Runebinder (The Runebinder Chronicles #1)

His feet crunched up the snowy drive, until he was only a few yards away from the SUV.

“Stop right there,” Jarrett said. He pushed a bit of power through the air and a gust of snow kicked up around Matthias, sending him back a few steps. Matthias chuckled. The laugh was colder than ice.

“You have guts,” the man said. Tenn could see him clearly now: just as dapper as ever. Just as deadly. “And soon, my minions will feast on them.”

“What do you want?” Jarrett asked, clearly trying to bide time and figure out an escape.

“I think you know what I want,” Matthias said. “Hand over the boy and I’ll make sure they kill you quickly. You defied me when I was prepared to let you live. I do not like being defied. This is my final mercy.”

“Fuck your mercy,” Jarrett hissed. “You aren’t getting him.”

Tenn put a hand on Jarrett’s shoulder. His stomach was twisting double time. “Jarrett, don’t. I’m going. This ends tonight.”

Jarrett turned his fury on him and pushed off his hand. Air burned in his throat, and Tenn knew the guy he fell for was gone for the moment, replaced by a machine of cold calculation and ferocity.

“Like hell you will. I’m not letting you go. Not without a fight.”

“If you two are done with your lovers’ quarrel,” Matthias said, “I believe Tenn and I have some unfinished business.”

Resolve settled itself into Tenn’s bones. If he went down there, maybe the others could escape. Maybe he could distract Matthias long enough to leave that window open. He looked at Jarrett and felt tears burn in the back of his eyes. He wouldn’t let Jarrett die for him. Not today.

Jarrett took his hand.

“We fight together,” Jarrett whispered. He wasn’t looking at Tenn. He was looking at the twins.

“I wouldn’t recommend—” Matthias began, but the scream of a storm cut him short.

The world erupted in white.

Power swirled from the twins, snow raging in an instantaneous blizzard, the moon blacked out in a breath.

“We have to get out of here,” Jarrett yelled through the roar of snow. The house stood in the eye of the storm, the sky above them clear of clouds. It was only a matter of seconds before the necromancers would launch a counterattack, before Matthias regained his bearings and brought hell raining down on them.

“There’s no way,” Tenn said. “He’ll follow us. He’ll always follow us. I have to give myself up.”

“This is all very touching,” came Matthias’s voice. Light flared in the heart of the blizzard, a strobe that floated up into the air. Matthias was silhouetted inside it, the storm raging around him. “But if that is the best you can do, I’m afraid you are wasting your time.”

Snow turned to flame.

Dreya and Devon gasped as the magic was wrenched from their control. The world was red, and hot, and screaming, burning like the devil’s beating heart.

“I have to end this,” Tenn said.

“No,” Jarrett said. He glanced to the twins. “I do.”

He leaned in close and kissed Tenn fiercely on the lips.

Then he pushed Tenn away and, in a gust of power, rose into the air. Devon grabbed Tenn’s arms as he screamed, but Jarrett wasn’t listening. He shot forward, his Sphere blazing bright, wreathing him in power that burned like a comet. Straight toward Matthias.

“No!” Tenn screamed. He struggled against Devon, reached deep into Earth and made the whole world shudder. Water howled inside of him. He saw the two figures meet in the haze of fire, Jarrett glowing brighter than the sun, Matthias burning with equal fervor. They met in the space of a heartbeat, and when they collided, the world flashed white.

Then the twins surrounded him, wrapped their arms tight as they sandwiched themselves against him, and the world was replaced by screaming wind. Screaming wind and pain.

They flew.

Tenn struggled, or at least he tried, but the twins bound tight to him and something stronger held him in place, a barrier of Air that kept him still. Earth kicked in, some reflex he didn’t know he had, knitting his flesh back together. He didn’t want it to. He wanted the wind to tear him apart. He wanted to hurt.

He could do nothing but struggle.

The scream of wind was over in a heartbeat, and then they were on the ground, and the twins were pulling him forward. Running. Running. His limbs were numb and his brain was dead and it was the three of them, running in the snow, in the night, as the twins gasped and pulled him along and he stumbled drunkenly between them. He didn’t want to run. He had to go back. He had to go back.

They wouldn’t let him.



Moments later they were in a car. A huge SUV. They threw Tenn in the backseat and Devon jumped in the front and they were moving. Driving through the silent night. It was only then that the magic gagging Tenn vanished. Only then that he could force himself to sitting in the cold, hellish backseat.

Just him in the backseat.

“Take me back!” he screamed. Earth was still open, and when he yelled he lashed with power. The ground rumbled, making the car sway and veer. Still Devon raced forward.

Dreya turned and slapped him. Hard.

“Quiet!” she yelled. Air flared and wrapped around his throat, stilling the words in his lungs. Her chest was heaving and tears raced down her eyes.

“He is gone, Tenn,” she said. She didn’t break eye contact. A single tear fell down her face. “As he knew would happen. As he planned.”

Tenn struggled against the invisible bonds around him. Another flare of power, and another tremor vibrated through the car. This one weaker. Things weren’t clicking. Things weren’t clicking.

She didn’t raise her hand again. She barely raised her voice.

“He knew you were being chased,” she said steadily. “We had planned for this.” She gestured to the SUV. “We had this escape route ready. In case.” She swallowed. But she still didn’t look away. “In case Jarrett needed to get you out of there. He knew this would happen. And he knew he would die to keep you safe.”

Why me? Tenn wanted to ask. He couldn’t speak, even though she’d released his gag. His words were snarled in tears.

“Keep quiet. Do not use magic.” Her words were so quiet. Distant. Like she was repeating something Jarrett had told her. “We must keep you alive, no matter the cost. Do not let Jarrett’s death be in vain.”

The hum of the truck was quiet. Too quiet. Things weren’t clicking.

Then, suddenly, things were clicking.

Jarrett had died to save him.

Jarrett had died to save him.

Tenn’s world inked to black and fell away.

Jarrett was dead.

Jarrett was dead.

Jarrett is dead.




    “We have turned our backs on the gods

and the gods

as one

have turned their backs on us.”

    —Rhiannon’s Diary.

1 P.R.


Alex R. Kahler's books