Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

Benji smiled. “Considering you don’t know what a guy like me likes to do, I find your assessment of me a little unfair. But I’ll tell ya a story—I’m boring and this was a lot of fun.”

Lucy’s eyes narrowed but she nodded slowly. “I’ll see what I can do about Wednesday. I have a meeting that day, so getting her here at five is cutting it close.”

“Can’t Jayden bring me? I can play with both of them!”

Lucy cupped her face and smiled. “Ew, you’re gross! All sweaty,” she laughed. “But, yes, if your uncle ever answers my calls and he’s alive, then we’ll have him bring you.”

“Well, if he can’t, let me know and I’ll come get her for you.”

Why in the hell did he say that?

Lucy looked up, her eyes wide, and Angie grinned happily. “Cool! Mom, that works, right?”

Her look said, no, no it didn’t. Benji knew that but he smiled just the same. “Not trying to sound like a creeper—”

“Eh, riding the line, buddy,” she said more under her breath, but he heard her loud and clear. Who could blame her? Some strange dude asking to pick her daughter up? He’d punch a guy who said it, so he didn’t blame her. He still felt a little dejected as he met her gaze, though, praying she saw he wasn’t a creepy bad guy.

“But I can help out if need be.”

Lucy only nodded, her eyes burning into his. He didn’t think she thought he was a perv, but it was obvious she didn’t trust him. Hell, he was sure she didn’t trust anyone, which was sad and only made him believe he was right about the ex. As he held her gaze, her eyes staring into his, he swore he saw a little heat in her eyes. Then, maybe he was an idiot because just as quickly, she was nodding as she said, “Yeah, okay. Angie, say bye. Let’s go.”

Angie grinned up at him and held her fist out for him to bump. “Thanks for all the help. You really helped me out.”

“Anytime,” he said, bumping her fist. “I’ll see you Wednesday.”

“Cool,” she cheered and then she looked up to Lucy. “Mom?”

“What?” As Angie jerked her head to Benji, he smiled as Lucy looked over at him confused. “What?”

“Don’t you want to thank him?”

Lucy made a put out kind of face but quickly masked it with a winning, fake grin. “Thank you so much for helping my daughter on the ice. You are by far the coolest dude ever and not creepy at all.”

Benji laughed. “Have you ever heard that you attract more bees with honey than vinegar?”

Holding his gaze, her lip quirked. “Good thing I don’t like honey…or bees.”

“Guess so,” he agreed, her eyes darkening in color. “But either way, it was really nice to meet you. When I woke up this morning, I really didn’t think I’d meet someone like you.”

“One of a kind,” she said with a wink, her lips quirking once more, almost like she was going to laugh. Instead, she waved. “See ya around.”

“Look forward to it.”

And he did.

She was sassy and she was suffering from resting bitch face, but maybe all she needed was someone to make her smile. Someone to make her laugh. As she walked away, she looked back, her eyes playful before replying to whatever Angie had said. All Benji could do was watch her walk. Her ass was killer and his palms itched to touch it. He wondered if she knew he was thinking of holding her ass because she glared before rolling her eyes.

When a hand came crashing down on his shoulder, he looked over to meet Vaughn’s profile.

“She turned me down. Called me an idgit.”


“Yeah, she’s an angry one. Stay away from her,” he said, shaking his head, but when he glanced back at Benji, he let his head fall back. “Shit, you like her?”

Benji shrugged. “She’s different.”

“Yeah, mean as a possum!”

“A possum?”

Vaughn’s eyes widened. “Yeah, dude. Mean. Those things are mean. She’s mean.”

Shaking his head, Benji grinned. “No, she just acts mean to keep people away.”

“Yeah, so stay away.”

“Don’t know if I can.”

Letting out a long breath, Vaughn shook his head as Benji watched her untie Angie’s skates. He wasn’t sure if what he was saying was true, but a part of him really believed he wanted to know Lucy. Past the snark. Past the angry persona.

The real Lucy Sinclair.

“It won’t end well,” Vaughn warned.

Benji knew that.

So that meant one thing.

It couldn’t end.

“Benji is so cool, Mom, like, really. He was so funny and kept, like, telling me I’m awesome and everything. Everyone loves him. He challenged all of us. And, come on, he plays in the NHL, Mom. He’s, like, the best. But he let all of us win! He’s so cool. Don’t you think he’s cool?”

“He’s something,” Lucy said under her breath as she pulled out of the parking spot and drove off. Something like hot and supernice. She couldn’t help but watch the guy on the ice. He was huge! And he treated those little girls like they were in tutus with crowns on their heads. He was so attentive. So sweet and she didn’t miss how he kept looking at her. She wasn’t sure why, but it was nice.

When she actually allowed herself to enjoy it.