Rich People Problems (Crazy Rich Asians #3)

“Is that tap water? Are you trying to kill Ah Ma?” Eddie snapped at his mother.

“What do you mean? Singapore tap water is perfectly safe!” Alix argued.

“Ah Ma should only drink sterilized water in her condition. Where’s that damn Swiss water that the Aakaras have been guzzling nonstop? Why isn’t any of it in here? And where are her goddamn lady’s maids when you need them?”

“I sent them to prepare her breakfast.”

“Well, call down and get them to bring up some of the Swiss water too,” Eddie ordered.

Su Yi sighed, shaking her head in annoyance. Why were all her children so incapable of fulfilling this simple request?

Alix could see the look of frustration on her mother’s face and quickly decided to override her son. “Step aside Eddie, let me give her this water now.”

“No, no, let me,” Eddie insisted, grabbing the cup from her hands and leaning down at his grandmother while mustering his best Florence Nightingale expression.

When Su Yi was hydrated and feeling more revived, she gazed around her bedroom, as if searching for something. “Where’s Astrid?” she asked.

“Er…Astrid isn’t here at the moment,” Alix said, not wanting to mention anything about the unfolding scandal surrounding her niece. She made eye contact with Eddie, silently warning him not to say anything.

“Astrid went to India,” Eddie announced with a smirk.

Alix glared at her son in dismay. Why was he trying to agitate his grandmother like this?

“Oh good. She went,” Su Yi said.

Eddie couldn’t hide his surprise. “You knew about this? You know about Charlie Wu’s proposal?”

Su Yi said nothing. She closed her eyes, her lips curling into a slight smile. Suddenly she opened her eyes again and looked questioningly at Alix. “And Nicky?”

“Um, what about Nicky?” Alix asked carefully.

“Isn’t he supposed to be back by now?”

“Do you mean you want to see Nicky?” Alix asked, trying to clarify.

“Of course. Where is he?” Su Yi said.

Before Alix could answer, Eddie cut in. “Ah Ma, Nicky unfortunately had to cancel his trip at the last minute. Something came up with work, and he couldn’t make it back just yet. You know how important that history professor job is to him. He had to deliver a lecture on the Intergalactic Wars.”

“Oh,” Su Yi said simply.

Alix stared at her son, amazed by his bold-faced lie. She was about to say something when Su Yi’s lady’s maids entered with the breakfast trays.

“Mummy—” Alix began, when she suddenly felt Eddie grab her arm forcefully from behind and pull her into Su Yi’s dressing room. From there, he took his mother onto the balcony and shut the glass door firmly behind them.

“Eddie, I don’t know what’s gotten into you. What was that nonsense about Nicky? What kind of game are you playing this time?” Alix demanded, squinting at him under the glare of the morning sun.

“I’m not playing any games, Mother. I’m just letting nature take its course.”

Alix stared her son in the eye. “Eddie, I want the truth: Did Ah Ma really tell you that she didn’t want Nicky in the house?”

“She…she almost went into cardiac arrest when I mentioned his name!” Eddie sputtered.

“Then tell me why she just asked for him?”

Eddie paced around the balcony, looking for a shady spot to stand. “Can’t you see that Nicky only wants to see Ah Ma so that he can beg for her forgiveness?”

“Yes, and I’m all for it. Why shouldn’t he be allowed to patch things up with her?”

“Are you crazy or what? Do I really need to spell it out for you? I’m fighting for what’s rightfully mine!”

Alix threw up her hands in exasperation. “You’re delusional, Eddie. Do you really think my mother is going to change her will and leave you Tyersall Park?”

“She already has, Mother! Didn’t you see how Freddie Tan acted the other day after he came to visit Ah Ma?”

“He seemed his usual friendly self to me.”

“Maybe he’s always been friendly to you, but to me, he behaved in a way that he never has. The man has hardly exchanged two words with me over the past thirty years, but the other day, he spoke to me as if I was his biggest client. He told me I was the ‘man of the hour.’ And then he spent an inordinate amount of time talking to me about my watch collection. What does that tell you?”

“Only that Freddie Tan is a watch lunatic like you.”

“No, Mother, Freddie Tan was trying to give me a hint about being the man of the hour in Ah Ma’s new will! He’s already sucking up to us, can’t you see? Now, do you want to ruin all that and see Ah Ma give Nicky this house? The house you grew up in?”

Alix gave a weary sigh. “Eddie, this house is already supposed to be his. We have all known since the day Nicky was born that it was meant for him. He’s a Young.”

“That’s right, he’s a Young, he’s a Young! All my bloody life people have been telling me he’s a Young and I’m just a Cheng. This is all your fault!”

“My fault? I don’t understand you half the time—”

“Why the hell did you have to marry Dad, a complete nobody from Hong Kong? Why couldn’t you marry someone else, like an Aakara or a Leong? Someone with a respectable surname? Didn’t you think of how it would affect your children? Didn’t you realize how it has fucked up my whole life?” Eddie seethed.

Alix looked at her son’s petulant expression and for a moment felt the urge to slap him. Instead, she took a deep breath, sat down on one of the wrought-iron chairs, and said through gritted teeth, “I’m glad I married your father. He may not have inherited an empire or been born a prince, but for me he is far more impressive. He built himself up from nothing to become one of the world’s leading cardiologists, and his hard work has sent you to the best schools and given us a lovely home.”

Eddie laughed mockingly. “A lovely home? Oh my God, Mum, your flat is a disgrace!”

“I think ninety-five percent of the population of Hong Kong would beg to differ. And don’t forget, we even bought you your first flat when you graduated from university to help you get started—”

“Ha! Leo Ming was given a hundred-million-dollar tech company when he graduated.”

Kevin Kwan's books