Right Through Me (The Obsidian Files #1)

She squeezed his hand between her thighs, like she wanted to trap him there, as he slowly, expertly teased her closer to an erotic edge . . .

And then took her all the way over it. Yes. Oh, yes. Ohhhhh . . .

A blinding flash of oblivion. Intense pleasure throbbed voluptuously through her.

Her eyes fluttered open to see him still holding her tightly against himself.

Caro shifted, putting both hands on the edge of the bathroom sink, and bent over. Standing on tiptoe, legs apart, in silent invitation.

Noah stared down at her posed body, his color high. He stroked his hands slowly down over her hips. “You have bruises.” His rough voice was concerned. Still.

“Make me forget about them,” she said. “You’re the only one who can.”

He opened his belt, then his pants, shoving them down, and finally, she felt the blunt pressure of his cockhead, prodding at her sensitive folds. He swirled it around in that hot well—and drove inside her all at once.

They both cried out at that moment of exquisite intimacy. She felt like a flower blooming wide open, a blaze of colors, and with each caressing stroke inside her, he became another color blending into her where their bodies joined. Molten, marvelous.

Each stroke was a lash of erotic pleasure. Each thrust propelled her deeper into her own wildness. She braced herself for all that he was giving her while still craving more. Biting her lip to keep from screaming at how shockingly good it felt.

Pleasure swelled . . . and then erupted, overwhelming her.

Afterwards, they couldn’t look at each other for a long while. He bent over her, spent, his cock still throbbing. She steadied herself against his body, loving the feel of his weight, and the ebbing sensation of his explosive release.

Finally, he withdrew and fastened his pants. She swayed, clutching the sink for balance. He caught her tightly against himself, hungrily kissing the curve of her neck.

“Wild thing,” he murmured.

She almost choked on a burst of startled laughter. Her, wild?

But the more she thought about it, the more she liked it. Wild was good. Wild was hot, wild was strong. She needed wildness to survive.

“Fuck being tame,” she said.

His answering grin was so beautiful. Lingering on his face. Always before his smile had fled so quickly, as if afraid to be caught in the act. Not this time.

“I’m going to run downstairs for a while,” he said. “I promised to debrief Sisko and Zade on what happened out there. I’ll come back up soon. You get some rest.”

She stood there for a moment after the bathroom door shut after him, staring at her own feverishly bright eyes and flushed cheeks. She stared down at her battered, scratched hands, clutching the shining white porcelain sink. Rocked by feelings, too strong to suppress, too sweet to deny. Crazy wild feelings she was afraid to examine.

Ever since Tim’s death, she’d been so careful to organize her life so that she didn’t have to feel afraid for anyone but herself. She’d just plod along on her lonely quest, and if the powers of darkness won out, hell. Everybody had to bite the dust sometime. And at least the damage would be limited to her alone.

That had been her strategy so far. Such as it was.

But Noah had dragged Mark’s attention onto himself by brute force, just to keep her company. She could hardly believe he was for real. He wanted to protect her, bind her wounds, buy her clothes, wash her hair, fuck her senseless.

And make her care. When it was just too goddamn dangerous for her to risk it.

Falling in love was all she needed to make her destruction complete.

Chapter 24

“Hey.” Hannah shoved her way through the door with difficulty, what with all the shopping bags. The expensive kind made of fancy thick paper with silken cord handles. Silver, cream, pastels, embossed with velvety patterns. Matching tissue paper poked out of their tops.

“What are you doing here?” Noah demanded. “I said to have stuff delivered!”

“It is being delivered. By me.” Hannah looked around. “Where is she?”

“Resting upstairs. She needs peace and quiet.” He looked at the size of her haul with disapproval. “Holy shit, Hannah. Seriously?”

“Just following orders,” she said. “ Everything a girl needs, Zade said. She just went through hell on earth. The least I could do was get her some nice lingerie. A little high end denim. Some cashmere and silk. It soothes the soul.”

He glanced at the bags, feeling vaguely that this was going to get him into trouble with Caro, causing more problems than it solved. His own damn fault for involving Hannah, who always had to put her own stamp on everything.

“Besides, you never give me anything to do. If I don’t get to kick some bad guy ass, I’ll kick the living shit out of your credit card instead. And I didn’t just buy clothes. There’s toiletries, perfume, hair stuff and makeup. Hope you have nice big shelves in that bathroom, buddy.”

Noah sighed. “Did you have to take this as a personal challenge?”

Shannon McKenna's books