Safe from Harm (Protect & Serve #2)

The muscles in his neck and arms bulged with the effort to keep from coming. When the head of his penis began to weep, the salty taste of him tingling her tongue, she withdrew with one long, hard suck that made him swallow a cry.

In the next moment, he was sweeping her off her feet to switch places with her, tearing off her panties with such haste that she heard the satin tear, but she didn’t care. As close as he’d been to coming, she expected him to plunge into her and nearly bowed off the seat when she felt the flick of his tongue against her clit.

“Oh God,” she gasped when his tongue teased lightly, tickling and tasting. He pulled back at her words and her eyes popped open to make sure everything was okay, only to find him giving her a self-satisfied grin as he peered at her. “Gabe?”

“I want to look at you,” he said. “I want to see your face when I make you come.”

She opened her mouth to inquire exactly how he planned to make her come when he was just kneeling there grinning at her, but then she felt a long finger ease into her and his thumb brushed her clit, making her arch. As his thumb moved in a slow, sensual motion, his finger moved within her, searching. And then—

“Holy shit!” she cried as a sensation so intense shook her to her bones.

“That’s it,” he encouraged as his tempo increased, making her writhe against his hand. “Do you like that, Elle?”

Did she like it? Was he kidding?

“Oh God, yes!” she panted, leaning back on her elbows.

Between the onslaught of sensation from the way he was working her clit and stroking her G-spot, she felt like her entire body was about to shatter into a million pieces. It briefly crossed her mind that she shouldn’t let go completely, that she should keep her guard up. After all, this could be just a one-time thing, a fling that both of them had been longing for—no matter how much she now realized she wanted it to be more. Even if Gabe’s reputation with women had been exaggerated, he was still not one for commitment. But then, neither was she.

But as soon as the thoughts had crossed her mind, the intensity of the pleasure Gabe was eliciting pushed them away, making it impossible for her not to completely give herself over to the moment.

“Don’t stop,” she managed.

His voice was deeper, his breathing ragged when he said, “Don’t stop what, Elle? Say it.”

Her head thrashed from side to side as her pleasure began to peak. “Don’t stop touching me,” she ordered. “Don’t stop—”

She arched off the seat as she came, not able to stifle her cry as light exploded in her head.

Elle expected him to withdraw then, but instead he rasped, “Come here.”

When she rose up, he leaned forward, taking her breast in his mouth, alternately scraping her nipple with his teeth and teasing it with his tongue as he slipped a second finger inside her, thrusting rapidly.

She was shocked to feel another release building again almost immediately. “Oh God, oh God,” she panted. “Gabe!”

He released her breast to capture her lips in a brief, savage kiss, then ground out, “What do you want me to do to you, Elle? Tell me. I’m not going any further unless you tell me.”

She moaned as her stomach muscles tightened, her head spinning, her orgasm seconds away. This time her cry was almost a whimper, the pleasure so intense she wanted to weep.

“Tell me, Elle,” he demanded, finally withdrawing and pulling her gently to her feet, then pressing her against the car. He lifted her leg and hooked it around his hip, then took his cock in his hand and rubbed the head of it against her sensitive clit, sending a powerful aftershock through her. “What do you want?”

“I want…” She was panting, writhing, the need to feel him inside her so powerful she couldn’t even think coherently.

He positioned himself at her entrance, sliding in just enough to make his presence known. “Do you want this? Do you want me inside you?”

“God, yes!” she moaned.

He pressed in just a fraction more. “How’s this? Is this what you want, Elle?”

“More,” she gasped, hooking her legs around his hips, urging him on.

Suddenly, he thrust deep, filling her almost to the point of pain. She’d known he was large, remembered from when they’d made out a year ago, confirmed it when she’d taken him into her hand and then her mouth. But she still gasped.

“What now?” he asked, beginning to withdraw, only to thrust hard again. “This?”

She nodded frantically. “Yes. More. Harder.”

His fingers dug into her hips as he thrust faster and harder. “God, it feels good inside you.”

And yet as soon as he said it, he withdrew. She frowned, confused, feeling suddenly empty when he bent as if to pull up his pants. “Gabe?”

When he rose back to his feet, she realized what he’d been doing even before he ground out, “Condom.”

Kate SeRine's books