Ride Hard (Raven Riders #1)

“My relocation team’s delayed with what we need for Haven and Cora.” Dare sighed, thinking through the schedule.

“Fuck,” Shane said. “What are you thinking?”

Dare shook his head. “The stuff might still come through tonight, which would be fine. We could get them out late and then get in touch with the Iron Cross about tomorrow as soon as we know they’re clear.” Maybe. Possibly. Sonofabitch.

“Or you could send them out of town now. Have your team catch up with the documentation,” Nick said.

“Yeah. That’s what I’ll do if the paperwork isn’t going to be done tonight,” Dare said. He didn’t want Haven anywhere around once the Iron Cross knew the Ravens weren’t paying up.

“Play it by ear then?” Nick asked.

“For now,” Dare said, keeping his mouth shut for a moment while a big, rowdy family with a bunch of kids moved toward the entrance. When they were out of earshot, he continued, “Though we didn’t have a plan in place for protecting the women tonight.”

“We can consolidate a few of the patrol sectors at the edges,” Nick said. “That would free up people to create a protection detail to stay with them up at the clubhouse.”

Nodding, Dare considered the idea. “Think that’s better than bringing the women down here?” Part of him wanted Haven right by his fucking side, though the track was where any danger would most likely focus—assuming anything actually went down tonight. Man, was it too much to hope all this was overkill and the Iron Cross would be good on its word?

“If we get company, they’re way more likely to show up here, don’t you think?” Shane asked, echoing his thoughts.

“Yeah. All right, I’m going to consolidate sectors eleven and twelve,” Dare said. “I’ll take the former twelve team up to the clubhouse and let the women know what’s going on. Be back in twenty to thirty unless you need me sooner.”

The other men nodded. “We’ll hold down the fort,” Nick said.

Dare was already in motion and on the radio. His truck was parked in the service driveway farther down the lot, and Dare used it to pick up Jeb, Bandit, and Gunny, whose stint in the Marines and expertise with a gun made Dare particularly happy to put him on this assignment. It was the matter of a few short minutes until they walked into the clubhouse, where they found three duffel bags of the women’s meager belongings waiting by the front door and Bunny, Doc, Bear, Haven, and Cora sitting at a table in the mess hall.

“What are you doing here?” Doc asked, his face sliding into a frown.

“We’ve got a slight delay,” Dare said, his gaze going right to Haven. Fuck, she was beautiful. Beautiful and so damn innocent. Too innocent for all this bullshit. He hated it for her. “The package isn’t ready. Caine, Tank, and Domino are waiting in the city for it and will be back as soon as they have it. Probably still tonight. If not, we’ll go ahead and move the two of you a couple hours out and Caine’s team will catch up.”

A series of emotions passed over Haven’s face—concern, fear, and something that looked a lot like relief. Dare didn’t want to think too closely about why the delay might make her feel that way. “So, what do we do now?” she asked.

“Stay right here. Jeb, Bandit, and Gunny are your protection detail for the night, and they can get in touch with me at any point,” he said, gesturing to the men behind him. “I’ll check in when I can. The approach to the house is guarded, too, so you’ll be safe here for a few more hours.”

Dare’s cell rang. Dutch’s number registered on the screen. Dare put the device to his ear. “Dutch, how are you?” he asked, hoping he was doing a passable job of keeping the frustration out of his voice.

“I’m good. Shirley and I are taking you up on your offer. I’ll be there in about ten minutes,” came the old man’s voice.

“Glad to hear it,” Dare said, though he couldn’t ignore the niggle in the back of his brain that didn’t want Dutch in the middle of a possible storm. “What are you driving? I’ll have someone keep an eye out for your car and follow you to your spot with the golf cart.”

Dutch answered and they hung up, and then Dare radioed that information to Phoenix, who was stationed at the main entrance.

“I better get back down there,” Dare said, wishing he had time to pull Haven into his office. Hold her. Love her. Claim her.

Fuck if her eyes weren’t filled with the same longing he felt. “Right. Sure,” she said. “Be careful.”

He gave a nod. “Always am.”