Safe from Harm (Protect & Serve #2)

When her gaze drifted back up to his, he decided to test his new theory and let his thumb slowly smooth over her skin. “How are you?” he asked softly.

She gave him a tremulous smile and, God help him, he damned near dragged her into his arms and kissed her. But he managed to restrain himself as she said, “Shaken up a bit. But no lasting harm.”

He narrowed his eyes at that, not believing her for a second. “You sure about that, honey?”

“I’ll be okay,” she assured him, nodding a little, her lips pressed together as if she was trying to convince herself of the truth of her words. “It’s just…” She sighed. “I almost died yesterday.”

There it was. The truth they both needed to face. Elle was no fool. Hell, she was brilliant as far as he was concerned. She must’ve known as certainly as he did how close they’d both come to losing their lives the previous day. So there was no denying her words, no use trying to convince her she was mistaken.

“Yeah,” he said, still caressing her pulse point. “You sleep at all last night?”

She shook her head, her eyes beginning to glisten with unshed tears. “No. All I could see when I closed my eyes was—” Her words broke off when her voice hitched with emotion.

Ah hell.

He slipped his hand into the thick waves of hair at the base of her neck and pulled her toward him. Every inch of him—especially those hidden under the blanket—longed to kiss her lips, but at the last moment, he pressed his lips to her forehead in a lingering kiss.

He didn’t know what to say to make her feel better. It wasn’t like that time when Todd Jenkins had broken up with her a week before the homecoming dance and Gabe had hinted to Chris that maybe he should ask her. Or the time her biggest rival was made editor of the school yearbook and he’d broken into her locker before school to leave her flowers (anonymously, of course). Or the time he’d given Aaron Maguire a fat lip when that asshole had gotten a little grabby with Elle in spite of her saying no loud and clear. Or the time he’d driven two hours to the college she was attending to fix her car on the sly because her aunt Charlotte had mentioned that it wasn’t running and Elle refused to ask for the money to fix it.

He’d been secretly looking out for Elle for as long as he had known her, never letting on that he was the one, never asking for anything in return. Knowing she was safe and happy was enough. But he was at a loss on how to comfort her this time, when they were very literally face to face.

He’d never known how to deal with a woman when she was upset. He supposed he got that from his father, who wasn’t exactly the most nurturing guy. Normally, Gabe bailed when things got serious enough with a woman that she was actually sharing emotions. Okay, to be honest, he usually bailed way before that. But seeing Elle looking lost and afraid brought out a protective urge in him that he’d never really experienced with anyone else—not to this extent, anyway.

He could lie and say she’d be fine in a few days. But the truth was, it might be something that haunted her far longer. God knew he had plenty of nightmares—some of them walked and talked and dropped by for a visit in his hospital room in the middle of the night.

Elle’s hand came up to rest lightly on his chest, and he felt her breath quicken as tension began to build in the air between them. “Thank you for saving my life,” she whispered. She pulled back enough that their faces were just inches apart. And for a moment, he thought she might actually kiss him. The look in her eyes told him she was considering it, which shocked the hell out of him.

But as he leaned in to close the gap, his hospital door opened. “Good mornin’, baby!”

Elle started and stumbled back a few feet as the nurse, Wanda, came in pushing a cart filled with flowers, balloons, and plush animals holding little stuffed hearts.

“What the hell?” Gabe muttered irritably, pissed off at the intrusion.

Nurse Wanda parked the cart at the end of his bed and began to unload the various deliveries onto every flat surface in the room. “Looks like you have a few admirers,” she said, giving him a knowing grin. Then she turned her attention to Elle. “How are you, honey?”

Elle looked a little uncomfortable as she took in all the crap from his well-wishers.

“I’m good. Thanks, Wanda.”

“Oooh, look at this one,” Wanda said, holding up a ridiculously sweet-looking teddy bear with huge, teardrop-shaped eyes. She lifted the card and read aloud, “Get well soon, sweetums. Smooches, Beth.”

Gabe frowned. Beth? Who the hell was Beth?

Wanda picked up a vase of some kind of blue flowers and read, “To my little snookie-ookums. Feel better. Hugs and kisses, Amy.”

Okay, so Amy he remembered. She was the college student who’d picked him up at Mulaney’s a month or so ago when they’d gotten together to welcome his brother Kyle back to town. God, he’d gotten totally shit-faced that night. Fortunately, he’d only made out with the hot little blond. But apparently it’d been enough to make an impression on her.

Kate SeRine's books