Ruined (Barnes Brothers #4)

While the other two left, Marin rose, smoothing her robe down. “I’m going to my trailer,” she said calmly.

She was out the door, had almost closed it before he snapped out of whatever fugue he was in. But by the time he was moving and calling her name, she was already outside and Sebastien was smart enough to know that having this out—whatever this was—where everybody on set could see them wasn’t ideal. He caught up to her easily, his long strides eating up the ground. Tension all but emanated from him and it was hard not to respond to it, but Marin kept her movements casual and unhurried.

“I’m coming with you,” he announced unnecessarily.

“Really.” She glanced over at him. “I wouldn’t have ever guessed.”

They said nothing else until they were inside her trailer but once she’d closed—and locked—the door, Sebastien rounded on her, his blue-green eyes burning bright. “What in the fuck did he mean by that? He can’t mean he’s not the dad. You told me he was.”

“No.” It was strange, really. But in the walk from Sojo’s to here, Marin had felt an odd sense of calm wash over her. Dash wasn’t wrong. She should have already done this and she couldn’t put it off. Jealousy over Evie aside, worry about his reaction aside, Sebastien needed to know.

Sebastien screwed up his face, scowling at her. “What in the hell do you mean no? No, what?”

“No,” she repeated. “As in no, I didn’t tell you that he was the father.”

“Yes, you did.” He took a step toward her.

Marin held up a hand, and although she couldn’t understand why, she felt like smiling, so she did. “Let me refresh your memory, shall I? I had just finishing puking up everything I’d eaten in the past decade—or so it felt. Dash had come by and he’d seen my vitamins, just like you did. FYI, that’s when he found out. Both of you are nosy bastards, really. He was there when it hit me—he opened a bottle of beer and the smell just gagged me. You said you heard shouting, it was probably him. He was worried when I suddenly took off running for the bathroom. It freaked him out and he called out after me. You came barging in—like a Neanderthal— saw him with me and you assumed.”

He went to interrupt. “Oh, I’m not done, honey,” she said, slashing a hand through the air.

Sebastien clamped his mouth shut and lifted his chin.

“Then, while my head is still spinning, trying to figure out how to explain . . .” She sighed and the weight of everything crashed down on her. The sleeplessness from the previous night caught up with her, her fear over how he was going to react . . . all of it. Pressing her fingertips to her eyes, she leaned back against the counter.

She sniffed and irritation exploded when she realized how watery it sounded. Damn it, she was not crying again.

“Ah . . . Marin? Hell, you’re not crying, are you?” He looked at her uneasily and when he shot a look toward the door, she thought she might grab something heavy and hit him.

Bad enough that every time she’d tried to tell him, he’d just avoided her—or he’d been letting Evie give him a good look at her tits. Now he was looking panicky because she was getting a little upset?

“Guess what, Sebastien? I’m pregnant!” She shouted it loud enough that he winced. She realized she probably needed to get her temper under control and it was entirely likely that her secret wasn’t so secret now—these trailers weren’t exactly made with shouting in mind. But just then she didn’t care.

That one rational part of her mind sighed and flung up her hands. You will . . .

“Marin, come on, now . . .” He took a step toward. He shot a look toward the window and offered her the same charming smile he’d used to get himself out of trouble a hundred times.

It wasn’t working. She pointed a finger at him. “Bite me. You insisted on coming with me. You wanted me to explain, guess what? That’s what I’m going to do and if I start crying, it’s your fault.”

“I’m not trying to make you cry!” Sebastien said. He jammed his hands into his pockets, looking put out.

“You can’t tell by me! Avoiding me all the time, letting Evie rub her tits all over you—pushing me toward Dash all the time.”

“He—” Sebastien clamped his jaw shut just before he could finish.

Shiloh Walker's books