not for anything.

I know something is up the moment I enter my condo. It was a late night at the club and Dani sent me a text asking what time I’d be home. That, in and of itself, isn’t unusual, but the smell of scented candles drifting down the hallway from the bedroom alerts me that she’s been waiting, and with something very specific on her mind—the same thing that’s been on my mind since the moment I met her.


She needs it. I need it, but fuck if I know how to actually achieve it. It’s hard enough keeping my shit together when she blows me.

Christ, I can’t believe I actually have to give myself a pep talk to let my girlfriend suck my dick.

Man card revoked!

As I make my way down the hall toward the flickering light visible from my open bedroom door, I wonder if all my mental prep has done any good. I keep telling myself to relax, that everything will be fine. My cock works and that’s a lot more than most men in my situation can say.

Just roll with it, Savage. Let it all go and let her guide you.

I’m surprised to find an empty room. Candles offer a soft glow and illuminate the bed. I don’t know what I expected, but an empty room wasn’t it.


The door to the bathroom opens just as I reach the side of the bed. I turn toward the sound.

My breath catches in my throat. My heart beats a rapid tattoo in my chest.

Well, fuck…

Gwyn McNamee's books