Right Through Me (The Obsidian Files #1)

His erection prodded her ass, his teeth grazed the curve of her neck. She worked herself against him with sobbing gasps, taking his hand into her as deeply as they both wanted it to go.

Explosive waves wrenched her. She wailed and shook, but he held her together with unwavering, implacable strength.

Caro just floated for a little while, unmoored. Forgetting who or where she was. Blushing pink and shy with nameless emotions. Glowing echoes of delight still throbbed through her body.

He turned her, shifting her to face him and settled her on his desk. It all rushed back to her, with a cold thud. Who she was. What was at stake. How crazy this was.

He pressed her gently down, flat onto her back against the cool, gleaming expanse of fine wood. He was backlit by the glittering city lights outside the huge windows again, a dark silhouette looming over her as he pushed her legs wider and pressed the bulge of his groin against the crotch of her jeans. He pushed her shirt up high, stroking up her belly, her breasts. And more.

Even through the layers of cloth that separated them, he got the pressure against her labia just right. Not too hard . . . around and around . . . a well timed, rocking shove . . . and oh. Oh.

His hips surged against her as if he were inside her. Still in that suit and tie, for God’s sake. Perfectly composed and put together as he slowly, skillfully dry-humped her to molten bliss. She felt so exposed, her back arched and legs spread, the bared skin of her belly and breasts goosebumped in the cool air.

He made a low, feral sound in his throat. “You want to come like this?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “Yes, yes. Please. Please.”

“Then come,” he insisted. “Come now. Give it to me.”

Whatever she was going to say lost itself in the rising surge of terrifying pleasure. It crested, broke, and thundered through her once again. Shattering her.

She came back from that one to find him collapsed over her. His breath was ragged and hot against her chest. He cupped her breasts, kissing between them as his fingertips circled over her hyperstimulated flesh. His erection was still pressed against her labia. She could felt his heartbeat in that hot bulge, quick and strong.

She felt so soft now. Like a faint, golden mist.

Caro shifted her hips to wrap her legs around his waist and reached to touch his cheek. She felt it all so keenly. The damp sheen on his hot, supple skin, the fine rasp of beard stubble, the sculpted angles of his cheekbone and jaw. She sensed his unfulfilled need, straining to be released, but he held it in fierce check.

He pressed her fingers to his lips. “God,” he murmured. “That was amazing.”

She couldn’t reply for a minute. The wires weren’t connected. When she she found her voice again, she whispered. “You. The amazing part is you.”

“This is the thing,” he said. “I want you so bad, but I don’t have condoms here. I don’t carry them around with me and I never assumed that I’d get lucky enough to end up in this situation tonight. With you.”

She licked her dry lips. “Um. I don’t have one, either.”

Noah sagged over her, gave a sharp sigh. “Ah. OK. Let me make you come again, at least. Here, at home, in the car, wherever, however you want. Say the word.”

She cradled his head against her chest, feeling his sweat on her fingertips. It was true. He would just keep at it, making her come until she totally melted, and just wait for his own satisfaction indefinitely. Until she demanded that he take it.

“I want to go down on you,” he coaxed. “Let me get those jeans off you.”

She stroked his hair, soothing the rigid tension in his shoulders. He’d just driven her to a blinding orgasm twice, in minutes. An orgasm that redefined for her what an orgasm was. With her luck, it might never happen again. She intended to make the most of this.

“I think I could relax a little more if we were someplace private,” she said shyly. “It’s weird, having your admin staff right outside the door.”

“Fine.” He lifted himself up, and grabbed the phone as she adjusted her clothing. “Harriet? Yes, we’re all done here. You, Karen and Aurelia can all go. I appreciate you staying so late. Don’t forget to put in for overtime. Stanley’s waiting downstairs for you, and . . . . yes, thanks very much. Say hi to Philip for me.” He set down the phone. “Our chaperones are leaving.”

Caro’s face heated as she slid off the desk. “Do you think they heard?”

“No. I had the room soundproofed a while ago. For corporate security,” he added when she looked at him sideways. “Not for this.”

She burst into laughter. “So what was the point of chaperones in the first place?”

“Hey. Give me credit for going through the motions.” He retrieved her coat from the floor, and held it up, feeling the layered hump of foam padding sewn into it. “Looks very natural,” he commented. “Professional work.”

Shannon McKenna's books