Saddle Up by Victoria Vane

“Does that really matter?” he asked.

“I don’t want to be another conquest, Keith. I told you before that I don’t do hookups. I dated my last boyfriend for almost a year before we were ever intimate, and here you and I met only two days ago.”

“Not true,” he said. “We first met over a year ago.”

“But we’re still virtually strangers,” she insisted.

“Time and intimacy are irrelevant, Aiwattsi. There are people who spend a lifetime together as strangers, and others who connect as if they’d known each other in another life. Why do you think it’s wrong to be with me?”

“Wrong? No, I don’t really feel that way.” Her gaze darted away. “Maybe I should, but I don’t.”

“We all have a need to be touched,” he said. “It’s in our very nature. I want to be with you, Aiwattsi. Tell me you want this too.” He ached to touch her, to be inside her, but the attraction was more than just strong sexual chemistry. He hoped she felt it too.

Desire and hesitation mingled in her eyes. “Part of me does, but the other part just doesn’t know if I can do this,” she said.

“Then I think the second part of you needs a little convincing.” Palming the back of her head, he claimed her mouth in a long, hungry kiss. Her arms came around his neck as she melted into it with a little moan. He drew her in deeper, kissing her hot and fierce, invading her mouth with his tongue, before reluctantly breaking away. His body screamed for release, but his truck wasn’t the right place, especially when a comfortable room waited.

Keith held his breath, his gaze silently probing hers.

Her eyes met his, soft with desire. “Yes, Keith,” she whispered. “I want to be with you too.”

Chapter 13

Stepping out of the shower, Miranda pulled on her cotton sleep shorts and a tank top, and then proceeded to dry her hair. Her jitters were growing by the second. Out in the desert, it was easy to fall victim to heat-of-the-moment passion. Danger and desire made an addictive cocktail, especially to someone who’d always lived vicariously through films, but spending the night with Keith in a hotel was very much a conscious decision.

She froze at the sound of a light knock on the door, fraught with nervous anticipation. She’d almost decided to back out, until she peered through the peephole and found Keith standing there with an overnight bag slung over his shoulder and bearing two very full trays of food.

“Room service.” He grinned as she cracked the door.

Her anxiety eased by his playful tone, Miranda fumbled to release the chain and then stepped away to let him in.

“Hungry?” he asked.

Her stomach answered with an embarrassing growl.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He chuckled. “What are you in the mood for? We’ve got a double decker club with fries, a Monte Cristo with onion rings, and a four-cheese pizza.” He set the food on the table beside the queen-size bed and uncovered the trays with a scowl. “Maybe I should have ordered more.”

“More?” She laughed. “There’s enough food there for a small army. How much do you normally eat?”

His gaze raked slowly over her, heating her skin. “The kind of activity I have in mind burns many calories.” He fed her a fry with a grin then offered her half a sandwich and a slice of pizza. “We’re going to need our strength, so you’d better eat up.”

She accepted the plate with a smile. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took a bite of the sandwich, rolling her eyes in appreciation. He sat down beside her, sneaking an onion ring from her plate with a guilty look. For the next few minutes they ate in silence, Keith devouring his food with gusto while Miranda picked at hers. She was famished but too nervous to fully appreciate the meal.

“Second thoughts?” he asked.

She hesitated for a couple of seconds, weighing her feelings. “I just don’t have any experience with this kind of thing. To be honest, I haven’t a clue what to think…about you and me.” Except that he read her better than anyone she’d ever met.

“Then don’t think,” he replied. “Just eat.” His gaze traveled slowly over her, making her insides quiver. “And quickly.”

Swallowing his last bite, he tossed his plate down and then took hers away. Slowly leaning in, he kissed her, just a light brush of his lips. Holding his body inches from hers, enough for her to feel his heat but not his flesh, he teased and enticed. Sucking her lower lip between his teeth, he gently nipped and then slowly released. “Any better now?” he asked.

“A little,” she whispered back.

“Come.” Taking her hand, he led her into the large, tiled bathroom with its oversized Jacuzzi tub. He turned on the tap. “Earlier you mentioned a desire for a hot bath.”

“But I already showered,” she said.