Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)

I hear the words, but they don’t register immediately. Not until Savage takes my face between his shaking palms and turns it until I’m looking into his crystal-blue eyes. They shimmer with unshed tears.

Savage isn’t a crier, not really. I’ve only seen it a handful of times in the last year. Considering what he’s been through, what we have been through, that says a lot about how strong he is. But right now, that strength seems to have momentarily vanished.

“What?” The word comes out as nothing more than a whisper. If I wasn’t sitting on his lap, my mouth mere inches from his, I doubt he would have even heard it.

“You’re pregnant,” he says, grinning. “We are going to have a baby.” He pulls me to him and kisses me before I can even respond, stealing my breath with his excited passion. Our lips move together slowly as we savor this moment.

When he finally pulls away, I take a moment to steady my breathing and racing heart before I turn to the doctor. “How? I mean, I know how, but I haven’t had any symptoms and I had my period last month.”

Smiling, he crosses his arms again and leans back against the counter. “As many as twenty-five percent of women never experience morning sickness, and it isn’t unusual for some women to have spotting throughout their pregnancy that can appear to just be a light period. We will do a pelvic exam and ultrasound to make sure everything is progressing as it should.”

I shake my head, bewildered. “But you’re one hundred percent sure I’m pregnant?”

He nods. “Your HCG levels are over ten thousand. You are definitely pregnant, and those numbers suggest you are about two months along.”

My mind spins as I try to recall the last two months.

Two months? Two fucking months! How the hell could I be pregnant for that long and not know it?

Granted, things have been a little hectic recently. Savage opened a new restaurant and the second gentleman’s club, and I’ve been chasing down a local real estate mogul who is basically a slumlord hiding behind a dozen layers of subordinates. But still, two months?

I feel like an idiot. The last two months have been difficult for us, and not just because we’ve been so busy, but also because of the emotional strain of not being able to get pregnant. I’ve been a total wreck, crying constantly and I’m sure making Savage miserable. Looking back, all the crying and breakdowns were probably pregnancy hormones, but it doesn’t make me feel any less bad about how I have been acting.

“Danika? Baby, you okay?” Savage grabs my chin and gently turns me to face him, nothing but love and concern in his eyes.

My eyes burn as the tears form and I nod. “Yeah, I’m okay, just…shocked.”

We deserve this. We deserve some good news. We deserve to have everything we’ve ever wanted.

I realize I’m shaking when Savage pulls me to his chest and holds me tight. “Shh, don’t cry.”

I’m crying?

Apparently the shaking is accompanied by sobbing I didn’t even hear and tears streaming down my face I didn’t even feel. These hormones are a fucking bitch. I didn’t even cry this much on our wedding day and that was a day I never thought I’d ever see in my lifetime, let alone to Savage after all the shit that went down.

I thought we had our happily ever after when we got married, but today, it feels like that’s only half of it. The Hawkes are going to freak out when they find out about the baby.

Since the minute we announced our engagement, the entire family has been pestering us about starting a family. I often have to remind them that Savage is only thirty-one and I am only twenty-six, but that doesn’t seem to phase them. Even Skye has gotten in on the action, constantly checking in with me on how things are going.

We aren’t friends. I wouldn’t go that far, but I think marrying Savage finally convinced her I’m not some whore gold-digger out to take advantage of her big brother.

“Mrs. Hawke…”

I had completely forgotten Dr. Rudolph was still in the room. After quickly wiping my face, I turn to him. “Sorry.”

He smiles and nods. “No need to apologize. I am going to go get the nurse and have them set up the room for the exam and ultrasound.”

“Thank you, Dr. Rudolph.”

I’m glad Savage said something, because I am still having trouble forming coherent thoughts and sentences. The doctor leaves and I turn my attention back to Savage.

He grins at me and kisses my forehead. “So, we’re having a baby.”

“Apparently, we are.” I smile back at him and then inexplicable giggling overtakes me and I throw my arms around his neck. “We’re gonna have a baby.”

“It better not be a girl.”

I jerk back and glare at him.

Why the hell would he say something like that? Asshat.

“What the fuck, Savage?”

He chuckles and pinches my side playfully. “I’m just thinking it will be really hard to explain that her daddy is a pussy peddler—might be easier with a boy.”

Gwyn McNamee's books