Safe from Harm (Protect & Serve #2)

She was right, of course. The woman had had a way of reasoning Elle into a corner in every single argument they’d ever had. Elle had a feeling Charlotte would’ve been a terror in the courtroom had she chosen to go into law.

“But if I take another job, I want it to be because I feel like it’s where I can do the most good,” Elle told her. “I don’t want it to be because I’m scared to do my current one.”

Charlotte’s expression softened. “I can certainly respect that, baby girl. You remind me so much of your mom sometimes. She was never one to back down from a challenge.”

Elle grinning. “Runs in the family.”

“Will you just promise me you’ll reconsider the position?” Charlotte pressed. “Will you at least think about it some more?”

“Fine,” Elle said, relenting. “I’ll consider it. But I’m not making any promises.”

“Fair enough.” Charlotte took a sip from her own mug and her eyes sparkled, giving Elle a heads-up that the conversation was about to lighten. “So…back to Gabe Dawson.”

“He’s just a friend,” Elle insisted. “Barely even that, really.”

Charlotte grinned at her. “Mmm-hmm.”

Elle groaned. “Would you stop doing that?”

Charlotte chuckled. “Sure. As soon as you stop denying what’s going on between you two.”

Elle sighed and gave her aunt with an understanding look. “Look, I know you worry about me and want me to eventually have a relationship that lasts more than a couple of months, but Gabe Dawson isn’t the guy for me.”

Charlotte leaned back in her chair, scrutinizing Elle with eyes the same shade of green as hers. “Want to know what I think?”

Elle’s lips twitched with amusement as she blew across the top of her hot chocolate. “I learned a long time ago that you’re going to tell me anyway, no matter how I answer that question.”

Charlotte winked at her. “You always were a smart girl.”

“Another trait that runs in the family,” Elle replied. “So this sage wisdom is…?”

Charlotte pressed her lips together for a moment before answering, “I think Gabe is a lot like his daddy. Mac had more than his fair share of pretty young women on his arm when we were younger. I’d love to say I was his only high school sweetheart, but that would be a lie. I was just the last. Mac was quite the charmer back in the day. Still is.”

Elle’s brows lifted. “Mac? He doesn’t exactly strike me as the romantic type.”

Charlotte leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand, a dreamy expression coming into her eyes. “You’d be surprised. Oh, it’s a side he doesn’t show to many, that’s for sure. But I would’ve married that man in a heartbeat had he asked.”

“But then he met Gabe’s mom,” Elle supplied.

Charlotte nodded. “Theresa was the kind of woman Mac needed at that time of his life. I would’ve made a terrible cop’s wife back then. I was far too reckless and headstrong, and valued my independence and freedom way too much to settle down and raise a family.”

Now it was Elle’s turn to scrutinize. “And now? What if Mac were to waltz in here and sweep you off your feet?”

Charlotte laughed. “First of all, Mac wouldn’t waltz anywhere. He’d kick in the door and barge right on in. And he wouldn’t take no for an answer if I turned him down. He’s persistent, that man.”

Elle shook her head. “Charlotte Mulaney, I think you’re just as much in love with Mac Dawson as you ever were. Does he know?”

Charlotte flushed to the roots of her hair. “He knows I care about him. When you’ve known each other as long as we have, some things just don’t need to be said.”

“Sure they do,” Elle argued. “Does he feel the same way?”

Charlotte’s expression clouded over for a moment before she forced a smile. “Oh, I’m sure he does, in his way. We never stopped being the best of friends, and we enjoy our time together. But I don’t know that he’ll ever get over losing Theresa.”

“She’s been gone a long time,” Elle pointed out. “Maybe he just doesn’t know how to tell you what he really feels.”

Charlotte laughed outright at this. “Oh, don’t be so sure. Mac has always known how to woo a girl. But we’re a little old for flowers and poetry at this point.”

“Mac? A poet?” Elle said, finding such a thing hard to believe.

Charlotte’s smile widened. “Someday I’ll drag out my memory box and show you a few of the verses he wrote for me.”

Elle shook her head. “Wow. I stand corrected.”

Kate SeRine's books