
He shrugs and walks towards me. “You never gave me your phone number.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan. “Hacking my Facebook to accept your friend request and publicly declaring that we’re dating was easier than getting my phone number?”

“I can’t say it was hard.”

I exhale and shake my head. “Is this your office?” I glance around the room again, a little dubious.

“It is.” He’s standing in front of me now, across the desk. He stops and places his hands in his pockets. He’s wearing a suit. Wearing the hell out of the suit, actually. I run my gaze down his body. I don’t try to hide it, because why? There’s no point with this guy. Clearly I can be myself and whatever I throw at him, he’s just going to laugh.

“Are you somebody important here?” I ask, gesturing to the building in general.

“Does it matter? All I want to be is somebody to you.” He says it sincerely, his eyes on mine, his gaze not wavering.

“Your brother is really excited for us, Sawyer,” I say softly, my fight gone. “He thinks I’ve tamed you or some nonsense. Do you need taming?”

“Miss Beverly Cleary Jensen,” he starts, but I interrupt immediately.

“Oh, God. You went that deep? What’d you do, pull my birth certificate? No one calls me Beverly.”

“Your passport. I wanted to make sure you had one.”

“Sure.” I nod. “Totally normal.” I glance around the room again and cross my arms across my chest. I wonder how big a player he is. Swanky office. Attractive as hell. His own brother’s comments, not to mention my brother warning him to stay away from me last weekend. I bet he’s had sex in here, I think, eyeing him again.

“Yes, I’ve had sex in my office,” he says, answering my unasked question. “I wasn’t going to suggest it for our first time together as I’m not sure how loud you are.” He pauses, gesturing outside his office. “Lots of people working out there, but we can give it a try if you want.”

I snort. So fucking confident, this guy. “I bet. I bet women bend right over this desk for you,” I lean forward and place my hands on the desk and drop one shoulder seductively. “I bet they’re all, ‘Oh, Sawyer, it’s so big. I don’t think it’s gonna fit.’ Newsflash for you. They’re lying. It always fits.”

He’s silent, watching my little show. Then a slow smile spreads across his face, his eyes amused. “I really like you.”

What? I just insulted his dick and he’s complimenting me. I eye him, wary.

He rounds the desk and I turn as he does so and now we’re toe to toe. He’s much taller than I am so I’m forced to look up, or stare at his chest. The button of his shirt is less than a foot from me, and I’m oddly tempted to run my fingers over it, but I keep my hands to myself and tilt my neck back. I take my time though, running my tongue over my lips and taking in his jaw on my way to meeting his eyes. I have a thing for a good jaw line on a man. I could spend hours on a good jaw, starting with a nip to an earlobe and working my way down. His skin fascinates me, the hint of a five-o’clock shadow present, the texture, that jaw-clench thing. Is there a term for that?

By the time my eyes reach his they’re hooded. He wraps the fingers of one hand behind my neck, his thumb under my jaw, and then his lips are on mine. I’m expecting it this time, unlike outside my dorm, but it doesn’t change the current that runs through me with his touch. I move my hands to his chest, inside his jacket, and he’s warm under my palms, my hands sliding greedily over his shirt, desperate to feel the ridges of his chest.

My ass is on his desk and my legs are wrapped around his waist when he tears himself away from me. It takes me a second to catch up, unsure for a moment how I even got onto his desk. He steps back and clears his throat, straightening his jacket, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen a man do, but I want him to take it off, not straighten it out. He’s adjusting the cuffs of his shirt, then his tie as I come back to reality and realize how out of control that got very quickly. The adjustment of his pants confirms that. And hell, I can already see that despite my earlier teasing, he probably has heard the words, It’s not gonna fit.

I straighten on the desk and he offers me his hand, helping me slide off to my feet.

“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he murmurs, his lips close to my ear, the heat of his breath causing a shiver to run through me.

I nod, because really, I was never not going to agree to this. I didn’t stand a chance.

“I’m not sleeping with you tonight, just so you know.” He brushes a stray strand of hair off my face and tucks it behind my ear.

Excuse me?

“I need you to respect me first,” he continues, his eyes somber.

Jana Aston's books