Safe from Harm (Protect & Serve #2)

He shook his head, a mischievous grin curving his lips—his incredible lips she could never taste enough. “Nope. You’re adorable when you’re angry.”

She shook her head, so many things about him making sense to her now. All those times she thought he was just being a jerk, he’d been baiting her because he thought she was cute when she got mad. “You’re incorrigible.”


She slid a glance his way, the mention of his seeing her in court suddenly giving her pause. “Gabe, do you realize that if…if things continue between us, I’d have to recuse myself from any of your cases. And probably your brothers’ cases, for that matter.”

He glanced away from the road to send a frown her way. “Okay. Would that be so bad? It’s not like there’s a shortage of crime in Fairfield County.”

She blew out a breath, trying to figure out how to answer that question. “No, but it would dramatically affect the kinds of cases I get. Let’s face it—you and your brothers tend to get the big ones. If there’s something major going on, the Dawson boys are typically on the other end of it.”

“Don’t make a career decision based on me,” he said. “Or us.”

Elle’s stomach sank. God, what had she been thinking? Of course it was way too soon to be thinking in the long-term where she and Gabe were concerned. They were supposed to be taking things slowly, day by day. That had been her own suggestion. Now she’d just made it sound like her entire career would be decided by her relationship that was all of about two days old.

She closed her eyes, feeling the heat of her embarrassment flooding her cheeks. “Gabe, I didn’t mean… I wasn’t implying…”

Damn it!

She couldn’t even figure out how to dig herself out of this one. She totally sounded like one of those clingy, desperate women who started planning their weddings after the first date and then went psycho when the guy turned tail and ran.

He chuckled. “Hey, Elle?”

She groaned. “Yes?”

“It’s okay. I know.”

She dared to send a glance his way. “You know what?”

“I know you want me.” When she laughed and smacked playfully at his arm, his grin widened. “Ow! Hey, it’s okay. I know I’m adorable, too. You just can’t help yourself. Don’t worry about it.”

“Have I mentioned you’re incorrigible?” she shot back, grinning, glad he wasn’t going to make a big deal about her reference to a future.

He cocked his head as if considering her question. “Nope. Don’t think so.” Then he offered her a wink.

For several minutes, they rode in comfortable silence, hands clasped. Then he said softly, “Hey, Elle?”


“I want there to be an us,” he told her. “I just don’t want us to be what makes you decide whether or not to take a job. I want you to do whatever’s going to make you happy. I just hope whatever you decide that maybe…maybe that future will include me.” He shifted in his seat, his neck growing red. Then he coughed, clearing his throat before adding, “Anyway, thought I’d throw that out there.”

Elle didn’t know what to say. Her heart swelled with so much joy and panic at the same time, she wasn’t sure exactly how she felt. Okay, actually, that was a lie. She knew exactly how she felt.

She was in love with Gabe Dawson.

Her girlhood infatuation had evolved over the years, in spite of her own efforts to keep her feelings in check. And now, after allowing herself to peek behind his cocky, self-assured facade, she knew without a doubt she was head over heels in love with the man beside her.

But after her earlier gaffe, there was no way in hell she was going to admit it right then. Instead, she settled for leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek and left it at that. It was actually a relief when they arrived at Jessica’s house.

But when she unbuckled her seat belt and reached for the door handle to get out of the Charger, she realized Gabe wasn’t moving. Concerned, she took his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. “Are you sure you want to go inside with me? You can just drop me off and I’ll catch a ride home with someone else.”

He frowned. “What? Why would I do that?”

“I don’t know… I just…” She forced a smile. “Never mind. Let’s just go.”

Gabe got out and came around to open the door for her, keeping her hand clasped firmly in his as they made their way to the front porch. She twined her fingers with his as he raised his other hand to knock, but the door swung open before he had the chance.


Jessica Andrews had been crying, her dark eyes puffy and swollen. On a sob, she threw her arms around Gabe’s neck, hugging him tightly.

“Thank God you came!” she sniffed as she ushered them in. “I didn’t realize the police had called you.”

Kate SeRine's books