Running Wilde (Wilde Security, #4)

He groaned and curled his fingers around her waist. “Oh, fuck.”

“I intend to.” She pushed up his shirt and leaned over to drag her tongue over the hard ridges of his stomach and up his chest. “You’re the only man who has ever held me while I cried. The only one who has ever tried to help. I want to thank you for that.”

She was careful of the bruises along his ribs as she crawled up his body and finally found one nipple with her lips.

His fingers tightened in her towel like he wanted to tear it to pieces. “You don’t have to thank me at all. Especially not with sex.”

She released his nipple and met his gaze. “But I want to. Do you have a condom?”

“In my pocket.”

“Perfect.” Smiling, she slipped down his hard body again, trailing kisses across his abs as she went. While she dipped her fingers into his pocket for the condom, she used her teeth to open his fly. He was commando underneath, and she closed her lips around him, circled his head, and savored him with her tongue.

The sound he made when she released him was pure masculine need. She opened her towel, let it drop, and watched him as he drank in the sight of her naked body. She knew she had the goods men liked, which had always been both an asset and a problem, but she never felt beautiful. Except when Vaughn looked at her with that stark want in his eyes, like he was starving for a taste of her. Then she felt more than beautiful. She was powerful and feminine, the only woman he saw, the only woman he wanted. It made her heart pound with heady anticipation and her sex dampen with need.

“Take off your clothes, Vaughn. I want you naked.”

He sprang up off the bed like he couldn’t comply fast enough and shrugged off his shirt, kicked away his jeans and boots. Then he stood before her, naked, every inch of him gloriously male.

He dragged her up for a kiss, but she ducked away. She tossed the condom at him. “Put that on.”

His cock jumped against his stomach. He was long and thick, and he handled himself with a careless roughness as he rolled the condom on.

The corner of his mouth kicked up. “Now what?”

“Lie down.” She wanted to be on top.

Still smirking, he settled back on the bed and pillowed his hands behind his head. Apparently her SEAL liked taking orders. Good thing, because she liked giving them.

She straddled him again and positioned his cock at her entrance. His smirk faded, and his stomach muscles tensed as she slid down his length, inch by inch.

Vaughn groaned, and his hands circled her hips, holding her while he surged up underneath her in slow, short thrusts that left her body tingling.

She closed her eyes, immersing herself in the rhythm that was the two of them joining together until he was buried all the way inside her. She’d never felt so whole as when she was with him. It was something beautiful and special. Something she’d never had before and would likely never have again.

“Vixen, open your eyes.” His voice was as intimate as a caress, and she did as he asked. “Let me watch you touch yourself. Make yourself come while I’m inside you.”

She shivered and dragged a hand between her breasts, over her stomach, and down to where they were joined. She was already so sensitive, the light brush of her fingers sent tremors racing through her. She gasped and fell forward, catching herself with her free hand on the mattress beside his head.

Vaughn tightened his hold on her hips, keeping her steady as his thrusts became harder, faster. “Fuck, yeah. That was hot. Let me see it again.”

Sensation bombarded her from every direction, fuzzing her thoughts and narrowing her world to the sexy man rocking underneath her, his stomach muscles rippling with each upward thrust.

She caught her breath and straightened, which drove him even deeper. They both moaned. She circled her hips, taking control of the pace, and he let her, his hands now free to wander and caress and stroke. He cupped her breasts, and his rough thumbs rasping over her nipples while she rode him was one of the most erotic sensations she’d ever felt. She shuddered and lost her rhythm. He drew his legs up, pushed his feet into the bed for leverage, and took over again.

“Vixen.” His eyes were blue fire, burning her with their intensity as he watched her. “Touch yourself again.”

When she did, she came unraveled, the pleasure of the orgasm exploding through her. Her body locked down on his. Distantly, she heard him curse, then he sat up and captured her mouth with his, swallowing her cries of pleasure. He rolled her over and tangled his fingers in her hair. She wrapped herself around him—arms, legs, and heart—and held on as his thrusts became shorter, faster, and he, too, lost control.

“Sage,” he groaned and dropped his head to her shoulder as his big body shuddered over hers with his release. He whispered her name and again…

Tonya Burrows's books