Right Through Me (The Obsidian Files #1)

He sensed her hesitating, then smiled to himself when the mattress dipped as she slowly rolled onto her belly.

Yeah. He’d gotten through that without derailing them. Thank God, because he was about to explode. He got into position, nudging her legs wider and nuzzled her graceful back. Pressed hot kisses against her spine. A silent apology.

Apology accepted, if her deep, shuddering intake of breath was any indication.

“Noah?” Her fingers dug into the crumpled sheets, bunching them.

“Don’t worry,” he muttered. “I’ve taken the edge off. I’ll do it right this time. Arch your back more.”

She didn’t argue. Just did it, and moaned softly as he nudged his cockhead against her slit, prodding himself into that tight, quivering clasp. Thrusting slowly, deeply inside, with a rasping groan of pure delight.

“Right,” she said, breathless.

She rocked back to meet each swiveling shove. He loved the sounds she made. She seemed so surprised by pleasure. Tension released inside her with every stroke of his dick, letting him deeper and deeper inside with each stroke. He ached to get rid of the condom and feel her, skin to skin.

She gave her pleasure to him like a gift. He stared down at his stiff, thick phallus pumping rhythmically into that snug, flowerlike opening. She was so generous, coming for him with crazy abandon. Letting him in so completely. Her depth and openness were insanely beautiful. He felt drunk on it.

He licked the sheen of moisture on her back. “You’re so sweet,” he murmured. “So hot. I love how deep you take me. Like being licked all over.” He reached around to caress the tight bud of her clit. She shuddered, panting sharply in the silence and moving eagerly against his petting fingers, whimpering with each heavy stroke.

Erotic heaven.

Who knew how long it would last. He had no data to compare this to. No clue what it might morph into without warning.

So he gave into it, steering her deeper into a dreamlike state of intense, shivering pleasure. Each sensual moment wonderful in itself, then softly giving way to the next one, just as fine.

She came twice more before he dared to ask. “Turn over now,” he urged. “Please. I want to come while I’m looking at you.”

Her body tensed. “No,” she whispered. “I can’t. Don’t take it personally. This is incredible. You’re the best.”

He swallowed his frustration. Dragged his aching dick out of her snug clasp.

“Maybe we should take a break,” he said.

She twisted around to look at him, alarmed. “Don’t you need to come?”

“I won’t die if I don’t.”

She reached down, gripping him. “But I want you to. I love the way it feels.”

“If I follow the rules. Your rules.”

She let go of him and edged away warily. “You’re angry at me.”

He shrugged as he peeled the condom off. “Don’t worry, I’ll still make you come.”

“You think that’s all I want?”

He got up and stalked into the bathroom to ditch the condom. Not without effort. His dick was absolutely unconvinced. Incredulous, even.

He headed back out, spurred on by a fresh surge of frustration. “Why do you hide from me?” he asked her. “Whoever you’re running from, I’m not him.”

She tossed the coverlet aside and got up, going over to the window. She stared out at the dark waters of the lake. “What do you want from me, Noah?”

The question was rhetorical, but the true answer just fell out.

“I want in.”

That was the truth. He wanted into the heart of her mysteries. To unravel her, master her, keep the keys, know the codes. All for his own greedy, possessive self.

The stab of visceral emotion triggered a sudden stress flashback. All at once, he felt the tight straps that the Midlands researchers had used to restrain him, cutting into his wrists and ankles while they fucked around with his brain.

No. He fought down the hot flare of rage. He could not do this to Caro. She had her own demons to fight.

He rubbed his face, breathed in the chill of the ice cave before he dared to speak again. “Do you want me to fuck you again?” It came out like a snarl.

She’d tell him to get lost. It was what he deserved, for being such a jerk.

She just stood there, straight and dignified, silhouetted against the faint light from the window. With his infrared implants and his AVP, he saw every eyelash in fine detail, as well as the haunted doubt in her eyes, even in the darkness—but she couldn’t see his face.

Which was good. He didn’t want her to see that look in his eyes. That oh-please-God-I’ll-do-anything-to-touch-you-again look.

She gazed out at the wind-whipped trees. Her pose was regal. She glowed with bright cobalt blues, edged with a haze of gold. The darker it was, the better he could see an energy sig.

Shannon McKenna's books