Rendezvous With Yesterday (The Gifted Ones #2)

“Beth, I do not understand. Why are you so distressed?”

“B-because it means I’m c-crazy after all!” Her sobs grew louder, her breath hiccuping in between them. “I’m m-mad! I’m looney! I’m w-wacky in the wicky woo! I’m c-completely nuts!”

Rendered helpless by her tears, Robert let her duck her head and bury her face in his surcoat once more. “You think you are mad? That is why you ran?”

“Yes. Th-This can’t be real. It’s just n-not possible. It’s all some c-crazy hallucination.”

“Nay, Beth, ’tis not. You are not mad. You are merely weary.”

“Of c-course you’d say that. Y-You’re a hallucination, too.”

He smiled. “I assure you I am quite real.”

“N-no you’re not. I m-made you up in my head. I knew you were t-too good to be true! I kn-knew it!”

Chuckling, he tipped her chin up with one finger. “You think me a mere apparition conjured by a broken mind?”

She nodded miserably and bit her lip again, drawing his gaze to it.

His pulse leapt. “Then I suppose I shall have to prove otherwise.”

She was mid-hiccup when he dipped his head and touched his lips to hers. He meant it to be a brief kiss, as light as a breeze. But lightning struck.

At least, that was how it felt.

One tiny taste and sizzling heat arced through his veins, robbing him of his will and coaxing him to deepen the contact.

Beth froze in his arms, her only movement the erratic lifting of her breasts against his chest by residual sobs, and the softening of her full, pink lips.

Then she tentatively returned the gentle pressure.

And he was lost.

Combing his fingers through her soft, fragrant hair, Robert cupped the back of her head, tilting it to allow him greater access. He splayed his other hand across her back, urging her closer until her body was flush against his own. She tasted so good. As good as she had in his dreams last night. Heated, erotic fantasies that had led him to fondle her sweet curves in his sleep and awaken hard and longing to fulfill every one.

Her hands crept up his chest, slid over his shoulders, and dove into his hair.

Heart racing, Robert drew his tongue across the seam of her lips.

They parted on another gasp.

Groaning, he took swift advantage and delved within, exploring, caressing, stroking, and inflaming.

She moaned in response and rose onto her toes, sinking fully into him as her tongue dueled with his own.

Robert felt his control begin to slip and fought the need to slide his hands down those formfitting breeches, cup the bottom that had been rubbing against him, and grind her hard against his arousal.

A sensual shudder shook him.

Or, better yet, lift her up so she could wrap her legs around him and cradle him in between.

Dragging his lips from hers, he clutched her tightly for several heart-pounding seconds, then forced himself to relax his hold.

Both were breathless.

He leaned back just enough to look down at her. Tears no longer fell, he was pleased to see. Instead, desire lit the eyes she raised to meet his own.

“Would an apparition do that?” he inquired, voice husky, already regretting the moment he would have to release her.

Her lips tilted up in a ghost of a smile. “Probably. But n-not half so well. My imagination isn’t that sharp.”

He laughed.

She sobered. “I’m serious, Robert. I really do think I’m crazy.”

“And I am just as certain you are not.” Tenderly, he smoothed the hair back from her face. “Either way I will not abandon you.”

“You say that now, but…”

“You may tell me all once we reach Fosterly,” he assured her. “You will accompany me the rest of the way to my home, will you not?”

She sighed. “Aye.”

He had a feeling she agreed simply because she believed she had nowhere else to go. “I must ask a boon of you first.”

Her gaze turned wary. “What kind of boon?”

“That you do not use your weapons to harm any of my people.”

Her eyebrows rose. “You’d take a crazy person’s word for it?”

“I would take your word for it.”

She nodded. “Okay. I promise not to shoot anyone.”

“You have my gratitude.”

“Unless they try to hurt me. Or you. Then all bets are off.”

He smiled, understanding her meaning, if not all of her words. She still wished to protect him. “As you wish. Now, what say you? Shall we continue our journey?”

“Wait.” She grabbed his arm as he started to turn away.

“Aye?” She had not changed her mind already, had she?

A small, curious smile lit her tear-ravaged features. “Give me another kiss first. Just to settle my nerves.”

Grinning, Robert was more than happy to oblige.

Chapter Eight

Dianne Duvall's books