Rendezvous With Yesterday (The Gifted Ones #2)

“He says naught other than that his men found a wounded man nigh Fosterly’s border who claims I was the one who ran him through.”

Beth groaned and threw up her hands. “Well, didn’t he think you’d be curious? The suspense is going to kill me!” Suddenly, she perked up, her face brightening in a way that warned Robert he would not like the next words that emerged from her lips. “I’m going with you.”

“Nay, Beth,” he countered, hoping to head off the determination he could see raising her chin and straightening her shoulders. “You will remain here.”

“No way.” Turning, she started to hurry away.

“Beth—” He broke off when she spun around and returned to his side.

Leaning up onto her toes, she grasped his shoulders, tugged him down until her lips could reach his ear, and whispered, “Does Marcus know about the secret passage?”

“Aye.” Dillon, Alyssa, Michael, Marcus, Adam and Stephen—all of those he trusted absolutely—knew.

Her heels hit the floor. “Good. Don’t leave until I get back.”

While Robert frowned and a bemused Marcus watched, she raced for the secret passage, opened it, and disappeared into the darkness.

Robert looked at Marcus. “Think you I can don my armor and leave ere Lady Bethany comes charging back in here, intent on accompanying me?”


“Nor do I. But let us try.”

Beth catapulted herself back into the solar via the passage just as Robert was buckling on his sword belt. “Okay. I’m ready,” she announced, breathless. She had managed to don another of Alyssa’s gowns in record time. The kirtle was olive green and laced up the sides. The linen undertunic was bright white. Both were just short enough on her to leave the toes of her boots exposed.

“Beth,” Robert began with a forbidding expression, “you will not accompany me.”

“Aye, I will,” she insisted, fastening the end of her long braid with her elastic tie. “I don’t know how the justice system works here, but if you’re heading over there to kick your enemy’s arse, I’m damned well going to be there to cheer you on.”

Marcus stifled a laugh.

Robert, however, looked less than amused. He crossed his arms over his chest and widened his stance. “I know you better than that, love. You say you want to watch me punish the blackguard who has been attacking my people, but, in truth, what you wish to do is guard my back.”

Beth opened her mouth to protest, then closed it again. Bringing her own arms up and crossing them under her breasts, she mirrored his stance. “So? A man can’t have too many friends at his back. Isn’t that right, Marcus?”

Marcus eyed Robert warily before answering. “Though my lord’s glare advises me to say otherwise, my lady, I must agree with you. Why do I not go in your stead? Then I can ensure Lord Robert’s safety as well as your own.”

Robert threw his arms up in apparent frustration. “Saints! Have you both forgotten that I am fully capable of fighting my own battles? Has my inability to apprehend my enemy myself so eroded your faith in me?”

“Nay!” Marcus hastened to deny.

“No!” Beth practically shouted at the same time. She did not want Robert to think they doubted him and proceeded to praise his skills as a warrior as effusively as she could.

Marcus did the same, each of them talking over the other.

“Enough!” Robert barked.

Silence settled upon them.

“Maybe,” Beth suggested tentatively, “we could all go. Then I could meet your neighbor.”

“Beth, you will remain here at Fosterly. With Marcus,” he added, glaring at his squire. “Michael, Stephen, and Adam will accompany me. We will be in no danger.”

“You don’t know that,” she persisted. Damn it. She had to go with him.

“I am not riding into battle, sweetling,” he said with exaggerated patience. “The man has already been taken. Lord Edward has no doubt confined him to his dungeon.”

“Well, how do you know this isn’t a trap?” Beth countered, the anxiety that had crept up on her as she had dressed increasing, every instinct telling her she needed to remain by Robert’s side. “Maybe there are two of them. Or more.” When her hands began to shake, she drew her damp palms down the sides of her skirt. Her heart began to beat more quickly. Her body began to tremble.

She felt panicky all of a sudden as memories converged on her and fear for Robert’s safety grew.

Dianne Duvall's books