Rendezvous With Yesterday (The Gifted Ones #2)

His dark brows furrowed suddenly as he glanced at the donjon. “I should see to Miles and Winston first. I regret I was able to do so little for them earlier. Do either of them still live?”

Beth blanched. Her throat moved in a swallow. “I don’t know. I think so. I hope so.” She turned troubled eyes up to Robert’s and squeezed his hand. “I need to talk to you.”

No sooner had she spoken the words than she turned and began to drag him after her up the steps and into the keep.

Robert would have continued on into the great hall to check on his men, but Beth had other ideas.

Tightening her hold on him, she veered left to the narrow staircase and tugged him up behind her.


“I want to make sure you really aren’t hurt.”

He struggled to keep his attention off the shapely bottom swaying in front of him. Her sodden clothing and cloak clung to every luscious curve. “I assure you I am well.”

“I know. But when you thought I was injured, I showed you my wounds or lack thereof. It’s only fair that you do the same for me.”

A wicked grin curved his lips as he followed her down the corridor and into his solar. Closing the door behind him, he faced her. “Ahhh. So that is it,” he teased. “You wish to play that fascinating game you mentioned down by the river: I’ll show you mine, if you’ll show me yours. Well, I am more than happy to oblige you.”

She did not laugh as he had expected her to. Nor did she force a scowl and try unsuccessfully to keep her lips from twitching as she delivered one of her jesting punches.

Nay, she did none of those things.

Shocking Robert to his core, she dropped her cloak, closed the distance between them, and stretched up onto her toes to capture his lips in a kiss that stole his breath. Her small hands tunneled through his hair, her fingernails lightly raking his scalp and raising goose flesh on his arms.

Robert groaned.

Giving his hair a little tug, she drew his head down and deepened the contact. Her tongue stroked the seam of his lips, then delved within.

Lust pierced him like a knife, so quick and intense it was almost painful. Cupping her neck with one hand, he splayed his other across her back, collapsed back against the door and braced his long legs a shoulder’s width apart. “Beth.”

Beth’s heart, already pounding fit to burst from her breast, leapt when Robert whispered her name with such longing. She might have initiated the kiss, but he swiftly took control, seducing her with every stroke of his tongue and every caress of his hand on her back, her waist, her hip. Eager to kindle the flames stirring to life inside her, she moved between his legs and leaned into his muscular frame.

A low groan rumbled from his chest. The hand at her hip slid down to clasp her bottom and draw her even closer. “Help me out of this damned armor,” he growled. “I want to feel you against me.”

Nodding, unable to produce a coherent word, Beth hastily divested him of his wet surcoat and began tugging on his mailed hauberk with fingers that shook.

She had never felt this way before. Had never needed someone so badly. Had never wanted a man so much that she thought she would shatter if he didn’t touch her again.

Only their jagged breaths broke the quiet as they worked, soon accompanied by the chink of mailed links moving and the plop of sopping-wet fabric hitting the floor.

When at last Robert stood only in his shirt, braies and hose, Beth stared. Moisture rendered the pale garments nearly transparent, gifting her with a heart-stopping glimpse of his beautiful, very aroused body.

Her mouth went dry as she met his gaze. Desire burned brightly in his arresting blue eyes, darkening them until they appeared almost black.

But they held tenderness, too. And concern.

Unbidden, tears stung the backs of her eyes.

Robert gently cradled her face in his palms. “Tell me, Beth.”

“I was so afraid you would be killed,” she whispered brokenly. “I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you, Robert.” She hadn’t realized just how attached to him she had become until she had watched him ride through those gates to risk his life in battle.

He had been her rock, her anchor, since she had come to this place and time.

He had been her friend. And so much more.

Robert stilled at her words. Bending, he pressed a light kiss to her forehead, touched his lips to hers, then drew her into a tender embrace. “Your words warm my heart, Beth, for I feel the same way.”

Sighing, she snuggled closer. “You’re not upset, are you? Because I was worried?” He didn’t believe she thought him weak, did he?

“Nay. I know you meant no insult. But you should trust me when I tell you that I am more than capable of defending myself. There are many who think me quite skilled in battle.”

She did not doubt that. Sniffing back tears, she actually found a smile. “Marcus thinks you’re the best. He thinks you’re invincible.”

Dianne Duvall's books