Ruler of Beasts (Dorothy Must Die, #0.6)

“Oh, but the Lion was my friend first. Isn’t that true, Lion?”

The Lion looked miserably toward Ozma as Glinda reached for his neck. But Ozma’s eyes were closed, and she was mumbling to herself. This was it, then. She’d lost the rest of what little strength she’d had left after defeating the Nome King. Glinda was going to win, and there was no use resisting her. Would Glinda banish Ozma from the throne, or continue trying to rule through her? “It’s time for a new queen in town,” Glinda snarled, answering his unspoken question. He felt the necklace loosen itself from around his neck and float upward as he watched it helplessly. At least his part in this was almost over.

“Encomiendum absolum!” Ozma cried, opening her eyes wide and flinging her arms out. An explosion of green light rocked the throne room. Tiles crumbled from the walls, narrowly missing the three figures that stood frozen in the shock wave from Ozma’s spell. Glinda’s jaw hung open, one hand still outstretched toward the Wizard’s ruby necklace. “Verteum clausus!” A green portal opened next to her, revealing a desolate, barren landscape on the other side.

“No!” Glinda screamed as a huge green hand reached out from Ozma’s portal and wrapped its fingers around her. “You can’t do this!”

“Oh, but I can,” Ozma said, her wings unfurling and her entire body outlined in a haze of green light. “It’s a last resort, but you’re the one who pushed me to it.” Glinda kicked and struggled, but Ozma’s spell dragged her slowly, inexorably, toward the portal. At the very last second, Glinda lunged through the air, snatching the ruby necklace where it drifted in the air.

“You just wait, little queen,” she hissed. “I’m going to use this necklace to make a very special present for a very special person. You’ll regret the day you did this to me, mark my words.”

“Whatever you say, Glinda,” Ozma said tiredly. The green hand heaved Glinda through the portal and the doorway snapped shut on her furious screams. Ozma collapsed to the floor as the entire throne room shuddered.

“We have to get out of here!” the Lion exclaimed as more tiles crashed to the ground. Freed from the grip of Glinda’s spell, he raced over to Ozma. The queen weakly dragged herself onto his back, and he bounded out of the throne room just as the rest of the ceiling fell in.

“Your Majesty!” cried Jellia, hurrying toward them at the head of a small army of servants. “Are you all right? What do you need?”

“I need you to put me to bed,” Ozma said distinctly. “And then I need you to let me sleep for the next forty thousand years.” She tumbled from the Lion’s back, unconscious, and landed on the floor with a thud.


Ozma didn’t sleep for forty thousand years, but she did sleep for several days. Long enough for the Lion to sleep off his own exhaustion—after a restorative trip to the kitchens, first—wake up again, and then eat his way through an impressive quantity of the palace’s stores. Finally, Jellia told him the queen was awake and receiving visitors. The Lion bounded joyfully up to her chambers, barreling through her open door and pouncing on the bed, where Ozma lay propped up against a raft of silk pillows. She laughed and scratched him behind the ears as he licked her face with his rough pink tongue.

“Oof, Lion—you really ought to brush your teeth.”

“Sorry,” the Lion apologized, backing away and settling down at the foot of her bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Like a wrung-out washcloth,” the queen admitted. Her skin was pale, and there were dark hollows under her green eyes. But she was smiling, and she managed to look almost perky despite her evident exhaustion.

“You look well,” the Lion said, not entirely truthfully.

“I’ll be better soon,” she agreed. “Battling the Nome King and Glinda in one day was a lot. I’m powerful, but I’m not a superhero.”

The Lion sobered instantly at the thought of Glinda. “I owe you an apology,” he said, hanging his head. “I should have told you from the very beginning that Glinda sent me here.”

“Yes, you should have,” Ozma said sternly, her face severe. “Who knows how much of that disaster we could have avoided if you’d been honest with me from the moment you arrived in the Emerald City.” Her face softened a little. “But I know you didn’t mean any harm, and Glinda can be—well, let’s say I know how persuasive she is, and how convincing. I’m sure you had no idea you might be betraying me.”

In fact, the Lion had suspected he was doing something furtive—he just hadn’t cared until he’d realized how much he liked Ozma. But her cheerful willingness to see the best in everyone was working in his favor, and he wasn’t going to argue.

Danielle Paige's books