Return of the Bad Boy (Second Chance #4)

“There’s more.”

How could there be more? The offer to share his home—on a more permanent than a here-and-there basis—was almost everything.

His hands moved to her ribs over her blouse and she squirmed under his warm palms. “You could take my name.”

She quit breathing.

“Take my ring and a vow that lasts until our time on this planet stops.” He pushed his hands under her shirt, his fingers tickling the bare skin of her back. His eyes burned into hers, filled to overflowing with love. And it was all for her.

She felt her lips curve into a shaky smile.

“There she is,” he muttered, smiling back at her. “Love me?”

She nodded.

“Need to hear it,” he said with a slight headshake.

“I do!” she barked. “I just…feel silly blurting it out.”


“Asher.” She rolled her eyes. “Fine, I love you.”

“Prove it. Marry me.” He grinned.

A sharp gasp was the only thing between them. That was her. Trying to catch her breath. Trying to regulate her heart, which was galloping for the hills right about now.

“No one makes a better team than we do. You can be my wife, be Hawk’s stepmom. Be the daughter my parents are thrilled they never had to rear through teenage years.”

Oh, she wanted all of that. But wasn’t it too much all at once? Moving in, marriage, being a stepparent…maybe being a real parent in the future. Yeah, she was going to hyperventilate.

“God, I’m scared,” she admitted in a dry whisper.

“Don’t be scared. You’re marrying a Knight.” His brow lifted and his lips formed a cocky smile.

“I didn’t say yes yet,” she said, eyes narrowing to block out his insanely attractive face.

“Yeah, you did.”

“Well, then where’s my ring?” She folded her arms, teasing him now, which she knew he expected “There’s a jeweler on Endless Avenue.” Asher took both her hands in his and helped her off the desk.

“Do you ever plan ahead for anything?” Her knees shook as she followed him. He couldn’t be serious.

He gestured her out the door and, still smiling, locked the office behind them. She hadn’t even seen him swipe her keys. He threaded their fingers together and led her down the block. “It’s across from Cup of Jo’s, right? Want to get a coffee first?”

How could he be so casual? At her alarmed expression, he grinned. A few steps later, she froze on the sidewalk, mind whirring and blood rushing to her toes. Their arms stretched straight between them and her mind flashed back to one warm summer night on the beach, seconds before he led her inside and made love to her on the bathroom floor.

What are you doing?

Making you want it, honey.

He stopped walking and turned to face her.

“My God. You did it.” She went to him, steps slow, her eyes on his and her heart in her throat.

“Did what?” A gusty breeze kicked the dark hair off his forehead. His brown eyes twinkled in the sunlight. Above his shadowed jaw, his lips flinched.

“You made me want it.” Amazing. Years and years of practice at not allowing herself to want things, at denying herself connections and relationships…“You made me want you,” she said. “A future. A son. A…husband. You made me want to love you. You made me want it all.”

“Only fair, Sarge.” Keeping hold of her hand, he towed her close and dropped a kiss onto her mouth. “You made me want it first.”

She kissed him again and he returned it with enthusiasm—so much of it, she was vaguely aware of a passerby clearing his throat. Asher lifted his lips from hers and smiled.

Together they walked to the Cove’s premiere jewelry store, Treasure Trove, and he picked out the biggest diamond ring they had in the place. Of course, Gloria argued and picked one with a few less carats. Asher argued back, and the clerk excused himself to give them a minute.

Gloria explained to him she didn’t need a ring to knock against her desk or countertops, or one that would be in the way while she was chasing Hawk.

She didn’t need a ring at all.

But she wanted it.


I’m not sure I should go,” Gloria mumbled around her toothbrush. She leaned forward, spit into one of the double sinks, then toweled off her mouth.

“Sarge, since when was you not going an option?” Asher hoisted an eyebrow, swiping the last of the shaving cream from his neck with a towel.

“I just want to be extra super double sure that it’s okay.” She dropped her toothbrush in a drawer and shut it, regarding his reflection dubiously.

A sexy smile tilted the side of his mouth before he turned toward her. The damn charmer.

Jessica Lemmon's books