Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

We’d talk, occasionally, about random things. It was always really strained between us, but sometimes, just sometimes, both of us would let down our guards at the same time and we’d have a moment of real connection.

I didn’t want to admit it, but those moments were more important to me than winning games, already.

To be fair, though, we were already winning games. Coach Armstrong would say it was because these two times we out prepared the other teams, but that was just the public thing. We were flat out better than the Jets and the Bills this year, and each game resulted in convincing victories.

The locker room didn’t care why we won, though, they just loved the wins. Drake was having the time of his life, catching a couple touchdowns a game from me, and it felt good to see him making it as a pro.

Even the defense, led by Hud, was having a great year, piling up sacks and interceptions. Sure, it was the Jets and the Bills, but still, everyone on the field was a professional player, and we didn’t make the schedules, we just played whoever was in front of us.

It felt so good to win, though. We could get used to this.

Week 3, though, that was gonna be the first real test for us. It was against the Steelers. No joke on any given year, this year their staunch defense was back with a roster thick with young talent, and their offense was as high-flying as ever.

We would need to fire on all cylinders if we were gonna win this game. Preparation that week was harsh, but everyone welcomed it. Coaches around here were fond of saying “you practice hard so the game comes easy,” but that really meant, at least to me, “you practice hard so you don’t freak out when the game starts.”

I came into the athletics wing on Sunday, game day, and found Charlotte already waiting for me. She nodded toward the table and I jumped up and got in position.

She immediately started massaging me, starting with my back and shoulders, and moving on to my arms, and hands, before doing my torso and legs. It felt amazing, and it was just what I needed to get myself ready for the game.

We stayed quiet, both of us, during these massages. It was as if we had agreed to do that without actually agreeing to, but it was better this way. I knew we were both trying to keep the sexual tension between us as low as we could, given that we were both ridiculously attracted to the other, we’d already had a night of hot sex, and she touched me in nice ways for a living.

“You ready for today?” Charlotte piped up, glancing at me before she looked back down at my knee as she moved her hands expertly around it.

I leaned back on the table, clasping my hands behind my head and closing my eyes. “I mean, if I could have another week to prepare, sure, that would be better, but yeah, I’m ready to go.”

“Watch out for the left side pass rush, OK? Don’t take any chances.”

My eyes snapped open. “What?”

She stopped massaging me for a second, her face turning red in that adorable way it did. I looked around the room - there were a couple other people milling about, doing their game day thing. If there hadn’t been, I might have kissed her right there. “I just wanted you to be careful,” she mumbled. “The Steelers are known for their pass rush.” She sounded like she’d read that somewhere and memorized it without really understanding what it meant, but I couldn’t be sure.

I laughed, unable to keep it in. “Since when did you get into football? I’ve never heard you mention a pass rush of any kind before.”

“Shut up.” She was clearly embarrassed.

I leaned forward, pulling my arms down and laying them on her upper arms. “No, no, don’t stop, I kinda like it. Tell me more.”

“I just…I wanted to make sure you were careful out there. I’m not into football or anything, I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt.”

“Ahh, so this is purely professional interest on your part.”

She bit her lip. “Well, yeah, you kinda are my professional career these days, Lance. I take care of you for a living, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I see.” I smiled. “And there’s nothing, personal, about this interest, then?”

“Shut up!” She swatted at me and I let her hit me. “Don’t put me on the spot like that. You know how I get.”

“I do know. Maybe, just maybe, that’s why I like putting you on the spot like that…”

“I hate you.” If she wasn’t smiling when she said that it would be difficult, but she was grinning at me just fine.

“I can tell. Especially with some of these massages.”

“Ugh. You are the worst, have I ever told you that?”

“Only every day.” She was so beautiful, I could barely stand it. I couldn’t believe that guys weren’t falling all over themselves in the hall trying to get with her.

“Well, clearly, you need to hear it more often.”

Lucy Snow's books