Her right leg was draped over mine. My cock rested between her legs, still pulsing as it lost its steam. I could still feel the heat raging from her pussy.

“Holy shit,” she whispered, breaking our silence. “That’s what it’s like? That’s what I missed out on?”

“No, babe,” I said. “You didn’t miss a thing. Nobody fucks like I do. Trust me.”

Belle touched my face. “I do trust you, Slam. This is all crazy.”

“I know it is,” I said. “It’ll work itself out.”

I knew what I needed to do next. The worst thing probably considering the way Belle looked at me. She wanted me to hold her. She wanted me to caress her entire body. She wanted me to fuck her again. And trust me, that’s what I wanted more than anything in the world. But the opportunity that waited outside couldn’t be ignored. One last wild outlaw ride and then the dust could finally settle.

I kissed her forehead and pulled back a few inches. “Belle…”

“You have to go.”

“Shit. How’d you know?”

“I can see it in your eyes,” she said. “I respect what you do, Slam. I get it. I get the Reaper’s Bastards.”

“That means a lot to me,” I said. “But this isn’t club business, babe. This is for you.” I kissed her again and climbed out of the bed.

Belle got to the edge of the bed. “What do you mean?”

I looked over my shoulder at her. “You’ll find out soon enough. You just stay put in that bed. I’ll be back soon enough.”

I dressed myself and turned to the beautiful naked woman in her bed. It was a cruel sight because I didn’t want to leave her.

I put my forehead to Belle’s but I didn’t kiss her goodbye. There was no goodbye. I was going to come back and get that kiss from her.

I told her I loved her and she told me the same.

Somehow the outlaw inside me had found romance. I was far from being tamed, I just found something else to fight for in life.

Outside, I started my motorcycle and looked at the apartment building.


That’s what it was all about.

That’s what the Reap was about.

That was the mission for my future.

I had my club, my brothers.

In that apartment I had my girl and I hoped a life inside her.

But right then… it was time to be a true outlaw - it was time to kill.

I had the location and I had a plan. Knox promised he would give me support if I needed it. I wasn’t going to need support. This was all me.

I was fucking ten minutes into my ride when I saw the cherry lights behind me. I heard the blip blip of a siren.

“Fuck,” I growled.

I throttled my ride and sped up. If I really wanted to, I could have burned the PD. I knew all the roads and I had the speed and ability to move faster and more agile than a fucking police cruiser.

Instead, I took the higher road. I pulled to the side of the road. I had no illegal weapons on me. I had no drugs. I had no reason to worry. Shit, if the cop wanted to frisk me, yeah I was carrying a weapon, but he needed to have a reason to search me. And by then, I’d just fucking take off again.

The officer climbed out of his cruiser. I stepped off my ride and turned.

The officer took out his gun and shot right at me.

Bang! Bang!

Two bullets zinged right by. He missed on purpose, for whatever fucking reason, but he sure as fuck had my attention.

He closed right in on me, then swung his gun, cracking me across the jaw.

I fell back and he ordered me to the ground.

“What the fuck is this?” I yelled.

“You’re fucked,” the officer yelled. He dropped a knee right my ribs. “Chief wants you locked up for a long fucking time now.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

The officer put the gun to my head and ordered me to my stomach. I had no choice but to listen. The prick cuffed me and stood me up. He walked me to his cruiser and threw me against it.

“Are you going to answer me?” I screamed.

The officer smashed my face off the hood of the car. He leaned down and smiled at me.

“You were fucking tailing his daughter,” the officer said. “And you just left her apartment. You’re fucked, Slam. You’re not going to see the sun rise.”

I was supposed to be out killing the man that killed Chief’s wife. Instead, he thought I was hurting his daughter.

Of all the bad shit my father ever did to me, there was one thing that stuck in my mind. He was hammered one night and he looked right at me. He said. “Son, stay away from pussy. It’ll kill you.”

Those words popped into my head.

Looks like my old man was right.




I heard the pounding on my door and I jumped up. I scrambled to get dressed and ran out of bedroom to the kitchen to get a knife. When I answered the door and saw my father standing there, it was a complete shock to me.

“A knife to answer the door,” he said.

“Dad? What are you…”

“How long has he been following you?”

“What? Who?”


My heart sank. My eyes went wide. “What are you… wait…”

“Longer than I thought,” he said. He curled his lip. “I knew this would happen. That scumbag gang is going after you to get to me.”


Jaxson Kidman's books