Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

Ah, his mom. The lovely Mrs. Hart. “Well, when your mom pushes Angie out of her twat, then she can have some say. But until then, we will follow the parenting plan.”

Shaking his head, he looked out at the ice once more and scoffed. “What, you get a boyfriend and you’re all high and mighty? All of a sudden you’re good?”

Don’t answer him. Ignore him, she begged herself but, yeah, it didn’t help. “I don’t need anyone. I’ve always been good on my own.”

“Whatever, you’re pathetic. You depend on your family for everything. Now you’ll do the same to him, and he’ll leave. No one can handle you.”

Motherfucker. Glaring, she sucked in a breath and stood up, her body shaking with rage. “I’ll get Angie.”

“Aw. Did I hurt your feelings? Oh, wait, you don’t have any.”

Ignoring him, she walked around the rink, waving at Angie to come on. Shea looked over at her and concern filled his face. Skating toward her, he opened the side door. “You okay?”

“Yeah, Angie’s dad is here. She’s gotta go. Every other Friday, it will be like this.”

He nodded slowly as Angie slipped past him. “See ya, Coach.”

“Bye, Hart, see ya tomorrow.”

She smiled as she nodded, heading toward the lobby to change. Looking back at Shea, Lucy smiled. “Bye, Shea.”

He looked from Lucy to Rick and shook his head. “Bye, see you tomorrow. Her game is at ten fifteen.”

He said it loud enough for Rick to hear it, but he was walking away, heading to the lobby. Nodding to Shea, she sent another wave and then followed Rick and Angie. When she entered the lobby, Angie was already almost done, putting all her stuff in her bag as Rick stood by, playing on his phone.

“Her game is at ten fifteen,” Lucy reminded him.

Without looking up, he said, “According to the parenting plan, I don’t have to bring her.”

Lucy’s brows rose as Angie’s eyes widened in protest, looking between her parents. Holding her hand up to ward off Angie’s potential freak-out, she glared at Rick.

“Yes, but I would think you’d want to bring her since it’s something she enjoys.”

“We’ll see, but I have stuff planned tomorrow,” he snapped, looking up and glaring. “Let’s go, Angie.”

“But, Dad, I want—”

“I said, let’s go.” His voice was chilly, his body rigid as he looked away. Angie looked to Lucy, tears in her eyes, and Lucy’s heart started to jackhammer in her chest.

“Rick,” Lucy called when he started to walk away. “You guys will be here at nine thirty, right? If not, I’ll pick her up and bring her. She wants to come. This is important to her.”

“Whatever, Lucy. I said we’ll see. You’re the one who wants to follow the parenting plan.”

Fucking dick. “And I’m telling you she wants to come. This is important to her,” she stressed, but Rick just rolled his eyes.

“Let’s go, Angie.”

“But, Dad—”

“I won’t say it again, kid,” he reprimanded and Lucy snapped.

“Don’t take out your anger for me on her,” she yelled and Rick glared, shaking his head.

“Goodbye, Lucy. Let’s go, Angie.”


“Wait?” he seethed. “For what? You trying to not let me take her? ’Cause we can call the cops.”

She scrunched up her face. “What the heck? I’m trying to talk to you!”

“Well, I don’t want to talk to you. Now say bye to her so we can leave, Angie. Heidi and Nina are waiting.”

Angie looked to her mother, fear in her eyes, and Lucy’s heart dropped. This was such bullshit. “Hey, no worries, come here,” she said, bringing Angie into her arms. “I’ll see you in the morning. Call me if he can’t bring you. I’ll come get you. Okay?” Angie nodded, but she was on the verge of tears. “Hey, don’t worry. You’re good. Have fun, okay? Call me if you need anything.”

Rick let out a frustrated breath, and Lucy kissed Angie’s cheek hard. Lucy didn’t want to give Angie to him. She felt in her soul it was a bad idea, but she had no choice. She wanted him to honor the parenting plan, which meant she had to too. Kissing Angie once more, she hugged her and then let her go, even though Angie kept holding on to her.

Rick had already started walking away when Angie looked up to her and asked, “Do I have to go?”

Lucy’s heart just broke.

“Yeah, baby, I’m sorry,” she said, her voice cracking as she hugged her tightly.

“But what if he won’t bring me?”

“Then call me. I’ll come get you.”

“But what if he won’t let me? Just take me home now.”

“Honey, I can’t. It’s his weekend. It’s fine. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Angie only nodded as Rick called, “Come on. Now.”

Looking up at her, Angie pleaded with her eyes, but what was Lucy supposed to do?

She had to let her go.