Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

This felt right. This felt natural.

When we got down the short hall into the main area of my small studio apartment, Parker looked around for a second, taking it all in. I felt myself flush lightly, wondering for a half moment if he would set me down and leave. It certainly didn’t look like the most inviting place for a one night stand.

Or was that a good thing? Not being a one night stand girl I couldn’t tell, but in the long term, yeah, that was probably a good thing.

The first thing Parker did, though, was walk toward the bed. I knew that nights out at the club with Sandy were not early ones, so before I had left earlier that evening I had made my bed, which was a great relief now as Parker threw me onto the bed and leaned over me.

As soon as my head hit the sheets Parker and I were kissing again, and I couldn’t believe how well our bodies responded to each other. It was like we were made to fit together, and we hadn’t even started to take our clothes off yet!

All these lustful thoughts whirred about in my head, and I tried as best as I could to blot them all out at once and just relax and enjoy the moment, but relaxing wasn’t exactly easy to do when you had the sexiest man on Earth kissing you in your new apartment just a few minutes after you two had met.

The way he tasted sent me over the moon, and I could feel him get more and more aggressive as he got more and more turned on. Out of nowhere I could feel the hard, long, and thick outline of his cock pressing against my leg through the fabric of his pants and my dress, and I gasped at how large he felt like that. It had been long enough since I had had sex that I was at least a tiny bit worried about fitting him inside me, but at least I knew that I would be wet enough to at least try and take him.

“Mmmmmm,” Parker moaned, setting one of his hands down to each side of my head and holding himself there. “I love how you taste, Charlotte.” The dark, rich tone of his voice set off firecrackers all over my body, causing little tremors all over. Parker was so manly, but instead of being too eager, he was taking his time and savoring me, like a big cat who had already found where his next meal was coming from and secured it - now was time to enjoy oneself before finishing it off.

“Likewise,” I breathed, and immediately felt like a dork. Way to be smooth, Charlotte. Way to come up with something creative in the moment! There was a tiny part of me that expected Parker to laugh, get up, and walk out of my apartment without another word, but thankfully and to his credit, he just smiled and moved his face down to kiss that spot right where my neck met my shoulders, that spot that instantly had me soaking wet and gasping out loud as he teased it with his soft tongue.

Just breathing over that spot was enough to get me in the mood without fail, and Parker did so much more than breathe on me. I ran my hands up and down his arms over his clothes, wishing for the hundredth time already that these barriers to our skin touching each other would just disappear and leave us to dance the dance that two people do when connected by desire and lust.

I wanted to rip Parker’s shirt off. I wanted Parker to rip my dress off. And then I wanted him to fuck me, hard, until I didn’t understand anything other than sex.

But Parker, at least for the next few moments, had other ideas. He stayed at my neck, pulling the top of my dress out of the way, stretching the fabric a little bit across the tops of my arms, getting to my neck and shoulders and showering them with little kisses on each side. It was heavenly, and as my body shuddered I knew I was jerking my legs back and forth below him, letting the sensations wash over me toward my *.

By now I didn’t even understand the sounds I was making as Parker deliciously tortured me, it felt like I had unhooked the filter between what I felt and the noises that came out of my mouth. I couldn’t even keep my eyes open for too long at a time; they fluttered open and shut as I tried to process all that I was feeling. Parker was a master at touching my body, and we still had all our clothes on! I couldn’t believe it.

As if on cue, Parker leaned back, his thick legs still rooted to the floor, and stared down at me, his smile thick with desire and the knowledge that I was right where he wanted me, and that he could do anything he wanted with me. Parker reached down and took me by the arm and at the waist and turned me so I was perpendicular to him, then he climbed onto the bed with me.

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