Ruined (Barnes Brothers #4)

If so . . .

Sliding one hand down her thigh, he began to gather up fistfuls of the loose, flowing skirt, baring long, long legs. The frothy, fussy material was so female, so Marin, and the thought of having her just like that, there where they stood, went straight to his head. He found the waistband of her panties and slid his hand inside, seeking out her curls and swearing when he found her already wet.

She closed around the two fingers he thrust into her, a low moan vibrating out of her and he kissed her roughly. “Again . . . Moan for me again.”

He screwed his fingers in and out until she did, again . . . and again. He wasn’t even satisfied when she came against his hand, though. He jerked at her panties until the fragile silk tore. Her eyes widened, then a faint grin curled her lips. “They would have come off pretty easy.”

“That requires that I stop touching.” He picked her up, guiding her legs around his hips. Her skirt still tangled between them, but he left it alone. As soon as that skirt went up, he was coming inside her, and then he’d just be coming and it would be all over.

Not yet.

Not yet.

He went for the hem of her shirt instead and peeled it upward, slowly, baring the long, elegant torso he’d seen hundreds of times, during take after take when they’d shot scenes for the movies they’d done together.

But this was different.

Letting the tank fall to the floor, he reached for the front clasp of her bra, staring into her eyes as he stripped it away. Her face was flushed, a few stray locks of her hair escaping the clip to frame her face. “Take your hair down.”

She reached up for the hair clip. As the golden strands fell to her shoulders, he took the clip from her clenched fist and tossed it over his shoulder. With his hands, he smoothed her hair down. The ends of her hair brushed against her nipples and he let the flats of his hands brush against her, wishing his head was clearer. “Wanna remember,” he muttered, more to himself than her.

“Please . . .” She arched against him, pushing her breasts more completely into his palms.

Her nipples were tight and hard, stabbing into his palms and he wanted to curl his tongue around each of them and suck until she gasped out his name.

So that’s what he did.

She was crying out and twisting against him within minutes and the feel of her squirming against his cock turned the material between them into an unbearable barrier.

He kissed a burning path up to her mouth. When she licked his lower lip, he sucked her tongue into his mouth, bit her lightly before breaking the kiss. Panting, he stared at her as he eased her legs down from his hips, unzipping his jeans. He’d showered earlier, skipped underwear because he hadn’t had anybody in to do laundry in a while and was too lazy to do it himself.

Marin’s breath hitched. He watched as she slid her tongue across her lips, and then let her gaze drift down.

When she reached out a hand and closed it around him, tugging him free of his jeans, Sebastien groaned and thrust into her touch.

She ran her thumb across the head while he grabbed her skirt and dragged it up.

“No more,” he said, brushing her hair aside and boosting her up. “I want to feel you wrapped around me. Now.”

“Sebastien . . .”

They came together; both of them moaned.

For Sebastien, it was the sweetest sensation ever, and he kept his eyes on Marin’s face. The sight of her eyes going wide and glassy was enough to draw a deep, vicious satisfaction from him.

Bracing her hips with his forearm, he slid his free hand up her torso, closed it over her neck. With his thumb, he nudged her chin up. “Open,” he rasped against her mouth. “Let me taste you.”

She sighed against his lips and did just that.

He surged up into her as he sank his tongue inside her mouth. She slid hers against his as she moved to meet him, thrust for thrust.

The hot, slick silk of her gripped him tight.

He rode her hard, all the buried need he had for her tearing out of him with hooked, greedy claws.

She cried out against his mouth, then tore away, panting for air.

He pushed his thumb into her mouth and she bit down, then sucked on him.

Swearing, he pulled out of her and swung her up into his arms and turned, starting to walk.

“Damn it, you . . .” She barely had the time to swear at him before he had her stretched out on the wide, plush couch just a few feet inside the living room area.

Coming down on top of her, he caught her knees over his elbows, opening her completely. He stayed on his knees, steadying his cock as he entered her once more, slowly this time.

The curls shielding her pussy were a darker gold than her hair and slick with need. He slid his thumb through them and lifted it to his lips before looking back into her eyes. “More,” he demanded before driving into her.

Shiloh Walker's books