Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

“Like you used to. Hard, and dominating, and rough,” she added, a purr to her filthy words.

“That won’t be a problem,” I growled out.

“Good.” She arched her back, showing off her sexy tits in a supremely slutty pose.

“We should go inside so I don’t break the railing.”

Shy gasped when I lifted her in my arms.

I took her into the condo, slammed the door shut behind us, and set her down against the nearest wall.

Probably wouldn’t break through a wall fucking her, right?

Keeping Shy steady, I snapped her panties off with one hand, slinging them away.

Her hips pumped out. Her breath hissed in. Her tits mashed against my chest.

Dropping my head, I sucked all over one firm orb—paying special attention to her bright nipple with my lapping tongue and tugging teeth—before practically slobbering over the other breast she’d been teasing me with all afternoon at the beach.

She smelled like sand and sea. Salty and fresh. Warmth and woman and ocean.

And sex.

Definitely hot wet sex.

Confirmed when I dipped a finger into the well of her cunt.

Dripping wet hot sex.

“You need one of those?” Her throaty words interrupted my slow pumping finger.

She pointed at a nearby stand where a small pile of condoms fanned across the surface.

“You planned ahead.” I kissed her with a wild thrust of my tongue, blindly reaching for one of the packages. “You really are a dirty girl.”

“Only for you.” Her hands roamed all over my arms and chest as I snapped the condom on faster than ever.

“Yeah. Now show me how dirty you can be,” I ordered.

I didn’t waste any time fitting my cock to her pussy, because she was ready.

She was begging for it.

Her fingers clawed at my shoulders when I lifted her with one hand groping her ass and the other clamped on her tit.

With her face level with mine, I drilled slowly up from the balls of my feet. My cock teased, aimed, and plundered her in a heavy full thrust from tip to root until my balls bashed against her bouncy ass.

“Oh. OH!” Her head knocked back.

She clung to me as I hammered into her. No subtlety. Just sheer forceful need.

A pure physical fuck.

Animal pleasure.


My muscles bunching, flexing.

My cock fucking.

Holding her up, dropping her down, pistoning my entire weight against her softer body.

Getting good and hot and sweaty.

I flung the hair off my forehead and set my lips at Shy’s arched neck. I bit her silky skin. Listened to her wail. Licked her neck. Felt her convulse around me.

With both hands at her ass to get a better grip, I brought her with me, pulled her onto me with every cunt-deep thrust.

A thumping hard voracious fuck.

Bracing my feet, I pounded into Shy, our slapping flesh and my harsh grunts the only sounds because she was so far gone it was like one continuous orgasm wracked her body.

And squeezed my cock in a wet velvety fist.

My stomach clenched.

My features contorted.

My body pulled into a tight knot that drew hard . . . and harder . . . tauter . . . and tauter . . .

With a sonic boom of a roar, I flexed and froze. I pumped and came. I curled around Shy, turning inside out inside of her.

She moaned a final time, her hands sweeping from my shoulders to my ass.

The last inch of my cock buried inside her, I breathed out against her neck.

I tried to make my muscles work. My voice strong. My body anything but a complete slave to her taste, her feel, her beauty.

But, fuck it.

She had shredded me in the best way possible.

Drawing out of Shy, I shook again.

She looked down at my hard wet cock.

And cleared her throat delicately. “Now what are you planning to do with that? Since you’ve decided we’re exclusive, are probably wanting a family with me, and you’re making me your wife?”

I laughed roughly. “Baby, I’m not planning anything right now but getting you into bed so we can keep this up all . . . night . . . long.”

Hours later, the blankets on the floor, pillows flung across the bedroom, the sheet pulled up from the corners and the room sweltering in the smell of our hot raunchy sex, I reached across Shy to flick off the light.

I pushed my arm under her head and drew her leg across my thigh. “You okay?”

I brushed my lips against hers, and she lazily kissed me back.

With a great intake of breath, she fell into my embrace, supine, satisfied.

Completely done over.

“I feel”—her smile grew—“better than I ever thought I would again. Because of you.”

Chapter Thirty-Six

What a Rush

WHEN I WASN’T BALLS deep in Shy, I was with her at her ongoing doctor appointments, busy planning for the grand-freakin’-opening of Retribrewtion, and thinking about how quickly I could get my girl down the aisle.

Two months after the kidnapping and attack, I’d officially given notice at Chrome and Steele.

Not like that changed my life a whole lot because Shy and I still spent a few nights a week at the MC, and the dudes got free cases of my beer just because.

Rie Warren's books